Uncaught typeerror: cannot redefine property: betterjspop

If you’ve ever come across the error message in your JavaScript code, that reads:

Uncaught typeerror: cannot redefine property: betterjspop

This error occurs when we try to redefine or modify a property that has already been defined, and it can be caused by various reasons such as:

  • duplicate variable declarations
  • conflicting property names
  • using the Object.defineProperty() method incorrectly

So in this article, we will explore the examples and provide some solutions on how to resolve it in your code.

What is Uncaught typeerror: cannot redefine property: betterjspop?

The “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property ‘betterjspop'” error means that we are trying to redefine or modify a property called “betterjspop” in our code, but it has already been defined somewhere else and cannot be changed.

This error commonly occurs when we are trying to declare a variable or function that has already been declared or defined in your code, or in a library or framework that you are using.

Here are some examples that can cause the “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property ‘betterjspop'” error:

Example 1:

var betterjspop = "hello";
var betterjspop = "itsourcecode";

In this example, the variable betterjspop is being declared twice, which causes the error.

The second declaration is trying to redefine the property that has already been defined with the first declaration.

Example 2:

var object = {};
Object.defineProperty(object, 'betterjspop', {
  value: 'hello',
  writable: false
Object.defineProperty(object, 'betterjspop', {
  value: 'itsourcecode'

In this example, the Object.defineProperty() method is being used to define the betterjspop property on an object.

The first definition sets the writable property to false, which means that the property cannot be modified.

The second definition tries to redefine the betterjspop property, which causes the error.

How to fix Uncaught typeerror: cannot redefine property: betterjspop

Here are some solutions for the “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property ‘betterjspop'” error:

Solution 1: Remove the duplicate declaration

In the case where a variable is being declared twice, remove the second declaration to fix the error.

For example:

var betterjspop = "hello";
// var betterjspop = "itsourcecode";  // remove this line

Solution 2: Use a different name for your variable or property

If you need to use a property name that has already been defined, use a different name for your variable or property to avoid conflicts.

For example:

var myBetterJSPop = "hello";
Object.defineProperty(object, 'myBetterJSPop', {
  value: 'itsourcecode'

Solution 3: Use the “configurable” option in Object.defineProperty()

If you need to redefine a property that has already been defined using Object.defineProperty(), set the configurable option to true in the first definition.

This will allow the property to be redefined later.

For example:

var object = {};
Object.defineProperty(object, 'betterjspop', {
  value: 'hello',
  writable: false,
  configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(object, 'betterjspop', {
  value: 'itsourcecode'

Solution 4: Use strict mode

Enabling strict mode in your JavaScript code can help prevent the redefinition of properties.

In strict mode, attempting to redefine a property will throw a syntax error instead of a type error.

To enable strict mode, add the following line at the beginning of your JavaScript file:

'use strict';

Anyway here are some other fixed typeerror wherein you can refer to try when you might face these errors:


In conclusion, by following these solutions, you can resolve the “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property ‘betterjspop'” error in your code.

That’s all for this article. I hope you have learned and fixed the error you are encountering.

Thank you! 😊