typeerror expected ptr cv umat for argument s [SOLVED]

In this article, we will discuss what “Typeerror expected ptr cv umat for argument s” means, what are its causes of it, and how to solve it.

We will also provide some FAQs to answer common questions which are related to this error.

If you’re working in OpenCV library, you might encounter one of this error: “TypeError: Expected Ptrcv::UMat for argument s”. This error can be frustrating and confusing, especially for a beginner in OpenCV programming.

Before we proceed to the solutions to solve this error, we will first know the meaning of OpenCV.

What is OpenCV?

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source computer vision and machine learning software library.

It is widely used in multiple applications, consist of robotics, augmented reality, medical imaging, and security systems.

Furthermore, the OpenCV is written in C++ and it will able to used with Python, Java, and MATLAB.

Why this typeerror: expected ptr cv umat for argument s occur?

The error message “TypeError: Expected Ptrcv::UMat for argument s” usually occurs if you are trying to pass an invalid argument to a function that expects a pointer to an OpenCV UMat.

There are multiple reasons why this error occurs, as follows:

  • You are passing a non-UMat object to a function that expects a UMat.
  • Make sure don’t forget to initialize a UMat object before using it.
  • Maybe you are using an outdated or incompatible version of OpenCV.

Also, you might interested to read the other fixed python error you can visit the link below:

How to solve the Error expected ptr cv umat for argument s?

Now that you already know the causes the “TypeError Expected Ptr Cv Umat for Argument S” error, next let’s look at how to solve it.

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Here are some steps you can follow to solve the “TypeError Expected Ptr Cv ‘Umat’ for Argument S” error:

  • Step 1: Check the Input Argument

    The first step in solving this error is to check the input argument that you are passing to the function. Make sure that an input argument is a UMat object, and it has been correctly initialized.

    If the input argument isn’t a UMat object, you must convert it to a UMat object before passing it to the function.

  • Step 2: Check the Function Documentation

    Another important step is to check the documentation of the function that is generating the error. Ensure that you’re passing the correct argument to the function, and that argument has the correct data type.

  • Step 3: Update or Reinstall OpenCV

    If the above steps don’t work, you need to update or reinstall OpenCV. Make sure that you are using the latest version of OpenCV, and that it is compatible with your operating system and programming environment.

    To update or reinstall OpenCV, you can use the following command in the terminal or command prompt:

    pip install opencv-python --upgrade

    This command will use pip, a package manager for Python, to upgrade the OpenCV package to its latest version. If OpenCV isn’t currently installed, this command will install the latest version.

    Alternatively, if you want to reinstall OpenCV, you can use the following command:

    This command will uninstall the current version of OpenCV:
    pip uninstall opencv-python

    This command will install the latest version of OpenCV:
    pip install opencv-python


What is a UMat in OpenCV?

A UMat is a class in OpenCV that performs a multi-dimensional array, and it is used for image processing and computer vision operations.

How do I convert a non-UMat object to a UMat object in OpenCV?

You can use the cv::UMat() constructor to create a UMat object from a non-UMat object.

Can I use OpenCV with Python?

Yes, OpenCV can be used with Python, as well as Java and MATLAB.


In conclusion of this article, we’ve gone over the common causes of this error and provided some tips on how to solve it. By following these tips, you can avoid this error in the future and write more efficient and effective code.

Remember, debugging is an essential part of the programming process, and encountering errors like this is a natural part of the learning process. Don’t be discouraged if you encounter this error, instead use it as an opportunity to learn and improve your coding skills.

So next time you encounter the “TypeError Expected Ptr Cv Umat for Argument S” error, don’t panic. Simply follow the steps outlined in this article, and you’ll be able to run your code smoothly.

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