Typeerror bad operand type for unary float [SOLVED]

In this article, you will be able to learn how to solve the “typeerror bad operand type for unary float” error.

What do you think this error is, and why does it occur?

To answer your thoughts, check out this article.

What is TypeError?

Typeerror is an error in Python that arises when an operation or function is applied to a value of an improper type.

This error indicates that the data type of an object isn’t compatible with the operation or function that is being used.

What is typeerror bad operand type for unary float?

The typeerror bad operand type for unary float is an error message in Python.

This error occurs when you attempt to use a nonvalid operation on a floating-point number.

Bad Operand Type

The bad operand type is an error message in Python.

This arises when we attempt to execute an operation using an operand of a non-valid data type.

What are operands?

In Python, operands are referred to as the variables that are part of an operation.

Here is an example:

Sample expression – (x + y)

In the given sample expression above, the operands are x and y.

For additional knowledge, here is a brief definition of Python:

Python is one of the most popular programming languages.

It is used for developing a wide range of applications.

In addition, Python is a high-level programming language that is used by most developers due to its flexibility.

Typeerror bad operand type for unary float – SOLUTION

Time needed: 2 minutes

To fix the typeerror bad operand type for unary float;

You have to use the appropriate operation for a floating-point number.

Here is the guide on how to fix this error:

  1. Review your code.

    The first step is to review your code to determine where the error occurred.

  2. Identify.

    Next, you need to identify the line that is responsible for the error.

  3. Use the appropriate operator.

    Use the appropriate operator for the particular data type you are using.

    For example, use the negative (-) operator like this:

    x = 0.10
    y = -1 * x



  4. Verify documentation.

    Make sure to verify the documentation if you are using a library or an external function.

    This is to be sure that you are giving the right data type and format as inputs.

  5. Versions compatibility.

    Lastly, assure that your Python and other libraries are compatible to avoid such errors.

    For example, outdated versions of Python or libraries can cause problems with data types.

Tips to avoid getting Typeerrors

The following are some tips to avoid getting type errors in Python.

  1. Avoid using the built-in data types in Python in the wrong way.

    → Be sure that your variables and data structures are using the correct data types.
  1. Always check or confirm the types of your variables.

    → To check the types of your variables, use the type() function.

    This will allow you to confirm if the type of your variable is appropriate.
  1. Be clear and concise when writing code.

    → Being clear and concise when writing your code can help you avoid typeerrors.

    It is because it will become easier to understand.
  1. Handle the error by using try-except blocks.

    → Try using the try-except blocks to catch and handle any typeerror.
  1. Use the built-in functions of Python if needed.

    → Use built-in functions such as int()str(), etc., if you need to convert a variable to a different type.


In conclusion, the typeerror bad operand type for unary float is a Python error that can be easily solved by:

Using the appropriate operation for a floating-point number.

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I hope you have learned a lot from this.

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