CheckBox Control in – Properties, Methods and Events

What is CheckBox Control in

The CheckBox Control in is a control that lets the user select or deselect alternatives from the list of choices.

A checkmark or tick will show up on the Windows form when a checkbox is chosen.

In this lesson, we shall learn How To Write a Program for CheckBox in

Let’s create CheckBoxes in by dragging CheckBox controls from the Toolbox and dropping them on the form.

CheckBox Control in Tutorial
CheckBox Control Tutorial

The three possible states for the CheckBox Control in are checked, unchecked, and indeterminate.

The checkbox is grayed out in the uncertain condition.

The check box’s Three State property is set to True to enable the indeterminate state.

Properties of CheckBox Control in

The following given below are some commonly used Properties of the CheckBox Control in

#CheckBox Control in PropertiesDescription
1.DefaultIt is used to get the default size of the checkbox.
2.AutoCheckThe AutoCheck property is used to check whether the checked value or appearance of control can be automatically changed when the user clicked on the CheckBox control.
3.CheckAlignIt is used to set the checkmark’s alignment, such as horizontal or vertical on the checkbox.
4.AppearanceThe Appearance property is used to display the appearance of a checkbox control by setting a value.
5.CheckStateThe CheckState property is used to verify whether the checkbox status is checked in the window form.
6.ThreeStateThe ThreeState property is used to check whether the control allows one to set three check positions instead of two by setting values.
7.FlatStyleIt is used to obtain or set the flat appearance of a checkbox.
Properties and Description of CheckBox in

Methods of CheckBox Control in

The following given below are some commonly used Methods of CheckBox Control in

#CheckBox Control in MethodsDescription
1.OnClickThe OnClick method is used to fetch the Click event in the CheckBox control.
2.OnCheckStateChangedIt is used to call the CheckStateChanged event in the CheckBox control.
3.ToStringThe ToString method is used to return the current string of the CheckBox control.
4.OnCheckedChangedWhen the Checked property is changed in the CheckBox control, the OnCheckedChanged events occur.
5.OnMouseUpIt is used when it receives the OnMouseUp event in the CheckBox control.
Methods and Description of CheckBox in

Events of CheckBox Control in

The following given below are some commonly used Events of the CheckBox Control in

#CheckBox Control in EventDescription
1.CheckedChangedThe CheckedChanged event is found when the value of the checked property is changed to CheckBox.
2.DoubleClickIt occurs when the user performs a double click on the CheckBox control.
3.CheckStateChangedIt occurs when the value of the CheckState property changes to the CheckBox control.
4.AppearanceChangedIt occurs when the property of the Appearance is changed to the CheckBox control.
Events and Description of CheckBox in

CheckBox Windows Form

Let’s create a program to understand the uses of CheckBox control in Windows Form.

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        Dim prog As String
        prog = " "
        If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
            prog = "Python"
        End If
        If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then
            'fruit = CheckBox2.Text  
            prog = prog & "," & ""
        End If
        If CheckBox3.Checked = True Then
            prog = prog & "," & " Java"
        End If
        If CheckBox4.Checked = True Then
            prog = prog & "," & " PHP"
        End If
        If CheckBox5.Checked = True Then
            prog = prog & "," & " JavaScript"
        End If
        If CheckBox6.Checked = True Then
            prog = prog & "," & " C/C++"
        End If
        If CheckBox7.Checked = True Then
            prog = prog & "," & " C#"
        End If
        If CheckBox8.Checked = True Then
            prog = prog & "," & ""
        End If
        If prog.Length <> 0 Then
            MsgBox(" Selected Programming languages: " & prog)
        End If
        CheckBox1.ThreeState = True
    End Sub
End Class

Program Output:

CheckBox Control in Form Output
CheckBox Control Form Output

Now select the Most Programming Language Used by clicking on the items.

CheckBox Control in Form Selecting Items
CheckBox Control Form Selecting Items

Now click on the Submit button, it displays the following output on your screen.

CheckBox Control in Form Display Message Box
CheckBox Control Form Display Message Box

Difference Between Option Button and CheckBox in

The Difference Between Option Button and CheckBox in, You can choose more than one item in the Check box.

If you click a radio button, a small dot appears in the center of the circle.

if you click a check box, a small checkmark appears in the center of the square.

If you click a different choice, the dot will move to the center of the new circle that you have selected in the radio button.

if you click a check box, another check appears in the new box, and the frog will appear.


In this article we have discussed how to create a program for CheckBox in using Microsoft Visual Studio, we have learned how to use and manage the different Properties, Methods, and Events of the CheckBox in

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