Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1| Documentation

Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1| Documentation

This Document about Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1 will give you a head start on completing your own thesis project.

With this full Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1, you will be able to get the main idea of what will the content of Attendance Monitoring System Introduction.

Steps to Make Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1

Time needed: 30 minutes

Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1

  1. Project Context

    (Should be at least 2 pages of presentation and discussion)
    What will the researcher do?
    The researcher must describe its prevailing issues based on his experience when introducing the research problem. The project context gives a strong justification for choosing such a research problem based on his/her capacity. Finally, in the project context, provide a statement that shows the relationship among the rationale of the study to the proposed research problem.

  2. Purpose and Description

    The researcher should discuss what would be the main purpose of developing the proposed system. The researcher should give a brief description of the proposed system

  3. Objectives

    A research objective is a concrete statement that describes what the researcher is trying to achieve. A well-worded objective will be SMART, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

    Specific objectives are short term and constricted in focus. General objectives can be broken into smaller parts to form specific objectives. Most of all, specific objectives give a clearer vision of what the study is trying to achieve.

  4. Scope and Limitations

    The scope explains the nature, coverage and time frame of the study.
    The limitation, on the other hand, explains all that is NOT included in your project.

  5. Significance of the Study

    ­Describes the contributions of the study as new knowledge and makes findings more conclusive.
    Also, it cites the usefulness of the study to certain groups. Then, cite all the persons and groups that would benefit from the study. Of course, the researchers should include themselves.

  6. Definition of terms

    The definition of terms gives definition to the major terms that are relevant to your study.
    Lastly, the definition can either be connotative or denotative in relation to the study only.

Attendance monitoring system Thesis chapter 1: Project Context

In our life today, the computer is one of many inventions that greatly affect our way of living. In fact, it is noted as an essential tool in many areas including business, government, industry, sciences, education, school, home, and in almost any company and establishment that existed.

It can perform process data rapidly, accurately and reliable and by using these machines, spending a lot of time and effort in doing a certain task is minimized. Computer nowadays has become the most needs of data and information processing.

Computers have been very effective in many fields of work and study. It certainly helps man to make his task much easier and with great precision. In schools and universities, computers are used to maintain the basic flow of data and information and checking the credit status of the students.

The computer is very useful in performing a great task in data and information processing, securing files, data, and information of the schools and people belong to it. Computer programmers now a day try to build and develop high-quality systems that are very useful.

A computerized management system maintains the standard flow of data and information with highly secured and make data processing faster and easier. These computerized systems help one person, company, organization or any type of management agency throughout the world to enhance and develop its general profile.

School attendance is a baseline factor in determining student success. (Great Schools Staff, 2016) The attendance is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently.

It’s difficult for the teacher and the class to build their expertise and growth if a large number of students are often absent. In addition to falling behind in academics, students who are not in school on a regular basis are more likely to get into difficulty with the law and cause problems in their communities.

Attendance monitoring system Thesis chapter 1: Purpose and Description

The purpose of this study (Attendance Monitoring System Thesis) is to identify the problems regarding the attendance monitoring of the RTTNHS Su-ay Ext and to implement what is needed by the school.

This study is to enhance students’ and teachers’ attendance performance and school security. This study will develop a system to help the staff and make their attendance monitoring easy and their work with less effort.

With the system, provides a user-friendly environment and effective performance system, this will provide an easier and faster access to the data of every student and teacher in their Attendance Report.


The objective of this study (Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1) is to give a solution to the problem in the existing system and to create a system that will help the school to make the attendance monitoring more accurate and to prove that the system developed is effective and helpful.

This study is generally to monitor the students and teachers; attendance and to evaluate performance, according to their attendance. Specifically, this will answer the following objectives;

Specific Objectives
1. To allow teachers to monitor students who are not actively attending the school.
2. To secure the attendance record of the students and teachers.
3. To automate summary and remarks for attendance, the participation of every student.

Attendance monitoring system Thesis chapter 1: Scope and Limitations

The proposed Attendance Monitoring System is designed and developed for the school year 2016-2017 at Raymundo T. Tongson National High School Su-ay Extension. There were 350 students from Grade 7 to Grade 10. It has 12 teaching staff, including the Teacher-In charge as the school head.

The design and platform of the project is a windows-based system that manages the user and client registration and provides the functionality of recording the individual records of the students and teachers. The system also provides a search capability and generates reports of the attendance.

Significance of the Study

Administrator. The school administrator can easily monitor both student’s and teacher’s daily attendance.

Parents. The parents can have a record of their student attendance for the purpose of information about the performance of their students.

Student. The students can easily enter and record their daily attendance in a timely manner and have the record when they needed.

Teachers. The teachers can easily enter and record their daily attendance in a timely manner and have the record when they needed.

Future Researchers. The future researchers can use our study as their guide of reference for their future researchers that are related to the database management system.

Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1: Definition of Terms

For clarification and common understanding, the keywords used in the study (Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1) were defined as follows:

Attendance. the act or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event. Operationally, attendance refers to the number of students and teachers that are present (, 2016).

Automation. The technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a minimum. (

Computer Hardware. is the collection of physical components that constitute a computer system. (, 2016).

Database . is a collection of information that is coordinated so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. In one view, databases can be classified according to types of content (Kathuria, 2014).

Information System.  is any organized system for the collection, organization, storage, and communication of information.  Operationally, the information system refers to all the manual and computer-based application systems of the attendance monitoring system of RTTNHS Su-ay Extension. (, 2016).

MySQL. is an open-source relational database management system used in AMS for RTTNHS Su-ay Ext. (, 2016).

RTTNHS Su-ay Ext. Operationally define as Raymundo T. Tongson National High School Su-ay Extension.
AMS. operationally define as an Attendance Monitoring System that is used to monitor the attendance of an individual in a specific time and place.

Technology . is the collection of skills, techniques, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the fulfillment of objectives. (, 2016).


This Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1 document is a student project and you can copy and modify this to suit your needs. Especially if you are doing your Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Document.

I think you are now ready to jump in Attendance Monitoring System Thesis chapter 2 that deals with the background of the study.

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What is Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1?

The Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1 will serve as the engine that drives all the rest of the documents. Once a word or phrase is substantiated, use the exact word or phrase throughout the thesis or capstone project.

What to be Establish in Writing Chapter 1?

In Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1, once a word or phrase is established, you will use it all throughout the study. The content is connected and repetitive from study to study.

What would be the content of Project Context?

It should be at least 2 pages of presentation and discussion and Provide a statement that shows the relationship among the rationale of the study to the proposed research problem.

What would the researcher discuss in Project Context?

The researcher must describe its prevailing issues based on his experience when introducing the research problem. The project context gives a strong justification for choosing such a research problem based on his/her capacity.

What is the Research Objectives?

A research objective is a concrete statement that describes what the researcher is trying to achieve. A well-worded objective will be SMART, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

What is General Objectives?

General objectives are extensive goals to be achieved and are usually less in number.

What is the Specific Objectives?

Specific objectives are short term and constricted in focus. General objectives can be broken into smaller parts to form specific objectives. Most of all, specific objectives give a clearer vision of what the study is trying to achieve.

What is the Scope and Limitations of the Research

The scope explains the nature, coverage and time frame of the study. The limitation, on the other hand, explains all that is NOT included in your project.

2 thoughts on “Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Chapter 1| Documentation”

  1. Hello po, I’m a Filipino student. I recently watched your YouTube video about Attendance Monitoring System, the video was about 3 years ago from now and I can’t find where to download it’s full source code from this link. I hope you can help me, thank you.

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