Movie Recommendation System Project In Python Source Code

This Movie Recommendation System Project In Python is a simple system that can add, view, and search movie items.

A Movie Management System Project In Python is useful as a model of how to construct a simple CRUD system within Python.

Project Information’s

Project Name:Movie Recommendation System In Python
Language/s Used:Python Console Based
Python version (Recommended):2.x or 3.x
Type:Python App
Movie Recommendation System In Python – Project Information

About The Project

This simple project has an iml file to store the current movie details. Also, this is a simple cmd based project which is easy to understand and use.

The project file contains a python script ( Talking about the system, it allows the user to add and delete movies from the records, view the records, and so on.

While adding movies to record items, the user has to enter the movie name, its director, genre, and year. The system shows the movie record in a list view.

Also, the user can search for an item as it contains a search function too. In short, this projects mainly focus on CRUD with a search function.

To start executing Movie Recommendation System Project In Python, make sure that you have installed Python 3.9 and PyCharm in your computer.

Movie Recommendation System Project In Python With Source Code : Steps on how to run the project

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on how to run Movie Recommendation System Project In Python With Source Code

  • Step 1: Download the given source code below.

    First, download the given source code below and unzip the source code.
    movie recommendation system download source code

  • Step 2: Import the project to your PyCharm IDE.

    Next, import the source code you’ve download to your PyCharm IDE.
    movie recommendation system open project

  • Step 3: Run the project.

    last, run the project with the command “py”
    movie recommendation system run project

Code Explanations

1. Choices Menu


movies = []
START = "\nEnter 'a' to add a movie, \n 'l' to see your movies, \n 'f' to find a movie by title, \n or 'q' to quit: "

user_selection = {
    'a': add_movie,
    'l': list_movies,
    'f': find_title

def menu():
    selection = input(START).lower()
    while selection != 'q':
        if selection in user_selection:
            selected_action = user_selection[selection]
            print("Unknown command. Please choose within available options: 'a', 'f', 'l' or 'q' to close the app.")
        selection = input(START)
    print('Thank you for using the app. See you next time!')

if __name__ == '__main__':


The code given above are the menus of the project.

2. Add Movie Function


def add_movie():
    title = input("Enter title of the film: ")
    director = input("Enter director of the film: ")
    year = input("Enter year of the film: ")
    genre = input("Enter genre of the film: ")
        'title': title,
        'year': year,
        'director': director,
        'genre': genre


The code given above is the function for adding new film or movie.

3. List of Movie Function


def list_movies():
    quantity = len(movies)
    titles = [movie['title'] for movie in movies]
    titles = ', '.join(titles)

    if quantity:
        print(f'You have following movies in collection: {titles}. In total you have {quantity} {"movie" if quantity == 1 else "movies"}.')
        print('There are no movies in you collection.')


The code given above is the function of listing all movies.

4. Print Movie Information’s


def print_movie_info(movie):
    print('Here is information about requested title')
    print(f'Title: {movie["title"]},')
    print(f'Director: {movie["director"]},')
    print(f'Year: {movie["year"]},')
    print(f'Genre: {movie["genre"]}.')


The code given above is the function to print all movie information’s.

5. Find Movie Title


def find_title():
    search_title = input('Enter title you are looking for: ')
    for movie in movies:
        if movie['title'] == search_title:
            print('Requested title was not found in the collection.')


The code given above is the function to filtering movie.

Complete Source Code

movies = []
START = "\nEnter 'a' to add a movie, \n 'l' to see your movies, \n 'f' to find a movie by title, \n or 'q' to quit: "

def add_movie():
    title = input("Enter title of the film: ")
    director = input("Enter director of the film: ")
    year = input("Enter year of the film: ")
    genre = input("Enter genre of the film: ")
        'title': title,
        'year': year,
        'director': director,
        'genre': genre

def list_movies():
    quantity = len(movies)
    titles = [movie['title'] for movie in movies]
    titles = ', '.join(titles)

    if quantity:
        print(f'You have following movies in collection: {titles}. In total you have {quantity} {"movie" if quantity == 1 else "movies"}.')
        print('There are no movies in you collection.')

def print_movie_info(movie):
    print('Here is information about requested title')
    print(f'Title: {movie["title"]},')
    print(f'Director: {movie["director"]},')
    print(f'Year: {movie["year"]},')
    print(f'Genre: {movie["genre"]}.')

def find_title():
    search_title = input('Enter title you are looking for: ')
    for movie in movies:
        if movie['title'] == search_title:
            print('Requested title was not found in the collection.')

user_selection = {
    'a': add_movie,
    'l': list_movies,
    'f': find_title

def menu():
    selection = input(START).lower()
    while selection != 'q':
        if selection in user_selection:
            selected_action = user_selection[selection]
            print("Unknown command. Please choose within available options: 'a', 'f', 'l' or 'q' to close the app.")
        selection = input(START)
    print('Thank you for using the app. See you next time!')

if __name__ == '__main__':


Download Source Code below


The Movie Recommendation System Project In Python is written in Python using Tkinter. The project file contains a python script (

Talking about the system, it allows the user to add and delete movies from the records, view the records, and so on.


If you have any questions or suggestions about Movie Recommendation System Project In Python With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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