What Is isdisjoint In Python (With Example)

isdisjoint() Python check whether the two sets are disjoint or not, if it is disjoint then it returns True otherwise it will return False. Two sets are said to be disjoint when their intersection is null.

Isdisjoint Explanation


A = {1,2,3}
B = {4,5,6}

# checks if set A and set B are disjoint




The syntax of isdisjoint() is:


Here, A and B are two sets.

Parameter Value

  • B – a set that performs disjoint operation with set A

It accepts any iterable such as Set, List, tuple, dictionary etc. as a parameter and converts it into a Set and then checks whether the Sets are disjoint or not.

Return Value

  • True if set A and set B are disjoint
  • False if set A and set B are not disjoint

It returns a boolean value true or false. True if the sets are disjoint else it returns false.

More Example

Example 1: Python set disjoint()

X = {1,2,3}
Y = {4,5,6}
Z = {6,7,8}

print('X and Y are disjoint:', X.isdisjoint(Y))
print('Y and Z are disjoint:', Y.isdisjoint(Z))


X and Y are disjoint: True
Y and Z are disjoint: False


In the example above, we used isdisjoint() to see if set A, set B, and set C are all disjoint with each other.

The sets A and B are disjoint because they don’t have any items in common. So, it came back with True. The item 6 is in both sets B and C. So the method gives the value False.

Example 2: isdisjoint() Python with Other Iterables as Agruments

# create a set A
W = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}

# create a list B
X = ['d', 'e', 'f']

# create two dictionaries C and D 
Y = {1 : 'a', 2 : 'b'}
Z = {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}

# isdisjoint() with set and list
print('W and X are disjoint:', W.isdisjoint(X))

# isdisjoint() with set and dictionaries
print('W and Y are disjoint:', W.isdisjoint(Y))
print('W and Z are disjoint:', W.isdisjoint(Z))


W and X are disjoint: False
W and Y are disjoint: True
W and Z are disjoint: False


In the example above, we gave the method isdisjoint() the arguments list and dictionaries. The item “a” is in both sets A and B, so they are not separate sets.

The item “a” from set “A” and the key “a” from dictionary “D” have the same value. They aren’t disjoint sets, then.

But A and dictionary D are disjoint because the values of dictionaries are not compared with the set items.


We have successfully discussed What is isdisjoint() Python and its uses, we provide a different example program of isdisjoint() method, I hope this simple tutorial will help you, Thank You!


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