[SOLVED] TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment

TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment” error message occurs when you try to change individual characters in a string. In python, strings are immutable, which means their values can’t be changed after they are created.

str object does not support item assignment
str object does not support item assignment

How to fix TypeError: str object does not support item assignment

To resolve this issue, you can either convert the string to a list of characters and then make the changes, and then join the list to make the string again.


string = "hello"
string = list(string)
string[2] = "x"
string = "".join(string)

Or you can create a new string with the desired changes.


string = "hello"
new_string = string[:2] + "x" + string[3:]


In conclusion, the “TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment” error in Python occurs when you try to modify an individual character in a string, which is not allowed in Python since strings are immutable. To resolve this issue, you can either convert the string to a list of characters, make the desired changes, and then join the list back into a string, or you can create a new string with the desired changes by using string slicing and concatenation.


By the way, if you have any questions or suggestions about this Error: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment, please feel free to comment below.

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