ModuleNotFoundError: no module named django_heroku mac m1

In this article, we will discuss and provide solutions on how to fix ModuleNotFoundError: no module named django_heroku mac m1.

Moreover, in Python Django, the no module named django_heroku mac m1 error appears because it is not compatible with the psycopg2 with django_heroku module.

Why this error occur?

The error usually occurs because the no module named django_heroku mac m1 is not installed in your Mac M1 system.

Also read: Modulenotfounderror: No Module Named setuptools_rust |SOLVED|

What is Django-heroku?

The Django-heroku is a Django module that will be able to help you to construct your Django application with Heroku.

How to solve ModuleNotFoundError: no module named django_heroku mac m1

To solve the no module named django_heroku mac m1 error, we need to install the psycopg2 and also we will install the django_heroku modules.

The psycopg2 is a Python database connector that enables you to connect to and work with a PostgreSQL database.

Then, we will install the django_heroku module using this command.

pip install django-heroku

or the other command

python3 -m pip install django-heroku

After installing, you can now import the django-heroku package through the following code below.

import django_heroku

Execute the file, and the error will be solved now.

If the ModuleNotFoundError will continue, the module was installed in another location and not the Python interpreter expected.

In this situation, you might need to modify your PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the module’s location.

Eventually, It doesn’t matter what platform you are being used. The solution doesn’t change if the root problem is the same.

The platform or operating system it should be a Linux, Windows, or Mac

This statement will signify with IDE like Jupyter, Pycharm, Spyder, or any kind of software like Anaconda.

We must reinstall psycopg2 and django_heroku immediately.


In conclusion of this article, we already provided the best solutions to fix ModuleNotFoundError: no module named django_heroku mac m1.

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