Types of Operators In PHP (With Examples)

What is an Operator in PHP?

An operator in PHP is a symbol that is used to perform an operation on the operands.

In a simple way, these operators can also be used to perform an operation on values or variables.

For example:

$sum = 20 + 30; (20 and 30) are operands and (+) is the operator.

The Operator in PHP is something that takes (one or more) expressions or any values in programming and submits another value in order to become an expression by itself.

What are the types of operators in PHP
What are the types of operators in PHP

What are the different types of operators in PHP?

There are 8 different types of operators in PHP

  • String operators
  • Conditional assignment operators
  • Array operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Increment/Decrement operators
  • Logical operators

String operators in PHP

A concatenation operator and concatenating assignment operator are the two string operators which are only designed for strings.

The concatenation operator (‘. ‘) returns a concatenation from the right and left arguments, and the concatenating assignment operator (‘ . = ‘) appends an argument from the right side to the left side of the argument.

.Concatenation$g.$lConcatenated $g and $l
.=Concatenation and assignment$g.=$lFirst concatenates then assigns, same as $g = $g.$l

Conditional assignment / Ternary operators in PHP

The conditional assignment operator or conditional operator is an operand of assigned values that is based on the outcome of a specific program condition.

Once the program condition becomes true the value is assigned, but once the program condition is false the value is not assigned.


$var = (condition)? value1 : value2;

?:TernaryIf the condition is true? then $g : or else $l. This means that if the condition is true then the left result of the colon is accepted otherwise the result is on right.

Array operators in PHP

The array operators are commonly used to compare (arrays).

+Union$g + $lUnion of both i.e., $x and $y
==Equality$g == $lReturns true if both have the same key-value pair
!=Inequality$g != $lReturns True if both are unequal
===Identity$g === $lReturns True if both have the same key-value pair in the same order and of the same type
!==Non-Identity$g !== $lReturns True if both are not identical to each other
<>Inequality$g <> $lReturns True if both are unequal

Arithmetic operators in PHP

In PHP, arithmetic operators return numeric values to perform mathematical operations such as (multiplication, addition, subtraction, and addition).

+Addition$g + $lSum the operands
Subtraction$g – $lDifferences the operands
*Multiplication$g * $lProduct of the operands
/Division$g / $lThe quotient of the operands
**Exponentiation$g ** $l$x raised to the power $y
%Modulus$g % $lThe remainder of the operands

Assignment operators in PHP

The assignment operators are used in numeric values to write a value to a declared variable.

In addition, the most basic assignment operator in PHP is an equal sign ( = ) which means that the left operands are equal to the right value of the assigned result.

=Assign$g = $lOperand on the left obtains the value of the operand on the right
+=Add then Assign$g += $lSimple Addition same as $g = $g + $l
-=Subtract then Assign$g -= $lSimple subtraction same as $g = $g – $l
*=Multiply then Assign$g *= $lSimple product same as $g = $g * $l
/=Divide then Assign (quotient)$g /= $lSimple division same as $g = $g / $g
%=Divide then Assign (remainder)$g %= $lSimple division same as $g = $g % $g

Comparison operators in PHP

The comparison operators are used to compare two values a number or string and return true if the (comparison) is correct and otherwise is false.

==Equal toReturn true if both operands are equal; otherwise, it returns false.
!=, <>Not equal toReturn true if both operands are equal; otherwise, it returns false.
===Identical toReturn true if both operands have the same data type and equal; otherwise, it returns false.
!==Not identical toReturn true if both operands are not equal or do not have the same data type; otherwise, it returns false.
>Greater thanReturn true if the operand on the left  is greater than the operand on the right; otherwise, it returns false.
>=Greater than or equal toReturn true if the operand on the left  is greater than or equal to the operand on the right; otherwise, it returns false.
<Less thanReturn true if the operand on the left is less than the operand on the right; otherwise, it returns false.
<=Less than or equal toReturn true if the operand on the left  is less than or equal to the operand on the right; otherwise, it returns false.

Increment/Decrement operators in PHP

An increment operator is used to increment a value assigned to a variable and the decrement operator is used to decrement a value assigned to a variable.

++Pre-Increment++$xFirst increments $x by one, then return $x
Pre-Decrement–$xFirst decrements $x by one, then return $x
++Post-Increment$x++First returns $x, then increment it by one
Post-Decrement$x–First returns $x, then decrement it by one

Logical operators in PHP

The logical operators are used to combine conditional statements and expressions.

andLogical AND$g and $lTrue if both the operands are true else false
orLogical OR$g or $lTrue if either of the operands is true else false
xorLogical XOR$g xor $lTrue if either of the operands is true and false if both are true
&&Logical AND$g && $lTrue if both the operands are true else false
||Logical OR$g || $lTrue if either of the operands is true else false
!Logical NOT!$gTrue if $x is false


This article discusses the different Types of Operators in PHP such as string operators, conditional assignment operators, array operators, arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators, increment/decrement operators, and logical operators.

I hope this lesson has helped you learn a lot. Check out my previous and latest articles for more life-changing tutorials that could help you a lot.

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