QR Code Fare Payment System Bootstrap Template

QR Code Fare Payment System Bootstrap Template

About the Project

A QR code fare payment system is a system that uses QR codes to allow passengers to pay for their fare using their mobile device. The QR code is scanned by the driver, and the fare is paid using the passenger’s mobile device. This system is convenient for passengers because they do not need to carry cash or tokens, and it is also secure because the payment is done through a mobile device. This system is becoming more and more popular, and it is expected to be the standard fare payment system in the future.

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Credit Card Processing Sequence Diagram | UML

Sequence Diagram for Credit Card Processing System

Credit Card Processing System Sequence Diagram The Credit Card Processing System Sequence Diagram describes the series of interactions that occur with the objects when performing the system’s process. A sequence …

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ER Diagram for Course Registration System

ER Diagram of Course Registration System

This ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram shows how the Course Registration System ERD is set up. The entity-relationship diagram for the Course Registration System shows every visual representation of database tables …

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Academic Performance Tracking System Bootstrap Template

Academic Performance Tracking System Bootstrap Template

About the Project

In the past, academic performance was tracked through paper-based methods. This process was often very time-consuming and inefficient. Tracking academic performance today is much easier with the use of an academic performance tracking system.

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