ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘einops’

What is ModuleNotFounderror: No Module Named ‘einops’?

The ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘einops’ error occurs when you forget to install the “einops” module before importing it or you’ve installed it in the wrong environment.

Why does this error occur?

This error can occur due to several reasons:

  • The einops module is not installed on your system.
  • The module name is misspelled.
  • Incorrect module path.
  • The module einops may not be compatible with the library you are currently utilizing.

What is “einops” in Python?

einops is a Python module or library that allows you to perform various operations on tensors, such as rearrange, reduce, repeat, pack, unpack, einsum and more.

einops supports the following:

  • Numpy
  • Pytorch
  • Tensorflow
  • Jax
  • and other frameworks

How to fix the “ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘einops'” error in Python?

The No module named ‘einops’ error can be resolved by installing the einops module.

Here are the steps to install it:

Solution 1: Install the module

Use the following command if you are using Python 2:

pip install einops

Use the following command if you are using Python 3:

pip3 install einops

Use the following command if you get a permissions error:

sudo pip3 install einops ✅
pip install einops--user

Use the following command if you are using py alias (Windows):

py -m pip install einops

Use the following command if you are using an alternative for Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install python3-einops

Use the following command if you are using for Anaconda:

conda install -c anaconda einops

Use the following command if you are using Jupyter Notebook:

!pip install einops

Solution 2: Verify if the module is installed

To verify the einops module is installed successfully, use the following command:

pip show einops

The output would be:

Name: einops
Version: 0.7.0
Summary: A new flavour of deep learning operations
Author: Alex Rogozhnikov
License: MIT
Location: c:\users\windows\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages

Solution 3: Check the Python version

There are some instances where the version of Python you are currently using is not compatible with the module you are using.

So, it is crucial to check the version of Python. Use the following command:

Python -V

Solution 4: Check the module spelling

Check the spelling of the module. Perhaps you misspelled it while importing, which is why the error occurred

Solution 5: Reinstalling the module

If the error still exists, try to reinstall the module. Use the following commands:

To uninstall the module:

pip uninstall einops 

To reinstall the module:

pip3 install einops


The ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘einops’ error occurs when you forget to install the “einops” module before importing it or installing it in the wrong environment.

To fix this error, Ensure that the einops module is installed in your Python env.

By following the solutions above, there’s no doubt that you’ll be able to resolve this error quickly.

Please note that given steps above are general steps and the exact solution might vary depending on the specifics of your project and environment.

We hope that you’ve resolved the error with the help of this guide. Thank you for reading, and have fun coding!

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