What is throttling JavaScript?

Throttling JavaScript is a method used to control the rate of execution and ensure optimal performance. We will also provide example codes to help you understand the topic effectively.

What is JavaScript throttle?

JavaScript throttling indicates the process of limiting the frequency of function executions to prevent overwhelming the browser or server resources.

It requires regulating how usually a specific function can be called, ensuring a balanced distribution of resources, and maintaining smoother performance.

Why is Throttling JavaScript Important?

Throttling JavaScript is important to make sure a more responsive and efficient website.

By controlling the rate of function executions, it helps in:

  • Reducing Resource Consumption
  • Improving User Experience
  • Preventing Browser Crashes
  • Optimizing Network Requests

Different Methods to Throttle JavaScript

There are multiple methods to implement JavaScript throttling, and choosing the right one depends on the specific use case.

Let’s discuss some common methods:

Time-Based Throttling Method

Time-based throttling requires setting a minimum time interval between successive function executions.

The function will only be executed if the time since the last execution reached the defined interval.

Here’s an example code:

function throttleFunctionSample(func, delay) {
  let lastExecutionResult = 0;

  return function (...args) {
    const now = Date.now();

    if (now - lastExecutionResult >= delay) {
      func.apply(this, args);
      lastExecutionResult = now;

RequestAnimationFrame() Method

RequestAnimationFrame is an in-built browser API that schedules a function to be executed just before the next repaint.

It is commonly used to create smooth animations, but it can also be used for throttling.

Let’s see an example:

function throttleWithRequestAnimationFrameExample(func) {
  let animationFrameIdSample;

  return function (...args) {
    if (animationFrameIdSample) return;

    animationFrameIdSample = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      func.apply(this, args);
      animationFrameIdSample = null;

Count-Based Throttling Method

Count-based throttling requires setting a maximum number of times a function can be performed within a given time window.

function throttleWithCountExample(func, limit) {
  let executionCountSample = 0;

  return function (...args) {
    if (executionCountSample < limit) {
      func.apply(this, args);

Window Resize Event Method

The window resizes event can be caused continuously as the user resizes the browser window.

Throttling this event ensures the approximate function executes at a controlled rate, avoiding excessive recalculations and layout updates.

  throttleFunctionSample(() => {
    // Here you can code to handle window resize
  }, 200)

Scrolling Method

Throttling scroll events is important to avoid unessential DOM updates and other operations that may be resource-intensive.

  throttleWithRequestAnimationFrameSample(() => {
    // Here you can handle scrolling

Autocomplete Search Method

For autocomplete search functionality, throttling API requests avoids sending a flood of requests while the user types.

const searchInputSample = document.getElementById('search-btn-input');

  throttleWithCount(() => {
    // You can Code here to handle autocomplete search
  }, 500)


Why is JavaScript throttling necessary?

JavaScript throttling is essential to avoid excessive resource consumption and improve website performance, leading to a better user experience.

How does time-based throttling work?

Time-based throttling sets a minimum time interval between successive function executions, ensuring controlled execution rates.

How does throttling enhance user experience?

Throttling improves user experience by reducing delays and making the website more responsive and interactive.


In conclusion, JavaScript throttling is an important method to optimize website performance and increase user experience.

By regulating the rate of function executions, developers can avoid resource overconsumption and ensure a smoother, more responsive web application.

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