[Solved] Python No Module Named Error

In this tutorial, you will be able to solve the Python no module named error with available mitigations and solutions.

In Python programming, programmers usually come across lots of errors. These instances are unavoidable since most of us want to try and experiment with our Python programs.

However, these errors could also teach us things like new methods and learnings. On the other hand, this tutorial gives you different ways to the “no module named error”.

What is no module named in Python?

The ‘no module named’ is an error that occurs when we disregard the following:

  • Incorrect module name
  • Incorrect module path
  • The library is not available or not installed

These cases were just some of the scenarios that programmers face when encountering Python no module named error.

However, this tutorial will walk you through answering the mentioned reasons and give you their corresponding solutions.

The question is, how do we solve the Python ModuleNotFoundError or known as no module named error?

Also read

How To Solve ModuleNotFoundError: python no module named

Now that we have a clear understanding of the causes behind the “Python no module named” error, let’s delve into the step-by-step troubleshooting process.

1. Double-Check Module Name and Capitalization

The first step is to review the module name and ensure that it is spelled correctly, including its capitalization. Python is case-sensitive, so a minor mistake in the module name can lead to the error. Correct any discrepancies in the module name.

2. Verify Module Location

Use the sys.path list to check the directories where Python looks for modules. Ensure that the module in question is located in one of these directories. If not, you may need to move the module to an appropriate location or update the sys.path.

3. Check Virtual Environment

If you are using a virtual environment, verify that it is set up correctly. Activate the virtual environment and confirm that the required module is installed within it. If not, install the module using the package manager specific to your virtual environment.

4. Install Missing Module

If the error indicates a missing module, you can install it using the Python package manager, pip. Open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:

pip install module_name

Replace module_name with the name of the module you want to install.

5. Resolve Circular Imports

Circular imports can be challenging to identify, but they often cause the “Python no module named” error. Review your code and refactor it to remove circular dependencies between modules.

6. Verify Python Version Compatibility

Sometimes, the “Python no module named” error occurs due to version compatibility issues. Check if the module is compatible with your Python version. Upgrading or downgrading the module or Python version may solve the problem.

7. Clear Compiled Files

Python creates compiled files with the .pyc extension to improve performance. However, these files may sometimes cause conflicts and lead to the “Python no module named” error. Try deleting the compiled files and re-running your code.

8. Reinstall Python

If all else fails, consider reinstalling Python to ensure that your installation is not corrupt. Before doing this, make sure to back up your important code and files.

Why am I getting ModuleNotFoundError No module named?

When you encounter the “Python no module named” error, it means that the Python interpreter cannot locate the module you are trying to import.

This error can arise due to various reasons:

1. Incorrect Module Name

One of the most common reasons for the “Python no module named” error is a simple typo or incorrect naming of the module. Python is case-sensitive, so even a difference in capitalization can cause this error. Double-checking the module name is the first step to tackle this issue.

2. Module Location

Python looks for modules in specific directories defined by the sys.path list. If the module is not located in any of these directories, Python will fail to import it. Understanding how Python searches for modules can help you resolve this error.

3. Virtual Environments

When working on larger projects, developers often use virtual environments to manage dependencies. If the virtual environment is not set up correctly, it may lead to the “Python no module named” error. Verifying your virtual environment configuration is essential.

4. Missing Module

The error can also occur if the required module is not installed on your system. Some modules come pre-installed with Python, but others require separate installation. Ensuring that you have the necessary modules installed is vital to avoid this error.

5. Circular Import

Circular imports, where two or more modules import each other, can cause the “Python no module named” error. Resolving circular imports is essential for eliminating this issue.


In conclusion, there are lots of reasons why we encounter the Python no module named error and we can provide various solutions to solve it.

As an advantage, our tutorial has covered all of the possible solutions the solve the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named in Python. The common reasons were explained and solved. This tutorial also provided examples and demos on how to deal with this error.

Moreover, if you want to suggest or inquire about any Python concept or error other than the no module named error, comment it down.

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