What is Rhino JavaScript?

In this article, we will discuss the JavaScript rhino, providing an example of codes, understanding, and expert knowledge to help you unleash the full ability of Rhino in your projects.

Understanding Rhino JavaScript

Let’s start by understanding the basics of Rhino JavaScript. This part will provide you with the core concepts, syntax, and structure of Rhino code, allowing you to create powerful scripts for different applications.

What is Rhino JavaScript?

Rhino JavaScript is a dynamic scripting language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

It provides a smooth way to insert JavaScript within Java applications, attaching the gap between two distinct programming languages.

Why Choose Rhino for Your Projects?

Rhino is generally selected for different reasons, including its compatibility, speed, and functionality.

Let’s understand why you should consider using Rhino for your projects:

  • Java Integration
  • Performance
  • Platform Independence
  • Versatility

Getting Started with Rhino

To start in Rhino, you need to set up the development environment. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  • Install Java Development Kit (JDK) if you do not have it already.
  • Download the latest version of Rhino from the official Mozilla Rhino repository.
  • Add the Rhino library to your Java project.
  • You are all set to write and execute your first Rhino script!

The Rhino JavaScript Environment

Before we move on into the coding part, let’s discuss the Rhino environment, as it plays an important role in executing scripts and interacting with Java classes.

Rhino Environment Components

The Rhino environment contains of the following components:


The Context shows a single-threaded execution environment for JavaScript. It holds the runtime state, including variables and functions.


The Scope is the container for variables and functions accessible during the script execution.


The Script shows the compiled JavaScript code, ready for execution.

Here’s an example code:

// Create a Rhino Context
Context context = Context.enter();

try {
    // Create a new Scope
    Scriptable scope = context.initStandardObjects();

    // Define a JavaScript variable in the Scope
    String greeting = "Welcome to Rhino JavaScript Tutorial!";

    // Put the Java variable 'greeting' into the JavaScript scope
    scope.put("message", scope, greeting);

    // Execute JavaScript code to retrieve the value of the 'greeting' variable
    Object result = context.evaluateString(scope, "message", "sample.js", 1, null);

    // Print the result
} finally {
    // Exit the Rhino Context

In this example, we create a basic Rhino script that prints “Welcome to Rhino JavaScript Tutorial!” to the console.

Advanced Rhino Methods

Now that we already understand the basics, let’s discuss some advanced methods that control Rhino’s full potential.

From interacting with Java classes to use the JavaScript libraries, Rhino provides a myriad of possibilities.

Interacting with Java Classes in Rhino

Rhino allows a smooth interaction with Java classes, allowing you to use Java’s extensive libraries from JavaScript.

Let’s explore how to access Java classes in Rhino:

// Import required Java classes

// Create a Java ArrayList
var arrayListExample = new ArrayList();

// Add elements to the ArrayList

// Access elements using Rhino
var firstElement = arrayListExample.get(0);

Using JavaScript Libraries with Rhino

Rhino supports different JavaScript libraries, allowing you to incorporate existing code into your Rhino projects smoothly.

Let’s take a look at an example of using the popular library underscore.js:


var num = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15];

var result = _.reduce(num, function (memo, num) {
    return memo + num;
}, 0);



What is the difference between Rhino and Node.js?

Rhino is designed for Java integration, allowing JavaScript to run on the JVM, while Node.js is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, providing server-side JavaScript capabilities.

Can I use Rhino in my web applications?

While Rhino is not recommended for web development due to performance limitations, it can be used in certain server-side cases.

Can I extend Rhino with custom Java classes?

Yes, Rhino provides an API to extend its capabilities with custom Java classes.


In conclusion, Rhino JavaScript opens up a world of possibilities by smoothly blending the power of JavaScript with the adaptability of Java.

With its ability to interact with Java classes, use JavaScript libraries, and deliver excellent performance, Rhino is a valuable asset for developers searching to optimize their projects.

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