What Does Return Do in JavaScript?

In JavaScript programming, the return statement plays an important role. In this article, we will discuss What Does Return Do in JavaScript? and the purpose of the functionality of the return statement, providing you with a complete understanding of its usage.

It enables developers to control the flow of execution within their code and get values from functions.

Understanding how return works is important for anyone looking to write efficient and effective JavaScript code.

What Does Return Do?

The return statement in JavaScript is used to define the value that a function should return when it is called.

When a function encounters a return statement, it will directly stop executing and sends the defined value back to the calling code.

This enables the calling code to receive and use the result of the function’s computation.

The Role of Return in JavaScript Functions

1. Returning a Value

The initial purpose of the return statement is to return a value from a function.

By using the return keyword followed by an expression or a variable, you can send data back to the caller.

For example:

function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

const result = add(13, 15);



In this example, the add function takes two parameters x and y, and the return statement sends back the sum of x and y.

2. Ending Function Execution

When a return statement comes across in a function, it will quickly terminate the execution of the function.

It means that any code written after the return statement will not be executed.

For example:

function message(name) {
  if (!name) {

  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);


In this example, the message function checks if a name is provided.

If not, it experienced a return statement, and the function exits without printing any message.

3. Returning Complex Objects

The return statement is not limited to returning common values like numbers or strings.

It can also be used to return more complicated objects, such as arrays or even other functions.

This flexibility enables developers to build powerful and modular code.

Here is the following example:

function createPersonExample(fullname, age) {
  return {
    fullname: fullname,
    age: age,
    message: function() {
      console.log(`Hi! my name is ${this.fullname} and I'm ${this.age} years old.`);

const person = createPersonExample('Rolandita', 28);

Returning Complex Objects What Does Return Do in JavaScript

In this example code, the createPersonExample function returns an object with properties fullname and age, along with a nested function message.

This indicates how return can be used to construct and return more complicated data structures.


What happens if a function does not have a return statement?

When a function does not have a return statement, it will essentially returns undefined. This means that if you call a function that lacks a return statement, it will return undefined by default.

Can a function have multiple return statements?

Yes, a function can have several return statements. However, only one return statement is executed during the function’s execution.

Once a return statement is experienced, the function will exits, and the subsequent statements are not executed.

Can I use return outside of a function in JavaScript?

No, the return statement can only be used within the body of a function. Attempting to use it outside of a function will result in a syntax error.

Can I have code after a return statement in a function?

No, any code written after a return statement will not be executed. The return statement deals as an immediate exit point for the function.


In JavaScript, the return statement plays a significant role in controlling the flow of execution and offering values back to the calling code.

By understanding how return works, you can write more effective and functional JavaScript code.

Remember that return enables you to return values, end function execution, and even construct complex objects.

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