JavaScript Window Location: Everything You Need to Know

One of the key elements of JavaScript is performing the browser window’s location. The window.location object can be utilized to get the present page address (URL) and to redirect the browser to a new page.

In this article, we will discuss the JavaScript Window Location object, exploring its different properties and methods.

What is JavaScript Window Location?

The JavaScript Window Location object is a component of the window object, which shows the browser window or frame.

It offers access to the URL of the current web page and enables you to navigate in the different URLs constantly.

Methods for JavaScript Window Location

Let’s explore some of the necessary properties and methods associated with the JavaScript Window Location object.

Method 1: Using the “href” Property

The “href” property of the JavaScript Window Location object is used to get or set the full URL of the current page.

It performs the complete web address, including the protocol, domain, path, and any parameters.

You can access the “href ” property using the following syntax:

var currentURL = window.location.href;

Method 2: Using the “host” Property

The “host” property enables you to recover or set the hostname and port number of the current URL.

It doesn’t include the protocol or path. To access the “host” property, you can use the following syntax:

var currentHost =;

Method 3: Using the “pathname” Property

The “pathname” property returns the path and filename of the current URL.

It eliminates the domain, port, and any parameters. To extract the pathname, you can use the following code:

var currentPathname = window.location.pathname;

Method 4: Using the “protocol” Property

The “protocol” property offers the protocol scheme used in the current URL, such as “http:” or “https:“.

To access the protocol property, you can use the following syntax:

var currentProtocol = window.location.protocol;

Method 5: The reload() Function

The reload() function of the JavaScript Window Location object is used to reload the current page.

If it is called without any parameters, it reloads the page from the cache.

However, you can also force a reload from the server by passing true as a parameter:

Here’s an example code:


JavaScript Window Location in Action

Now that we have discussed the key properties and methods of the JavaScript Window Location object let’s proceed into some practical examples that demonstrate its function and adaptability.

Example 1: Redirecting to a New Page

Suppose you have a button on your website that, if it is clicked, should redirect the user to a particular page.

You can be done this using JavaScript and the “href” property:

<button onclick="window.location.href = '';">Go to</button>

By setting the “href” property of the window.location object to the desired URL, you can directly navigate the user to the specified page.

Example 2: Getting the Current URL

At times, you may need to get the current URL of the page and show it to the user.

The href property of the window.location object allows you to done this quickly:

Here’s an example code:

var currentSampleURL = window.location.href;
alert('The current URL is: ' + currentSampleURL);

This example get the current URL using the href property and displays it in an alert box.

Example 3: Reloading the Page

Reloading a page is a simple requirement in web development. The reload() method enables you to reload the current page with ease.

You can look at the following example:

<button onclick="window.location.reload();">Reload Page</button>

By associating the reload() method with a button click event, you can refresh the page smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the JavaScript Window Location object?

The JavaScript Window Location object represents the browser window’s location and provides access to the current URL.

How can I redirect the user to a different page using JavaScript?

To redirect the user to a different page using JavaScript, you can set the href property of the window.location object to the desired URL.

Can I retrieve the current URL using JavaScript?

Yes, you can retrieve the current URL using the href property of the window.location object. For example: var currentURL = window.location.href;

How do I reload the current page using JavaScript?

To reload the current page using JavaScript, you can use the reload() method of the window.location object. For example: window.location.reload();

Can I change the protocol of the current URL using JavaScript?

No, you cannot directly change the protocol of the current URL using JavaScript due to security restrictions. However, you can redirect the user to a different URL with the desired protocol.


In this article, we have discussed the JavaScript Window Location object and its different properties and methods.

Also, we provide the methods and practical example codes. Understanding how to manipulate the browser window’s location is important for creating dynamic and interactive web applications.

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