What are the cool things to do with JavaScript?

If you’re asking what are the cool things to do with JavaScript on a website. Well, you’ll see a vast of it.

JavaScript offers numerous exciting possibilities!

JavaScript is a flexible programming language that has transformed web development.

It allows developers to add interactive and dynamic content to websites, making it an essential tool worldwide.

In this article, we will explore 20 cool things you can do with JavaScript to enhance your web projects and create engaging user experiences.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a widely used scripting language often called the “language of the web.” Brendan Eich created it in year 1995.

JavaScript makes websites interactive and dynamic by adding cool features.

It works on the user’s browser, allowing developers to create fun and engaging experiences on the web.

JavaScript is a computer programming language that gives developers and programmers the power to make web pages dynamic and interactive.

JavaScript (JS) is a widely used language that works alongside HTML and CSS for web development.

It has been the go-to choice for many years, and major web browsers have dedicated engines to run JavaScript code.

Moreover, JavaScript is a versatile programming language that is often described as lightweight. It can be interpreted or just-in-time compiled, and it boasts first-class functions.

20 Cool things to do with JavaScript on a website

Here is the list of 20 cool things in JavaScript:

1. Create awesome websites

JavaScript allows you to build websites that are interactive and provide a fantastic user experience.

You can use helpful libraries like jQuery or Lodash to easily manipulate the webpage structure (DOM) and add dynamic content to your pages.

2. Make dynamic interfaces

JavaScript is widely known for its ability to create dynamic interfaces, making it a popular choice among developers.

By leveraging JavaScript, developers can add interactivity and engaging animations to web pages, greatly enhancing their user-friendliness.

Additionally, JavaScript is valuable for creating custom form elements, such as sliders or drop-down lists, and ensuring the validation of user input.

Its versatility in these areas makes JavaScript a powerful tool for crafting professional and interactive web experiences.

3. Create web application

JavaScript offers the capability to develop web applications that can run directly within a web browser.

With the aid of frameworks like React or Angular, you can construct single-page applications (SPAs) that deliver seamless and user-friendly experiences.

4. Produce games

JavaScript provides the means to design captivating games that can be played directly on your website.

By utilizing libraries like Phaser or Pixi.js, you can develop 2D or 3D games that seamlessly run within the browser.

5. Create mobile applications

JavaScript allows you to develop mobile applications effortlessly. With frameworks like React Native, Cordova, and Ionic, you can create apps that work on both Android and iOS devices.

JavaScript also enables you to add interactive features like gestures, animations, and location tracking to your mobile apps.

It’s a great choice for building hybrid apps that run smoothly on various platforms.

You can also use JavaScript to build a standalone app that runs on desktop or mobile devices.

You can use technologies such as Electron or React Native to create cross-platform apps that run on multiple operating systems.

6. Create a VR/AR experience

You can use JavaScript libraries like A-Frame or Three.js to add virtual reality or augmented reality experiences to your website.

This lets users interact with 3D content directly in their web browser.

7. Run JavaScript as server-side code

You can utilize JavaScript on the server-side with technologies like Node.js to build dynamic web pages and handle user input.

This empowers you to create web applications that can interact with databases and other server-side resources effectively.

8. Design a game

You can use JavaScript to create your own online video game. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds!

There are many fun online games that are actually quite simple to design.

You can use JavaScript to create video games that run directly in the browser. There are many game engines and libraries available for creating 2D and 3D games with JavaScript.

9. Program an Arduino

You can use JavaScript to program an Arduino microcontroller and make it interact with the real world.

With libraries like Johnny-Five or Cylon.js, you can easily control sensors, motors, and other hardware devices from your website.

10. Create a desktop applications

JavaScript can be utilized to create desktop applications that are compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

Moreover, JavaScript is capable of constructing web-based protocols such as Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and Voice over IP (VoIP).

With frameworks like Electron or Node-Webkit, JavaScript enables developers to craft powerful desktop applications.

These frameworks allow for code to be written once and deployed across multiple platforms, offering near-native performance. This provides a seamless and professional user experience.

11. Create website animations

JavaScript empowers you to add animations and captivating visual effects to your website.

By leveraging libraries like GreenSock or Anime.js, you can effortlessly create seamless and visually appealing animations that elevate the overall user experience.

12. Enhance your website’s SEO

You can boost your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) by using JavaScript to create dynamic content.

This is because search engines like Google can crawl and index content generated by JavaScript, which helps improve your search rankings.

13. Create progressive web applications

You can use JavaScript to build progressive web applications (PWAs) that deliver a native app-like experience on the web.

PWAs are fast, reliable, and can be installed on the user’s device for offline access.

14. Create websites that do not require a server

You can use JavaScript to create static websites that don’t need a server to run.

Tools like Gatsby or Next.js can help you generate static HTML pages, which can be hosted on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for fast loading.

15. Control drones

You can use JavaScript to control drones and other physical devices from your website.

With libraries like NodeCopter or DroneJS, you can send commands to a drone and receive live telemetry data.

16. Create machine learning

You can use JavaScript to create machine learning models that can predict outcomes, recognize patterns, and handle large amounts of data.

JavaScript is also great for building Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications.

AI projects may require advanced programming skills, but JavaScript provides developers with the necessary tools to create powerful and complex AI solutions.

17. Create a responsive navbar

You can use JavaScript to create a responsive navigation bar that adapts to different screen sizes.

This is another good project for beginners who want to learn how to manipulate the DOM and add interactivity with event listeners.

18. Create a Color Flipper

You can use JavaScript to create a random background color changer for your website. This is a good project for beginners who want to learn how to manipulate the DOM and work with arrays and event listeners.

19. Create a sidebar

JavaScript allows you to design an engaging sidebar for your website, offering an interactive experience for your users.

This is an excellent project for beginners who wish to gain hands-on experience in manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM), working with CSS styles, and incorporating interactivity through event listeners.

JavaScript enables you to develop a carousel on your website to showcase customer reviews.

This project is a valuable opportunity to learn about manipulating the DOM, working with arrays, and adding interactivity using event listeners.

It’s an excellent way to enhance your JavaScript skills and create an engaging user experience.

Is it fun to learn JavaScript?

JavaScript is a fun language to learn, even if you’re not planning to work in the tech industry. It’s beginner-friendly and easy to grasp. Learning JavaScript allows you to create interactive websites from scratch, which is a valuable skill in today’s job market.

Can you make games with JavaScript?

Definitely, yes!

JavaScript is a great language to use when designing games. It works well for web-based and mobile games. It’s also a fantastic choice for kids because it’s easy to understand and there are plenty of online resources available for learning and programming.


In conclusion, this article highlights 20 cool things that can be done with JavaScript on a website.

JavaScript is a flexible and widely-used programming language that has transformed web development.

It enables developers to create interactive and dynamic websites, enhance user experiences, and add various features to web projects.

We are hoping that this article provides you with enough information that helps you understand the cool things to do with JavaScript.

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Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊.

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