Mastering Incrementing in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

When working with JavaScript, incrementing values is a common operation that you’ll encounter in various scenarios.

Whether you need to increment a number, a variable, or even a date, understanding how to increment in JavaScript is essential.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of incrementing in JavaScript and explore different techniques to achieve this.

So, let’s get started!

What is ++A and A++ in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, the ++ operator is used to increment a value by 1. However, there are two different ways to use the ++ operator:

  • ++A
  • A++

++A (Pre-increment)

The ++A syntax is known as pre-increment. It increments the value of sample1 and returns the updated value.

Here’s an example:

let sample1 = 7;
let result = ++sample1; // Pre-increment
console.log(result); // Output: 8
console.log(sample1); // Output: 8



In this example, sample1 starts with a value of 7. The ++A expression increments sample1 by 1 and assigns the updated value to result. Both result and sample1 become 8.

A++ (Post-increment)

The A++ syntax is known as post-increment. It increments the value of x, but it returns the original value before incrementing.

Here’s an example:

let x = 11;
let result =  x++; // Post-increment
console.log(result); // Output: 11
console.log(x); // Output: 12



In this example, x starts with a value of 11. The A++ expression assigns the original value of x (before incrementing) to result and then increments x by 1. result holds the original value (11), while x becomes 12.

What is += in JavaScript?

The += operator is known as the addition assignment operator. It adds the value on the right side of the operator to the variable on the left side and assigns the updated value back to the variable.

Here’s an example:

let numberToIncrement = 17;
numberToIncrement += 2; // Equivalent to number = number + 2
console.log(numberToIncrement); // Output: 19



In this example, the numberToIncrement variable starts with a value of 17. Using the += operator, we add 2 to numberToIncrement and update its value to 19. The += operator is particularly useful when you want to increment a value by a specific amount.

What is the Difference Between ++ and +1 in JavaScript?

Both ++ and +1 can be used to increment a value by 1 in JavaScript. However, there is a crucial difference between them:

  • ++ is an operator that increments the value and returns the updated value.
  • +1 is an expression that adds 1 to the value but does not update the original value.

Let’s illustrate this difference with examples:

let numberToIncrement = 13;

let result1 = ++numberToIncrement; // Pre-increment
console.log(result1); // Output: 14

let result2 = numberToIncrement + 1; // Expression with +1
console.log(result2); // Output: 15

console.log(numberToIncrement); // Output: 14

In this example, numberToIncrement starts with a value of 13. The ++numberToIncrement expression increments numberToIncrement by 1 and assigns the updated value (14) to result1.

Similarly, numberToIncrement + 1 adds 1 to numberToIncrement and returns 15, which is assigned to result2. Both result1 and result2 are 14, and numberToIncrement itself becomes 14.

To summarize, ++ updates the value and returns it, while +1 only returns the incremented value without updating the original variable.

How to Increment 2 in JavaScript?

To increment a value by a specific number, such as 2, in JavaScript, you can use the += operator.

The += operator combines the addition (+) operator with the assignment (=) operator.

Here’s an example:

let sampleNumber = 13;
sampleNumber += 2; // Increment by 2
console.log(sampleNumber); // Output: 15



In the above example, we start with the number 13 and increment it by 2. The result is 15. The += operator updates the value of sampleNumber by adding 2 to its current value.

How to Increment in JavaScript – Techniques

Incrementing in JavaScript refers to the process of increasing a value by a specific amount. Whether you want to increment by 1, 2, or any other number, JavaScript provides several techniques to achieve this.

Incrementing a Number

To increment a number in JavaScript, you can use the increment operator ++. The ++ operator increments the value by 1.

Here’s an example:

let numberToIncrement = 9;
console.log(numberToIncrement); // Output: 10



In the example above, the numberToIncrement variable is incremented by 1 using the ++ operator. The console.log statement outputs the incremented value, which is 10.

Incrementing a Variable

If you need to increment a variable by a specific amount other than 1, you can use the assignment operator +=.

Here’s an example:

let countToIncrement = 11;
countToIncrement += 2;
console.log(countToIncrement); // Output: 13



In the above example, the countToIncrementvariable is incremented by 2 using the += operator. The value of countToIncrement becomes 13.

Incrementing in a Loop

Incrementing within a loop is a common requirement when iterating over a collection of elements. You can achieve this by using the for loop in JavaScript.

Here’s an example of incrementing by 2 in a for loop:

for (let i = 0; i < 15; i += 2) {

In the above example, the loop variable i is initialized to 0, and the loop executes as long as i is less than 10. The i += 2 statement increments i by 2 in each iteration.

The output of the loop will be:


Auto-Incrementing Numbers

In some cases, you may need to generate auto-incrementing numbers, such as assigning unique identifiers to elements dynamically. JavaScript provides the ++ operator along with variables to achieve auto-incrementing behavior.

Here’s an example:

let number = 1;

function getNextId() {
  return number++;

console.log(getNextId()); // Output: 1
console.log(getNextId()); // Output: 2
console.log(getNextId()); // Output: 3



In the example above, the number variable holds the current value, and the getNextId() function returns the current value and then increments it by 1 using the number++ statement.

Incrementing Dates

Incrementing dates in JavaScript can be done using the Date object and its methods. One common approach is to use the setDate() method to increment the day.

Here’s an example:

let sampleDate = new Date();
sampleDate.setDate(sampleDate.getDate() + 1);
console.log(sampleDate); // Output: The date of tomorrow


Tue Jun 27 2023 10:09:01 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)

In the above example, we create a new Date object representing the current date. We then use the setDate() method along with getDate() + 1 to increment the date by one day. The output will be the date of tomorrow.

Additional resources


In this comprehensive guide, we explored various techniques for incrementing in JavaScript. We covered how to increment numbers, variables, and dates, as well as incrementing within loops.

Additionally, we discussed increment operators, such as ++, +=, and the difference between ++ and +1.

Armed with this knowledge, you’re now equipped to master the art of incrementing in JavaScript and apply it to your coding endeavors with confidence.

Happy incrementing!

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