How to fix the JavaScript Expected error?

Are you tired of seeing the dreaded JavaScript expected error message that pops up on your screen?

Well, don’t worry, we’ve got your back! In this article, we’ll show you how to quickly and easily fix this common issue.

Keep reading to discover and learn new things with regard to identifier expected JavaScript that enhance your coding skills!

What does the expected error mean in JavaScript?

The JavaScript error message “expected” usually indicates that there should be a comma between two elements, like in an object or array, but it is missing.

There are some instances in that you’ll always encounter the example code below:

const data = {
  firstName: "It",
  lastName: "sourcecode"
  age: 18


If we try to run this code, the output would be: identifier expected JavaScript.

Without reviewing your code, it is challenging to pinpoint the exact location of this error.

To fix this issue, we have to put a comma after the property that comes before the missing comma.

const data = {
  firstName: "It",
  lastName: "sourcecode",
  age: 18



{ firstName: 'It', lastName: 'sourcecode', age: 18 }

Moreover, JavaScript’s expected error is not just about the missing comma, bracket, parenthesis, or semi-colon but also comes from other issues.

For example:

var totalSample =  '${totalSample}';

var totalSampleCost;
var totalSampleLabel;
var totalSampleProfit;

if (totalSample != null)  
    totalSampleLabel.push({ "label": "Product",});
    totalSampleValue.push({"cost": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${totalSample}"/>,});
    totalSampleProfit.push({"toolProfit": "<fmt:formatNumber value='${totalSample}' type='currency' groupingUsed='true' />"});


If we try to run this code, definitely the result would be the expected JavaScript error message.

It is because you cannot simply push values into empty variables. After all, it will cause an undefined error.

To prevent this, you need to declare the variables beforehand using the “var totalSampleLabel = [];” syntax.

Additionally, it’s important to consider whether using the push method is suitable for the current scenario.

Use the old-fashioned object literal

var totalObj = {};

var totalSample =  "123456789.00";

if (totalSample != null) {

totalObj.label = "Product";
totalObj.cost = "109321734.06";

totalObj.Profit = "$11111111.11";

console.log('{"data": [' + JSON.stringify(totalObj) + ']}');


{"data": [{"label":"Product","cost":"109321734.06","Profit":"$11111111.11"}]}

Solutions on how to fix the JavaScript expected error?

To fix the JavaScript expected error, it’s important to understand why it happens.

This error occurs when the code expects to find a specific value or expression but instead encounters something different.

There are various reasons for this error, such as:

❌ Using incorrect syntax

❌ Missing or misplaced elements

❌ Using incompatible data types

The following are some general solutions to resolve JavaScript expected errors:

1. Refresh the web page

Sometimes, a simple solution is to reload the web page. It’s a common approach, to turning a device off and on again, which can help address various issues.

2. Verify JavaScript activation

It’s essential to ensure that JavaScript is enabled in the browser settings. Remember that JavaScript settings may vary across different browsers.

3. Utilize in-browser developer tools

The browser’s console provides error messages when there are syntax errors in the JavaScript code. By using the in-browser developer tools, you can identify and address these errors.

4. Check cross-browser compatibility

JavaScript behavior can differ among various browsers and their individual settings. It is important to consider cross-browser compatibility and adapt your code accordingly.

5. Use sonsole.log() to observe expected results

Using the console.log() function lets you show specific results while your code is running. This helps you see how your code is progressing and find any problems that might come up.

6. Check for syntax errors

You have to check your code for any mistakes in how it’s written. Use a good code editor or development tool that can help you find these errors by highlighting them or showing error messages.

Look for the parts of your code that are highlighted or have error messages and fix them by making sure they follow the correct rules and ways of writing JavaScript code.


In conclusion, this article delves into a common error message in JavaScript called “expected.”

This error usually happens when you forget to put a comma between two elements, like in objects or arrays.

The article gives examples of code that can trigger this error and shows how to fix it by adding the missing comma.

It also mentions that the “expected” error can occur for other reasons, such as using incorrect syntax or incompatible data types.

This article provides solutions wherein it can help you to fix the error easily. By following the given solutions above, you can resolve the “expected” error and improve your coding skills in JavaScript.

We are hoping that this article provides you with enough information that helps you understand expected JavaScript

You can also check out the following article:

Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊.

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