JavaScript Operator Precedence | Exploring Its Importance

Why JavaScript operator precedence important? What is operator precedence do in producing intended outcomes?

In this article, we will explore the importance of operator precedence of JavaScript in executing code and understanding the rules to output results correctly.

In the world of JavaScript programming, understanding operator precedence is crucial.

Therefore, when writing code, it’s essential to know how different operators are prioritized and evaluated.

Additionally, this knowledge helps ensure that expressions are computed correctly and produce the expected results.

What is JavaScript Operator Precedence?

The JavaScript Operator Precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated in a JavaScript expression.

In addition to that, this precedence establishes a hierarchy among operators, granting certain operators higher priority over others.

For instance, in the expression a + b * c, the multiplication (*) operator takes precedence over the addition (+) operator. Consequently, the multiplication operation is executed first, followed by the addition.

To eliminate any confusion, JavaScript adheres to a set of predefined rules when evaluating expressions. These rules ensure that expressions are assessed consistently and in a predictable manner.

By comprehending these rules, you can write code that produces the intended outcomes.

Importance of Operator Precedence

Understanding operator precedence is essential as it ensures accurate evaluation of expressions.

Technically, insufficient knowledge of the rules can lead to unexpected outcomes, introducing logical errors in the code.

Therefore by following operator precedence, programmers can write code that functions as intended, delivering precise and reliable results.


Let’s explore some examples to illustrate the concepts of operator precedence in JavaScript:

Example 1: Addition vs. Concatenation

let result = 2 + 4 + "5";



In this example, the addition operator (+) has a higher precedence than the concatenation operator (+).

Therefore, JavaScript evaluates the expression from left to right, performing the addition first and then concatenating the result with the string “5”. The output will be “65“.

Example 2: Operator Precedence and Parentheses

let result = (2 + 4) * 4;



By using parentheses, we can control the order of evaluation. In this example, the expression within the parentheses is evaluated first, resulting in 6. Then, the multiplication operation is performed with 4, resulting in 24.

JavaScript Operator Precedence Table

Here is a table showing the operator precedence in JavaScript, from highest to lowest:

1() (Parentheses)Grouping of expressions or function invocation
2. (Dot)Object property access
3[] (Square brackets)Array element access or object property access
4newObject creation with the new keyword
awaitAwait an asynchronous expression
newObject creation with the new keyword
+ (Unary plus)Unary positive sign
– (Unary minus)Unary negation
! (Logical NOT)Logical negation
~ (Bitwise NOT)Bitwise negation
typeofType identification
voidDiscard a value and return undefined
deleteDelete an object property
7** (Exponentiation)Exponentiation
8*, /, %Multiplication, division, modulus
9+, –Addition, subtraction
10<<, >>, >>>Bitwise left shift, bitwise right shift, unsigned right shift
11<, <=, >, >=, instanceofComparison operators
12==, !=, ===, !==Equality and inequality operators
13&Bitwise AND
14^Bitwise XOR
16&&Logical AND
18? : (Conditional)Ternary conditional operator
19=, +=, -=Assignment operators
*=, /=, %=
<<=, >>=, >>>=
&=, ^=, `=,

To learn more about JavaScript functions here are other resources you can check out:


To summarize, operator precedence is a vital aspect of JavaScript as it dictates the sequence of operations in expressions.

It is important for developers to grasp and implement the rules of operator precedence to ensure accurate results and prevent logical errors.

When needed, parentheses can be used to override the default precedence and enhance code readability.

With a firm grasp of JavaScript’s operator precedence, you can now confidently write code that effectively utilizes the expressive features of the language.

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