How to square a number in JavaScript?

In this tutorial, you will have to learn how to square a number in JavaScript. We will use simple language and approach to make it simple to understand for someone who is just starting to learn code programming.

In addition, we will present an examples and use instinct and comparison to help you understand the topic better.

Method for Squaring in JavaScript

To square a number in JavaScript, we have several choices at our removal. Let’s discuss some of the most common and effective methods:

1. Using the Exponentiation Operator (**)

The easiest way to square a number in JavaScript is by using the exponentiation operator (**).

This operator raises the base number to the power of the exponent, completely squaring the value.

Here’s an example code:

const variable = 15;
const squaredNumberResult = variable ** 2;



2. Using the Math.pow() Function

The Math.pow() function enables you to performed the power of a given number.

By passing the number and the exponent (in this case, 2), you can simply square a number.

Let’s see an example code:

const variable = 30;
const squaredNumberResult = Math.pow(variable, 2);



3. Multiplying the Number by Itself

Another simple method to square a number in JavaScript is by multiplying the number by itself.

This method is direct and easy to implement.

For example:

const variable = 25;
const squaredNumberResult = variable * variable;



4. Using the Math.sqrt() Function

The Math.sqrt() function is usually used to find the square root of a number. However, you can use this function to square a number by raising it to the power of 0.5.

Let’s have a look at the example code:

const variable = 1000;
const squaredNumberResult = Math.sqrt(variable);



5. Implementing Bitwise Left Shift Operator

For non-negative integer values, an eccentric method to square a number requires using the bitwise left shift operator (<<).

This method may not be suitable for all situations but it is interesting to explore.

For example:

const variable = 28;
const squaredNumberResult = variable << 1;



6. Custom Squaring Function

You can also make a custom function to square a number in JavaScript.

This method allows for more control and flexibility in handling different cases.

Here’s an example code:

function customSquareExample(num) {
  return num * num;

const num = 18;
const squaredNumberResult = customSquareExample(num);

Exploring Advanced Methods for square of a number in javascript

Now that we have already understand the fundamental methods of squaring a number in JavaScript, let’s explore some advanced methods that can increase your coding expertise:

Method 1: Squaring Negative Numbers

When working with negative numbers, it’s important to handle them appropriately during the squaring process.

The result of squaring a negative number will always be positive.

For example:

const negativeValue = -25;
const squaredNegativeNumberResult = Math.pow(negativeValue, 2);



Method 2: Handling Decimal Numbers

JavaScript enables for the squaring of decimal numbers as well. The result will be the square of the decimal value.

Here’s an example code:

const decimalValue = 10.8;
const squaredDecimalNumberResullt = decimalValue * decimalValue;



Method 3: Performance Considerations

When working with large datasets or performance-critical applications, selecting the most dynamic squaring method becomes important.

Comparing different methods can help define the excellent method for your specific use case.


What is the easiest method to square a number in JavaScript?

The simplest and most easiest method is using the exponentiation operator (**), as it directly squares the number.

How do I handle square roots when squaring a number?

To square a number in JavaScript, you do not need to deal with square roots. Rather, use any of the methods mentioned above, like the exponentiation operator (**).

Can I square negative numbers in JavaScript?

Yes, JavaScript allows you to square negative numbers. The result will always be positive.

Is there a limit to the size of the number that can be squared in JavaScript?

JavaScript handles large numbers through the BigInt data type, which enables you to work with numbers beyond the typical limit.


In conclusion, squaring a number in JavaScript is a basic operation with multiple methods at your use.

By understanding the different methods and their use cases, you can select the most proper method for your specific programming needs.

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