How to run JavaScript in VsCode?

In this article, we will teach you of how to run JavaScript code in Visual Studio Code (VsCode), a popular and powerful code editor used by developers worldwide.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert programmer, this article will provide you with all the necessary steps and insights to execute your JavaScript code smoothly.

Introduction to VSCode

VSCode, developed by Microsoft, is a lightweight yet feature-rich code editor that provides an excellent environment for JavaScript development.

It offers a vast area of extensions, debugging tools, and customization options, making it a preferred choice for many developers.

Setting Up VSCode for JavaScript Development

To start running JavaScript code in VSCode, you need to set up your development environment appropriately.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Install Visual Studio Code

First, download and install the latest version of Visual Studio Code from the official website (

Choose the proper installer for your operating system and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 2: Install Node.js

Next, install Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment, on your machine. Node.js allows you to execute JavaScript code outside of a browser.

Visit the official Node.js website ( and download the LTS (Long-Term Support) version suitable for your operating system.

Once the download is finished, run the installer and follow the installation commands.

Step 3: Install the VSCode Extension for JavaScript

Start the VSCode and navigate to the Extensions view by clicking on the square icon on the left sidebar or using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+X (macOS).

In the search bar, type “JavaScript” and look for the official “JavaScript” extension by Microsoft.

Click the “Install” button to add the extension to your VSCode installation.

Step 4: Set Up a JavaScript Project

First, create a new folder on your computer for your JavaScript project.

Then, open VSCode and select “Open Folder” from the “File” menu.

Next, navigate to the folder you just created and click “Open”.

Finally, this action opens the folder in the VSCode workspace, allowing you to work on your JavaScript project.

Running JavaScript Code in VSCode

Now that your development environment is ready, let’s move on into the various methods to run JavaScript code in VSCode.

Method 1: Using the Integrated Terminal

VSCode provides an integrated terminal that grants you to execute JavaScript code directly within the editor.

To open the integrated terminal, go to the “View” menu and select “Terminal” or use the shortcut Ctrl+ (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+ (macOS).

Once the terminal opens at the bottom of the editor, you can start executing JavaScript code by typing node .js, replacing with the name of your JavaScript file.

Then, press Enter to run the code, and the output will be displayed in the terminal window.

Method 2: Using the Code Runner Extension

Another suitable method to run JavaScript code in VSCode is by using the Code Runner extension.

To install this extension, go to the Extensions view (shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X or Cmd+Shift+X) and search for “Code Runner” by Jun Han.

Then, click the “Install” button to add the extension to your VSCode installation.

If it is already installed, you can execute JavaScript code by either right-clicking within a JavaScript file and selecting “Run Code” or using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N.

The output will be displayed in the output window at the bottom of the editor.

Method 3: Using Live Server

If you are working on a JavaScript project that involves HTML and CSS, you can use the Live Server extension to run your code in a live server environment.

Install the “Live Server” extension by Ritwick Dey from the Extensions view, and once it is installed, right-click on an HTML file and select “Open with Live Server“.

This process opens the HTML file in a browser, and any JavaScript code within the file will be executed.

Debugging JavaScript in VSCode

Debugging is an important part of the development process, and VSCode provides powerful debugging tools for JavaScript code.

Let’s probe how you can debug your JavaScript code in VSCode:

Step 1: Setting Breakpoints

To start debugging, you need to set breakpoints in your JavaScript code.

A breakpoint is a marker that pauses code execution at a specific line, granting you to check out the program’s state and variables at that point.

To set a breakpoint, click on the gutter area (the space to the left of the line numbers) next to the line of code where you want the execution to pause.

Step 2: Launching the Debugger

To start the debugger, either press the F5 key or navigate to the “Run” menu and select “Start Debugging“.

VSCode will switch to the debug view, and your code will start running until it reaches the first breakpoint.

Step 3: Inspecting Variables and Stepping Through Code

While the code is paused at a breakpoint, you can inspect variables, step through the code line by line, and monitor the changes in the program’s state.

The debug toolbar at the top of the editor provides buttons for stepping over, stepping into, and stepping out of code, as well as options for examining variables and expressions.

Optimizing JavaScript Workflow in VSCode

To increase your JavaScript workflow in VSCode, here are some useful tips and techniques:

Tip 1: Use IntelliSense

Take advantage of VSCode’s IntelliSense feature, which provides intelligent code completion, suggestions, and parameter hints as you type.

IntelliSense saves you time by reducing the need to remember syntax and function names, and it helps you discover available methods and properties.

Tip 2: Utilize Code Snippets

Code snippets are specified code templates that you can immediately insert into your JavaScript files.

VSCode offers a wide range of built-in and community-contributed code snippets.

To use a code snippet, type the associated keyword and press Tab to expand it into the full code block.

Tip 3: Customize Keyboard Shortcuts

Customizing keyboard shortcuts in VSCode grants you to customize the editor to your preferred workflow.

You can change the existing shortcuts or create new ones for different commands, making your coding experience more efficient and convenient.

Extending VSCode for JavaScript Development

One of the power of VSCode is its wide-ranging ecosystem of extensions, which allows you to customize and extend the editor’s functionality.

Here are some recommended extensions specifically for JavaScript development:

  • ESLint:
    • Linter for defining and fixing common JavaScript code errors and enforcing coding standards.
  • Prettier:
    • Code formatter that automatically formats your JavaScript code based on configurable rules.
  • GitLens:
    • Provides enhanced Git integration within VSCode, displaying Git blame annotations and other Git-related information.
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer:
    • Helps visualize matching brackets with customizable colors, making it easier to navigate complex code structures.

Note: Installing these extensions can typically increase your JavaScript development experience in VSCode.


Can I use VSCode for JavaScript development on macOS?

Yes, VSCode is compatible with macOS, as well as Windows and Linux operating systems. Simply download the macOS version of VSCode from the official website and follow the installation instructions.

How can I debug JavaScript code in VSCode?

To debug JavaScript code in VSCode, set breakpoints in your code by clicking on the gutter area, launch the debugger, and use the debug toolbar to step through the code and inspect variables.

Are there any recommended VSCode extensions for JavaScript development?

Yes, some recommended extensions for JavaScript development in VSCode include ESLint, Prettier, GitLens, and Bracket Pair Colorizer.

Can I collaborate with others using VSCode for JavaScript development?

Yes, VSCode supports collaborative coding through extensions like Live Share, allowing you to share your coding session with others and work together in real-time.


In conclusion, running JavaScript code in VSCode is a genuine and efficient process that empowers developers to write, execute, and debug JavaScript code with ease.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up your development environment, run your code, and optimize your workflow using VSCode’s extensive features and extensions.

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