How to comment out multiple lines in javascript?

When you are working on JavaScript program, there is an instances when you need to comment out multiple lines of code for different reasons.

In this article, we will discuss the different methods and best practices on how to comment out multiple lines in JavaScript effectively.

Why Commenting Out Code is Important?

Commenting out code is an important practice for developers because it allows them to temporarily disable specific sections of code without deleting them.

Furthermore, this is usually useful for debugging purposes or when testing different code modification.

Also, by commenting out code, you can remove problematic areas and experiment with alternative solutions.

Single-Line Commenting in JavaScript

The first method to comment out code in JavaScript is by using single-line comments.

Single-line comments start with “//” and only affect the line immediately following them.

They are useful when we want to comment out a single line of code.

Here’s an example code:

// This is a single-line comment
console.log("This line will be run successfully");
// console.log("This line will be commented out");
console.log("This line will be executed successfully");

In the above example, the second console.log statement is commented out using a single-line comment.

Multi-Line Commenting

If we need to comment out multiple lines of code, multi-line comments come in accessible. Multi-line comments begin with “/*” and end with “*/“, allowing you to defined certain lines within them.

Here’s an example code:

console.log("This line will be commented out");
console.log("This line will be commented out");
console.log("This line will be commented out");
console.log("This line will be executed successfully");

In this example, the three console.log statements are encapsulate within a multi-line comment, stopping them from being executed.

Shortcut Methods for Commenting Out Multiple Lines

To comment out multiple lines of code immediately, some IDEs or text editors offer shortcut methods.

For example, in Visual Studio Code, you can select the lines you want to comment out and press Ctrl+/ (Windows) or Cmd+/ (Mac) to toggle commenting.

This feature can save you time and effort when dealing with larger blocks of code.

/* #if DEBUG
console.log("The debug mode is enabled");
console.log("The debug mode is disabled");

In this example, the code within the conditional comments will be commented out unless the DEBUG flag is set to true.

Using IDE or Text Editor Features

Many current IDEs and text editors offer advanced features to consolidate the process of commenting out multiple lines of code.

These features may include keyboard shortcuts, plugins, or context menu options specially the designed for commenting.

Learning the capabilities of your preferred development environment can typically improve your coding efficiency.

Benefits of Commenting Out Code

Commenting out code provides several benefits to developers and enhances code readability and maintainability.

Some of the key advantages include in the following:

  • Debugging
  • Code Testing
  • Collaboration
  • Documentation

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While commenting out code may seem forthright, there are some common mistakes that developers should avoid:

  • Leaving commented-out code in production
  • Incomplete commenting
  • Lack of descriptive comments

Best Practices for Commenting Out Multiple Lines in JavaScript

To make your commented code more impressive and credible, acknowledge the following best practices:

  • Use clear and concise comments
  • Avoid excessive commenting
  • Regularly review and remove commented-out code
  • Consider version control


Can comments affect JavaScript performance?

No, comments in JavaScript have no impact on runtime performance. JavaScript engines ignore comments during code execution.

Is there a limit to the number of lines that can be commented out?

There is no inherent limit to the number of lines you can comment out in JavaScript.

However, it’s generally recommended to use commenting judiciously and remove unnecessary commented-out code.

Can I uncomment multiple lines at once?

Yes, most IDEs and text editors provide shortcuts or features to uncomment multiple lines of code at once.

Do comments impact the file size of JavaScript files?

No, comments are stripped from JavaScript files during the minification process, resulting in no impact on the file size.

What is the purpose of conditional commenting?

Conditional commenting allows developers to selectively include or exclude specific code sections based on predefined conditions.

This can be useful for handling different environments or enabling/disabling features during development.


In conclusion, we explored different solutions and best practices for commenting out multiple lines in JavaScript.

We have discussed single-line commenting, multi-line commenting, shortcut methods, conditional commenting, and IDE/text editor features.

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