How To Fix Unexpected Identifier Javascript

Are you troubleshooting the “Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error?

Well, in this article, we will delve into the causes of this error and provide practical solutions to resolve it.

JavaScript is a powerful programming language used extensively for web development.

However, even experienced developers encounter errors while working with JavaScript code.

One common error is the “Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error, which can be frustrating to debug.

What is Unexpected identifier in JavaScript?

The “Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error typically occurs when the JavaScript interpreter encounters an unexpected identifier in the code.

An identifier refers to the name of a variable, function, or object. When JavaScript encounters an unexpected identifier, it means that it found a name it wasn’t expecting at that point in the code.

This can happen due to various reasons, including typographical errors, incorrect syntax, or scope issues.

Reason behind Unexpected identifier in JavaScript

  • Typos in Variable or Function Names
  • Missing or Misplaced Parentheses
  • Improper Use of Reserved Keywords
  • Syntax Errors

Example of how javascript syntaxerror unexpected identifier occurs

Here are examples of scenarios of how this unexpected identifier error occurs.

1. Typos in Variable or Function Names

One of the most common causes of the “Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error is typographical errors in variable or function names. JavaScript is case-sensitive, so a small typo can lead to this error.

For example:

// Declaring a variable with a typo in its name
var username = "John Doe";
console.log(userName); // Throws "Unexpected Identifier JavaScript" error

// Declaring a function with a typo in its name
function greetUser() {

// Calling the function with a typo in its name
greatUser(); // Throws "Unexpected Identifier JavaScript" error

In the above code, there are two examples of typos causing the error.

The first one occurs when trying to access the variable userName instead of username. Since JavaScript is case-sensitive, these are considered as two different identifiers, leading to the error.

The second example shows a typo in the function name. The function is declared as greetUser, but when calling it, there’s a typo with greatUser.

As a result, JavaScript throws the same error because it can’t find the function with the given name.

2. Missing or Misplaced Parentheses

Another common cause of the “Unexpected Identifier” error is missing or misplaced parentheses. JavaScript uses parentheses to define the scope and parameters of functions and control flow statements.

If you forget to include parentheses or place them incorrectly, the JavaScript interpreter will encounter an unexpected identifier.

For example, consider the following code snippet:

function greet {
  console.log("Hello, @itsourcecode!");

In this case, the function declaration is missing parentheses after the function name greet.

3. Improper Use of Reserved Keywords

JavaScript has a set of reserved keywords that have predefined meanings in the language. If you accidentally use these reserved keywords as variable or function names, it will result in the “Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error.

For example, consider the following code:

let const = 42;

In this case, const is a reserved keyword in JavaScript used to declare constants. By using it as a variable name, you are introducing an unexpected identifier.

4. Syntax Errors

Syntax errors are another common cause of the “Unexpected Identifier ” error. JavaScript has specific syntax rules that must be followed for the code to execute correctly. If you violate these rules, the JavaScript interpreter will throw an error.

For example, consider the following code snippet:

if (x > 10)
  console.log("x is greater than 10");
  console.log("x is less than or equal to10");

In this case, there is a missing opening brace { after the if statement, resulting in a syntax error.

How to fix javascript unexpected identifier?

Now that we already tackle the examples how we encounter this error, here are the solutions to fix it.

Solution 1: Typos in Variable or Function Names

To resolve the ” Unexpected Identifier ” error caused by typos of variable names or function names, check carefully and correct any typographical errors.

Remember that JavaScript is case-sensitive programming language, hence even a small typo can lead to this error.

Here is how to fix the given example:

  1. Correct the variable name typo:
var username = "John Doe";
console.log(username); // Corrected the variable name

  1. Correct the function name typo:
function greetUser() {

greetUser(); // Corrected the function name

Solution 2: Missing or Misplaced Parentheses

When encountering the “Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error due to missing or misplaced parenthesis, make sure to include them correctly.

Additionally, parentheses define the scope and parameters of functions and control flow statements.

Here is how to fix the example provided:

function greet() { // Added parentheses after the function name
  console.log("Hello, world!");

Solution 3: Improper Use of Reserved Keywords

To address the ” Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error caused by using reserved keywords as variable or function names, avoid using these keywords and choose different identifiers.

Here’s an updated version of the code snippet:

let constant = 42; // Replaced "const" with "constant"

Solution 4: Syntax Errors

Also, Syntax errors can lead to the “Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error.

To resolve this, carefully review your code and ensure that you follow JavaScript’s syntax rules.
Here’s a corrected version of the code snippet with a missing opening brace:

if (x > 10) {
  console.log("x is greater than 10");
} else {
  console.log("x is less than or equal to 10");

By applying these solutions, you should be able to fix the “Unexpected Identifier ” error in each scenario.

Remember to carefully review your code for typos, parentheses placement, reserved keywords, and syntax errors.

To learn more about JavaScript functions here are other resources you can check out:


In conclusion, encountering the “Unexpected Identifier JavaScript” error can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be resolved effectively.

In this article, we discussed the common causes of this error, including typos, missing parentheses, improper use of reserved keywords, and syntax errors.

We also provided practical solutions to tackle each issue. By following the troubleshooting tips and best practices outlined in this guide, you can overcome the “Unexpected Identifier ” error and write robust JavaScript code.

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