How to Fix the Issue of $ Not Working in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a dominant programming language that allows developers to make dynamic and engaging web pages. One of the common encountered issue while working with JavaScript is when the $ Not Working in JavaScript does not function as expected.

This issue usually occurs when utilizing popular JavaScript libraries like jQuery, which massively depend on the dollar sign as a shorthand for accessing and manipulating elements in the Document Object Model (DOM).

In this complete guide, we will explore different solutions to fix the problem of the dollar sign not working in JavaScript.

We will discuss the possible causes of this issue and provide step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot and resolve it effectively.

What Causes the Issue of $ Not Working in JavaScript?

Before we move on into the solutions, let’s understand first why the dollar sign may not work as expected in JavaScript.

The first reason is the clash between jQuery and other JavaScript libraries that also use the dollar sign as a shorthand notation.

When both libraries are available on a web page, conflicts occur, resulting in the decline of the dollar sign to function appropriately.

Also, if the jQuery library is not loaded properly or there are syntax errors in the code, the dollar sign may fail to work.

Understanding these causes will help us resolve the issue more effectively.

Troubleshooting Steps to Fix the $ Not Working Issue

Step 1: Make Sure jQuery is Properly Loaded

The first step is to make sure that the jQuery library is loaded correctly in your HTML document.

You can do this by adding the following code between the tags of your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>

This code will fetch the latest version of the jQuery library from the official content delivery network (CDN) and include it on your web page.

Step 2: Check for Conflicts with Other Libraries

If you are using other JavaScript libraries on the side of jQuery, conflicts may occur due to the shared use of the dollar sign notation.

To identify and resolve such conflicts, consider following these steps:

  • Review the libraries you are using and verify if any of them also depends on the dollar sign.
  • Check the documentation or official resources for the libraries to define if there are any known conflicts with jQuery.
  • You can consider updating the latest versions of the libraries, as newer versions often fix compatibility issues.

Step 3: Use the jQuery.noConflict() Method

To prevent conflicts with other libraries, jQuery provides the jQuery.noConflict() method.

This method will withdraw control of the dollar sign, allowing other libraries to use it without conflict.

Here’s an example code of how to use the jQuery.noConflict() method:

<script src=""></script>
  // Code that uses jQuery with the dollar sign ($) notation
  // ...
  var $example = jQuery.noConflict();

  // Code that uses the $example notation instead of the dollar sign
  // ...

By assigning jQuery.noConflict() to a different variable (in this case, $example), you can continue using jQuery without conflicting with other libraries that rely on the dollar sign.

Step 4: Check the DOM is Ready

To make sure that the DOM is fully loaded before running the jQuery code, you need to enclose your code in a $(document).ready() function.

This is to ensure that all elements in the DOM are accessible when the code is executed.

Here’s an example code of how to use $(document).ready():

$(document).ready(function() {
  // Your jQuery code goes here
  // ...

By wrapping your code within this function, you can guarantee that the necessary DOM elements are available for manipulation.

Step 5: Check for Syntax Errors

Syntax errors can prevent JavaScript code, including jQuery, from executing appropriately. To identify syntax errors, it is recommended to use a code editor with built-in error checking or to utilize browser developer tools.

Inspect your JavaScript code for any syntax errors, such as missing semicolons, mismatched parentheses, or undefined variables.

By identifying these errors will ensure the dollar sign works as intended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the dollar sign used in JavaScript?

The dollar sign is used in JavaScript libraries like jQuery as a shorthand notation to access and manipulate elements in the DOM.

It provides a succinct and efficient way to write code for common tasks, such as selecting elements, applying CSS styles, and handling events.

How do I include jQuery in my HTML file?

To include jQuery in your HTML file, you can add the following code snippet between the tags:

<script src=””></script>

This code fetches the jQuery library from the official CDN and makes it available for use in your web page.

What does the jQuery.noConflict() method do?

The jQuery.noConflict() method releases control of the dollar sign in jQuery, allowing other libraries to use it without conflicts.


In conclusion, encountering issues with the $ Not Working in JavaScript can be frustrating. However, with the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you now have the necessary knowledge to resolve this problem with confidence.

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