How to fix a deprecated name in JavaScript?

Are you tired of seeing warnings about deprecated names in your JavaScript code? Keep on reading!

This article will show you how to fix this issue and improve the compatibility of your code for future versions.

Discover the best solutions which you can use to say goodbye to deprecated names.

What is name deprecated means in coding or in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, the global variable name refers to which has a special meaning and is considered deprecated by TypeScript.

This means that it still works but is no longer supported and may break in future versions.

To avoid this warning, you can use a different variable identifier or move the code inside a function.

Moreover, when a feature is labeled as “deprecated,” it means that it’s still available but not recommended to use.

This is usually because there’s a newer and better way of doing things.

Even though deprecated features are still in the software, using them might generate warning messages suggesting alternative methods.

Eventually, these features may be removed in the future.

The purpose of deprecation is to allow backward compatibility and give programmers or developers who have used the feature some time to update their code to meet the new standards.

In simpler terms, when something is marked as “deprecated,” it means that it’s still accessible but intended to be removed in the future.

On the other hand, when something is considered “obsolete,” it means that it’s no longer usable at all.

Why is name deprecated in JavaScript?

In web browsers, the global variable “name” carries a specific significance.

Unfortunately, this has often resulted in confusion among users who attempted to define their own global variable with the same name, only to encounter unexpected coercion into a string.

Regrettably, the current checker you are using lacks the ability to handle a scenario where an assignment to “name” immediately follows a declaration of “let name.”

For example:

!function () {
let name = "Sample";
name = "Itsourcecode"; 


let name = "Sample";
name = "Itsourcecode";

The variable name is declared in the global scope and assigned the value “Sample”.

However, in a browser environment, the global variable name refers to which has a special meaning and is considered deprecated by TypeScript.

Fortunately, the issue can be resolved by encapsulating the code within a function, which effectively eliminates the problem and prevents the associated message from appearing.

Solutions on how to fix a deprecated name in JavaScript?

When you encounter a JavaScript name is deprecated, it means that the particular feature or method you are using is no longer recommended and may be removed in future versions of JavaScript.

To fix a deprecated name, you have a few options:

Solution 1: Use a different variable identifier

Instead of using the variable identifier name, which is considered deprecated in JavaScript, you can use a different identifier such as anotherName.

This will avoid the deprecation warning and allow you to use the variable without any issues.

For example, instead of using:

 let name = "Itsourcecode";

You can use let:

anotherName = "Itsourcecode";

Solution 2: Move the code inside a function

By moving the code that uses the name variable inside a function, you can create a local scope for the variable and avoid the deprecation warning.

This is because the global variable name refers to which has a special meaning and is considered deprecated by TypeScript.

By creating a local scope for the variable, you can avoid this issue.

For example:

( () => { let name = "Itsourcecode"; console.log(name); })() .

Solution 3: Update to the latest version

Check the documentation or release notes of the JavaScript framework or library you are using.

It’s possible that the deprecated name has been replaced with a new and recommended alternative in a newer version.

Update your codebase to use the suggested replacement.

If a recommended alternative is provided for the deprecated name, update your code to use the alternative method or feature instead.

This ensures compatibility with future versions of JavaScript and avoids any potential issues.

Solution 5: Refactor your code

If there is no direct replacement for the deprecated name or the recommended alternatives are not suitable for your use case, you may need to refactor your code.

Evaluate the purpose and functionality of the deprecated feature and find an alternative approach to achieve the same outcome.

This may involve rewriting parts of your code to use different methods or adopting new patterns.


In conclusion, this article provides solutions for addressing the issue of deprecated names in JavaScript.

It explains that a deprecated name refers to a global variable, such as “name,” which still functions but is no longer supported and may cause problems in future versions of JavaScript.

This article suggests several solutions to resolve this issue. 

One of them is developers can use a different variable identifier instead of the deprecated name.

By choosing a different identifier, such as “anotherName,” they can avoid the deprecation warning and continue using the variable without any issues.

By utilizing the different solutions provided by this article, developers can be able to fix deprecated names in JavaScript warnings.

We are hoping that this article provides you with enough information that helps you understand JavaScript name is deprecated.

You can also check out the following article:

Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊.

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