How to disable button in JavaScript

One of the common work that developers often encounter is disabling buttons based on the expected conditions.

In this article, we will discuss the different techniques and methods to disable buttons in JavaScript, and we will provide you with a complete guide to accomplish this task effectively.

Method to Disable the Button in JavaScript

Here are the following methods to disable the button in JavaScript:

Method 1: Using the disabled Property

One of the common method to disable a button in JavaScript is by using the disabled property.

This property alllows you to enable or disable a button based on a condition.

Here’s an example code of how to disable a property in JavaScript:

var sampleButton = document.getElementById('myButton');
sampleButton .disabled = true;

By placing the disabled property to true, you can effectively disable the button.

On the other hand, setting it to false will enable the button again.

Method 2: Adding Event Listeners

Another method to disabling buttons in JavaScript is by adding event listeners.

Event listeners enables you to detect user actions and perform actions properly.

var sampleButton = document.getElementById('sampleButton');
sampleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
  this.disabled = true;

In this example code, the button is disabled when it is clicked. You can change the event type to suit your specific requirements, such as “mouseover” or “keydown“.

Method 3: Manipulating CSS

JavaScript also equip the ability to manipulate CSS properties, allowing you to disable buttons by altering their appearance.

Here’s an example code that manipulating CSS:

var sampleButton = document.getElementById('sampleButton'); = 'none'; = '0.5';

By setting the pointerEvents property to ‘none’ and adjusting the opacity, you can visually shown that the button is disabled.

This method is usually useful if you want to customize the disabled appearance of the button.

Advanced Techniques for Disabling Buttons

These are the advanced techniques for disabling buttons in JavaScript:

1. Disabling Multiple Buttons

What if you have multiple buttons on your webpage and need to disable them together? One of the technique to obtain this is by using a loop.

Here’s an example code:

var buttonsExample = document.querySelectorAll('.sampleButtonClass');
for (var x = 0; x < buttonsExample.length; x++) {
  buttonsExample[x].disabled = true;

By choosing all the buttons with a exact class name, you can iterate over the collection and disable each button.

2. Disabling Buttons in Forms

Disabling buttons within a form is a common requirement, specifically when you want to prevent users from submitting the form multiple times.

You can do this by using the form’s onsubmit event.

Here’s an example code for disabling buttons in forms:

var sampleForm = document.getElementById('myExampleForm');
sampleForm.onsubmit = function() {
  var submitButton = document.getElementById('submitButton');
  submitButton.disabled = true;

By assimilating the form’s onsubmit event, you can disable the submit button, ensuring it cannot be clicked again until the form is submitted.

3. Enabling Buttons Dynamically

In some cases, you may need to enable buttons constantly based on assertive conditions. JavaScript enables you to change the disabled property based on your requirements.

var mySampleButton = document.getElementById('mySampleButton');
mySampleButton.disabled = false;

By setting the disabled property to false, you can enable the button whenever if it is essential.

This technique is useful when you want to enable buttons based on user input or other constant factors.


Can I disable a button temporarily and then re-enable it?

Yes, you can disable a button temporarily by using the disabled property. When you want to re-enable it, simply set the disabled property to false.

How can I disable a button using jQuery?

In jQuery, you can disable a button by selecting it and using the prop method to set the disabled attribute to true.

Is it possible to disable a button using CSS only?

While CSS provides styling capabilities, it does not provide direct functionality to disable buttons. JavaScript is needed to disable buttons automatically.

Can I disable a button based on user input?

Absolutely! You can disable a button based on user input by capturing the input event and applying the proper logic to determine when the button should be disabled or enabled.


In conclusion, disabling buttons in JavaScript is a crucial task that web developers usually encounter.

By using the techniques and methods discussed in this article, you now have a complete understanding of how to disable buttons in JavaScript.

Either you choose to use the disabled property, event listeners, or manipulate CSS, you have the tools to control button action based on your specific requirements.

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