How to Compute the Average Using JavaScript’s Math Functions

How to calculate or compute the average of a number using JavaScript Math functions?

In this article, we will delve into various methods that can help you calculate averages.

From understanding the power of ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘round’, and more, to actually calculating averages, we’ve got you covered.

Read on to start your journey towards mastering JavaScript Math Average today!

What is JavaScript Math?

JavaScript Math is a built-in object that provides mathematical functions and constants for performing calculations in JavaScript.

It offers a range of methods such as trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, rounding functions, and more.

The Math object allows you to perform complex mathematical calculations easily within your JavaScript code.

What are the JavaScript’s Math Functions

Here are some common functions and properties you can use with the JavaScript Math object:

Math.min() and Math.max()

These functions are used when you need to find the smallest or largest number in a set of numbers.

For instance, Math.min(10, 20, 30) would return 10, and Math.max(10, 20, 30) would return 30.


This function is used when you need to generate a random number. It returns a floating-point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).


This function is used when you need to round a number to the nearest integer.

For instance, Math.round(3.6) would return 4.


This function is used when you need to round a number up to the nearest integer.

For instance, Math.ceil(4.1) would return 5.


This function is used when you need to round a number down to the nearest integer.

For instance, Math.floor(6.9) would return 5.


This function is used when you need to raise a number to a power.

For instance, Math.pow(3, 3) would return 27 because 3 raised to the power of 3 equals 27.


This function helps you calculate the square root of a number. It’s like finding the value that, when multiplied by itself, gives you the original number.


This function is used when you need to find the absolute value of a number.

For example, Math.abs(-8) would return 8.

Math.sin(), Math.cos(), and Math.tan()

These functions are used when you need to perform trigonometric calculations. They return the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle (in radians), respectively.

The list that you’ve seen above, are just a few examples, and there are many more functions and properties available in the JavaScript Math object.

It’s a powerful tool for performing mathematical operations in your JavaScript programs.

How to compute the average using JavaScript Math Functions?

Here are the different methods that you can use to compute the average of an array of numbers using JavaScript:

Method 1: Use a for loop

Here’s an example:

let SampleNumbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
let sum = 0;

for(let i = 0; i < SampleNumbers .length; i++) {
    sum += SampleNumbers[i];

let average = sum / SampleNumbers .length;

console.log("The average is: " + average);

Using a for loop In this method, we initialize a variable sum to 0. Then we use a for loop to iterate over each number in the array. In each iteration, we add the current number to sum.

After the loop, we divide sum by the length of the array (i.e., the count of numbers) to get the average.


The average is: 30

Method 2: Using Array.prototype.reduce()

Here’s an example:

let SampleNumbers = [50, 20, 60, 40, 50];

let sum = SampleNumbers .reduce(function(a, b){ 
    return a + b;
}, 0);

let average = sum / SampleNumbers .length;

console.log("The average is: " + average);

The reduce() method applies a function against an accumulator and each element in the array (from left to right) to reduce it to a single output value.

It’s being used here to calculate the sum of all numbers in the array. The sum is then divided by the length of the array to find the average.


The average is: 44

Method 3: Using and Array.prototype.reduce()

Here’s an example:

let SampleNumbers = [15, 25, 35, 45, 55];

let average = SampleNumbers .map(Number).reduce((a, b) => a + b) / SampleNumbers .length; ✅

console.log("The average is: " + average);

The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the array. In this case, it’s used with Number to ensure all elements are treated as numbers.

The reduce() method is then used just like in Method 2 above to find the sum and calculate the average.


The average is: 35

As you can see, in the methods above, numbers are an array of numbers. The average is calculated by summing all the numbers in the array and then dividing by the count of numbers in the array.


In conclusion, we have already provided solutions on how to calculate averages using various methods in JavaScript.

Whether you’re using a for loop or harnessing the power of the map() and reduce() method, JavaScript offers flexible and efficient ways to compute averages.

We hope this article has provided you with enough information to understand the JavaScript Math average.

If you want to explore more JavaScript topics, check out the following articles:

Thank you for reading Itsourcecoders 😊.

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