How To Clone Array JavaScript? | 5 Methods

Have you ever wished for a simple way to create an exact copy of an array in JavaScript? Well, you’re in luck! Clone an array In JavaScript allows you to do just that, opening up a world of possibilities for your coding adventures.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what array cloning means and why it’s such a valuable technique in JavaScript.

We’ll dive into various methods that make cloning arrays a breeze, providing you with real-life examples and step-by-step explanations to ensure you grasp the concept with ease.

Whether you want to safeguard the original array, manipulate immutable data, or work with independent copies, array cloning has got you covered.

So, let’s get started and unravel the secrets of array cloning in JavaScript.

Prepare to be amazed as you unleash the power of duplication in your coding repertoire!

What is a cloning array in JavaScript?

When we talk about cloning an array, it means creating a brand new array that’s an exact replica of an already existing one.

This process ensures that any modifications or changes made to the original array won’t have any effect on the cloned array, and vice versa.

Additionally, cloning arrays come in handy when we want to preserve the contents of the original array while performing operations on a separate copy.

Why clone array in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, the act of cloning an array enables us to generate a distinct duplicate of the original array.

This proves beneficial in scenarios where we want to prevent alterations to the original array, create backups, manipulate immutable data, or establish independent copies.

To clone an array, various methods can be employed such as using slice(), utilizing the spread operator, or employing array destructuring.

How to clone array in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, there are multiple ways to clone an array. I’ll explain the most common methods along with example programs, their output, and explanations.

Method 1: Using the spread operator

This method uses the spread operator (…) to create a shallow copy of the array.

Example program:

const originalArray = ["🟢", "💕", "🌹"];
const clonedArray = [...originalArray];



["🟢", "💕", "🌹"]

By spreading originalArray inside square brackets, we create a new array with the same elements as the original array. Any modifications made to clonedArray will not affect the originalArray.

However, if the array contains objects or nested arrays, they will be shallow copied, meaning the references to objects or arrays will remain the same.

Method 2: Using the Array.from() method

The Array.from() method can be used to create a new array from an existing one.

Example program:

const originalArray = ["🎈","🎈","🎈"];
const clonedArray = Array.from(originalArray);



["🎈", "🎈", "🎈"]

The Array.from() method creates a new array by iterating over the elements of originalArray. It works for both iterable and array-like objects. The resulting array is a shallow copy of the original array.

Method 3: Using the Array.slice() method

The Array.slice() method can be used to extract a portion of an array and create a new array containing those elements.

Example program:

const originalArray = ["🎁", "🎁", "🎁"];
const clonedArray = originalArray.slice();



["🎁", "🎁", "🎁"]

By calling slice() without any arguments, we create a new array that contains all the elements of originalArray. The resulting array is a shallow copy of the original array.

Method 4: Using the Array.concat() method

The Array.concat() method can be used to merge two or more arrays into a new array.

Example program:

const originalArray = ["🍔", "🍟", "🌭"];
const clonedArray = [].concat(originalArray);



["🍔", "🍟", "🌭"]

By calling concat() with an empty array [] and originalArray, we merge the two arrays into a new array. The resulting array is a shallow copy of the original array.

Method 5: Using the method

The method can be used to create a new array by applying a function to each element of an existing array.

Example program:

const originalArray = ["🚗", "🚙", "🛺"];
const clonedArray = => item);



["🚗", "🚙", "🛺"]

By using map() and returning each element as is (item => item), we create a new array with the same elements as originalArray. The resulting array is a shallow copy of the original array.

These are the most commonly used methods for cloning an array in JavaScript. Each method creates a new array that is a copy of the original array, allowing you to modify or manipulate the cloned array without affecting the original one.

To learn more about JavaScript functions here are other resources you can check out:


In conclusion, cloning arrays in JavaScript is a really useful technique. It allows you to make independent copies of arrays so that you can manipulate them without affecting the original data.

By understanding the different cloning methods and their subtle differences, you can confidently choose the right approach based on what you need.

Whether you want a shallow copy that only duplicates the top-level elements, or a deep copy that duplicates all nested elements, the methods discussed in this article provide reliable solutions.

So go ahead, give it a try! Clone your arrays in JavaScript and open up new possibilities for your projects!

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