How Javascript Get Domain From URL? | 4 Methods

One common task developers encounter is extracting domains from URLs. Whether you’re building a web app, analyzing website traffic, or implementing security measures, the ability to obtain the domain from a URL is invaluable.

In this article, we will delve into various techniques for achieving this using JavaScript. Let’s explore how to efficiently get the domain from a URL and integrate this knowledge into your projects.

Understanding Javascript get domain from URL

In JavaScript, getting the domain from a URL involves extracting the main part of a web address, which typically includes the protocol (like “http” or “https”), the domain name (like “”), and sometimes the port number.

To achieve this you can use the following methods provided in the next section.

How to get domain from Url in JavaScript

In JavaScript, you can extract the domain from a URL using several methods. Here are a few common approaches:

  1. Using the URL Object:
    The URL object is built into modern browsers and provides an easy way to parse and manipulate URLs.
const myUrl = new URL("");
const domain = myUrl .hostname;
console.log(domain); // Output: ""

  1. Using the window.location Object:
    If you’re working in a browser environment and want to get the domain of the current page, you can use the window.location object.
const myDomain = window.location.hostname;
console.log(myDomain); // Output: "" (for the current page)

  1. Using Regular Expressions:
    You can also extract the domain using regular expressions, though this method might be less reliable in complex cases.
const myUrl = "";
const domain = myUrl.match(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?([^\/]+)/i)[1];
console.log(domain); // Output: ""

  1. Splitting and Array Manipulation:
    Another way is to split the URL string by slashes and take the third element (assuming the format is protocol://domain/path).
const sampleUrl = "";
const parts = sampleUrl.split("/");
const domain = parts[2];
console.log(domain); // Output: ""

It’s worth noting that these methods may have variations based on your specific use case and the structure of the URLs you’re working with. However, the first two methods are generally recommended for their simplicity and compatibility.

Best practices in get domain from URL JavaScript

  1. Error Handling: URLs can have variations, and unexpected inputs might occur. Always incorporate error handling to ensure your code remains robust.
  2. Protocol Flexibility: Account for URLs with or without the “http(s)” protocol. This ensures your solution works across different scenarios.
  3. Subdomain Consideration: Decide whether you need to include subdomains in your domain extraction. Adjust your approach accordingly.
  4. Testing: Before deploying your code, rigorously test it with various URL formats to confirm its accuracy and reliability.

I think we already covered everything we need to know about this article.

Nevertheless, here are other functions you can learn to enhance your JavaScript skills in working with URLs.


Mastering the art of JavaScript domain extraction empowers you to work efficiently with URLs and enhance your web development projects.

By employing the URL object, regular expressions, or splitting and joining methods, you can seamlessly extract domains and integrate this functionality into your codebase.

Remember to follow best practices, consider edge cases, and test your solutions thoroughly. With this knowledge in your toolkit, you’re better equipped to navigate the intricacies of URL manipulation in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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