How Javascript Extract Number From String? Why It’s Crucial?

Extraction of numbers from strings is a fundamental difficulty in JavaScript, with important implications in data manipulation.

This operation plays several functions, ranging from the management of user submissions to the unraveling of unprocessed data from various sources, as well as the pursuit of examining textual content.

We will begin an exploration within the constraints of this piece to excavate the importance hidden within the extraction of numbers from strings.

Furthermore, we will investigate a variety of approaches available in JavaScript that have been cleverly designed to conquer this attempt with finesse.

Why extract number from string in JavaScript?

Extracting numbers from strings is a crucial aspect of data processing, and it serves several purposes:

  • User Inputs: When dealing with forms or user interactions, you may receive numeric values embedded within text strings. Extracting these numbers allows you to perform calculations, validations, and data processing.

  • Data Parsing: In scenarios where you receive raw data, such as from APIs or databases, the data might include numbers represented as strings. Extracting these numbers ensures accurate data parsing and subsequent analysis.

  • Textual Analysis: Analyzing textual data often involves extracting quantitative information. Whether you’re analyzing product descriptions, reviews, or social media content, extracting numbers helps you gain insights from the data.

How to extract a number from string in JavaScript?

The process of extracting a number from a string involves identifying numerical patterns within the text and isolating them for further use. Let’s explore several techniques to achieve this:

Using parseInt() Method:

The simplest method to extract a number from a string is by using the parseInt() function. This function converts the beginning of the provided string into an integer.

For instance:

const text = "The price is $50";
const price = parseInt(text);

console.log("Original text:", text);
console.log("Parsed price:", price);


Original text:
The price is $50
Parsed price:

In this example, the parseInt() function will extract the numeric value 50 from the string.

Regular Expressions (Regex)

Regex is a powerful tool for pattern matching. You can create a regular expression to match numeric patterns within a string.

For example:

const text = "The total is 123.45";
const numberPattern = /\d+(\.\d+)?/;
const extractedNumber = parseFloat(text.match(numberPattern)[0]);

console.log("Original text:", text);
console.log("Extracted number:", extractedNumber);


Original text:
The total is 123.45
Extracted number:

In this example, the regular expression \d+(.\d+)? matches digits with an optional decimal part.

Using Number() Constructor

The Number() constructor can be employed to convert strings into numbers. It will attempt to convert the entire string into a number, extracting any numeric values present.

For instance:

const input = "42 is the answer";
const numericValue = Number(input);

console.log("Original input:", input);
console.log("Numeric value:", numericValue);


Original input:
42 is the answer
Numeric value:

In this case, the Number() constructor extracts the number 42.

Splitting and Joining

You can split the string into an array of words and then iterate through the array to find numeric substrings. Afterward, join the extracted numeric substrings to form the desired number.

For example:

const sentence = "The year is 2023";
const words = sentence.split(' ');
const numericWords = words.filter(word => !isNaN(word));
const extractedNumber = parseFloat(numericWords.join(''));

console.log("Original sentence:", sentence);
console.log("Numeric words:", numericWords);
console.log("Extracted number:", extractedNumber);


Original sentence:
The year is 2023
Numeric words:
(1) ["2023"]
Extracted number:

Here, we split the sentence into words, filter out non-numeric words, and then join the numeric words to extract 2023.

Substring Extraction

Using the substring() method, you can extract a substring containing the numeric portion of the string. This method requires knowing the position of the numeric part within the string.

For example:

const data = "Temperature: 25°C";
const startIndex = data.indexOf(':') + 1;
const numericPart = data.substring(startIndex);
const extractedNumber = parseFloat(numericPart);

console.log("Original data:", data);
console.log("Extracted numeric part:", numericPart);
console.log("Extracted number:", extractedNumber);


Original data:
Temperature: 25°C
Extracted numeric part:
Extracted number:

In this case, the numeric value 25 is extracted from the string.

Advanced Techniques Number Extraction

While the above techniques cover most scenarios, there are advanced techniques that can handle complex situations:

Handling Negative Numbers

To extract negative numbers, modify the regular expressions to account for the negative sign (-).

const text = "The temperature is -10°C";
const negativeNumber = parseFloat(text.match(/-?\d+.\d+/));

Dealing with Thousands Separators

If the number has thousands separators, remove them before extraction.

const sentence = "The population is 1,234,567";
const population = parseInt(sentence.replace(/,/g, ""));

Scientific Notation

For numbers in scientific notation, use regular expressions to capture both the mantissa and the exponent.

const data = "The speed of light is 3.00e8 m/s";
const scientificNumber = parseFloat(data.match(/[-+]?\d*.\d+e[-+]?\d+/i));


In conclusion, extracting numbers from strings in JavaScript is essential for various data processing tasks, including handling user inputs, parsing data from APIs or databases, and performing textual analysis.

JavaScript provides several methods for achieving this, such as using the parseInt() function, employing regular expressions (Regex) for pattern matching, utilizing the Number() constructor, splitting and joining strings, and performing substring extraction.

Additionally, advanced techniques address more complex scenarios like handling negative numbers, dealing with thousands of separators, and parsing numbers in scientific notation.

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