Python Remove Substring With Examples

In this article, we will learn about Python Remove Substring with the best explanation so that you can easily get the idea of removing a substring in a quick and easy way.

In Python, remove a substring can easily be done using the method named replace(). We will call the replace() method on the original string with their substring so that we can remove the first input argument and then the empty string as the second input argument.

Lastly, always remember that it is important to remember the original string because strings are immutable and cannot be altered quickly.

Also, read or visit the other python tutorials:

How do you remove a substring from a string?

In Python, to remove a substring from a string, you will just need to call the method named replace() to pass the substring and a bare string as parameters.

For example:

myString = "I am Pythonforfree. We provide free python tutorials for you to learn python easily."
substring = "python"
output_string = myString.replace(substring, "")
print("The input string is:", myStr)
print("The substring is:", substring)
print("The output string is:", output_string)


The input string is: I am Pythonforfree. We provide free python tutorials for you to learn python easily.
The substring is: python
The output string is: I am Pythonforfree. We provide free  tutorials for you to learn  easily.

How do you substring a string in Python?

In Python, there are no methods like substring() or substr(), yet we can use another syntax name (slice). It allows us to get some parts of an existing string. This slicing syntax is a fast way to methodically access all the parts of the entire data.

In addition, the colons (:) in subscript notations allow the slice notation to start, step and stop the arguments.

For example:

# Glenn Magada Azuelo
string="Python For Free is one of the best website to learn"


Python For Free is one of the best website to learn

How do you remove part of a string in a list Python?

To remove some part of a string (str) in a list is very simple; you just need to call the pop() method which will remove the element of a given index. Then it will return the item that has been removed.

In addition, you can also use the keyword (del) to remove the element or slicing them from a list in Python.

For example:

myList = ["Glenn",2,15,96,"Stark",2,11,96]
output = myList.pop(0)




How do you remove all occurrences of a substring from a string in Python?

In Python, using the filter() function you can remove all the occurrences of a character in a given string.

In addition, we can also use the filter() function with a method called join() and a lambda function in order to remove all the occurrences of the character from the given string method.

For example:

myString = "Pyctconfcorfrcceec"
print("The original string is:", myString)
charToDelete = 'c'
print("The character to delete:", charToDelete)
outputString = myString.replace(charToDelete, "")
print("The modified string is:", outputString)


The original string is: Pyctconfcorfrcceec
The character to delete: c
The modified string is: Pytonforfree

How do I remove a specific element from a list in Python?

The remove() method can remove a character and element from a given list. You just need to specify the value of the element and pass it to the method as an argument.

Then, the remove() method will find the list and automatically remove the character from a string.

For example:

#original list
programming_languages = ["JavaScript", "Ruby", "Kotlin", "C"]

#print original list

# remove the value 'JavaScript' from the list

#print updated list


['JavaScript', 'Ruby', 'Kotlin', 'C']
['Ruby', 'Kotlin', 'C']

How do I remove multiple words from a string in Python?

To remove multiple words in a given string is very simple you just need to use (str.replace()or string replace method. You just need to create a copy of the given original result string, then simply put the multiple words which will be removed onto one Python string.

For example:

original_string = "!!!{Glen*n}"
characters_to_remove = "!{}*"

new_string = original_string
for character in characters_to_remove:
  new_string = new_string.replace(character, "")




How do you remove a colon from a string in Python?

In Python, removing a colon from a string can be easily done by using translate() method. This translate() method returns a (string) once the values were removed after they passed into a table.

In addition, always remember once you remove a colon from a given string using the translate() method you need to replace it with a (none and not “”).

For example:

s = "Glenn M:g:d: Azuelo"
x = ":"
y = "a"
table = s.maketrans(x, y)


Glenn Magada Azuelo

How do I remove a specific index from a string in Python?

To remove a specific index from a string in Python you just need to use the str. replace() method. It can possibly replace and remove the particular index with an empty char (character).

For example:

# Created by Glenn Magada Azuelo
# Initializing String
test_str = "Pythonforfree"

# Removing char at pos 3
# using replace
new_str = test_str.replace('f', '')

# Printing string after removal
# removes all occurrences of 'e'
print ("The string after removal of i'th character(doesn't work) : " + new_str)

# Removing 1st occurrence of s, i.e 5th pos.
# if we wish to remove it.
new_str = test_str.replace('s', '', 1)

# Printing string after removal
# removes first occurrences of s
print ("The string after removal of i'th character(works) : " + new_str)


The string after removal of i'th character( doesn't work) : Pythonorree
The string after removal of i'th character(works) : Pythonforfree

How do you remove a prefix from string?

The Python removeprefix() method is a string object that allows you to remove prefixes from any string. One should need to supply the prefix as an argument to the method removeprefix().

For example:

myString. removeprefix('ggg') removes the prefix 'ggg' from myString.

Split() method to remove a substring from a string in Python

In Python, the split method is a separator that allows the splitting of substrings into a string. Once the given string is similar, they automatically take the string as an input argument and pass it in the form of separator and remain unchanged.

Lastly, after the execution of the program, the lists of substrings will return from the original string as immutable in Python.

For example:

# Glenn Magada Azuelo

# Python 3.9
myString = "I am PFF. I provide free python tutorials for you to learn."
substring = "python"
output_string = ""
str_list = myString.split(substring)
for element in str_list:
    output_string += element

print("The input string is:", myString)
print("The substring is:", substring)
print("The output string is:", output_string)


The input string is: I am PFF. I provide free python tutorials for you to learn.
The substring is: python
The output string is: I am PFF. I provide free  tutorials for you to learn.


This article discusses how Python Remove Substring in different ways. It also tackles how to remove part of a string in a list, how do you remove all occurrences of a substring from a string, how do I remove a specific element from a list, how do I remove a specific index from a string, how do you convert a string to prefix, and split() method to remove a substring from a string.

I hope this article helped you to learn a lot in your Python journey. If you want to learn more about Python you can check out my previous and latest articles for more life-changing articles which could help you learn a lot.

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