Exploring the Usage of the LayerX property in JavaScript

In this article, we will discover the intricacies of the layerX property in JavaScript.

A non-standard feature that returns the horizontal coordinate of an event relative to the current layer.

So, keep on reading to learn more about its usage, limitations, and more in this informative article.

What is layerX in JavaScript?

JavaScript LayerX is a cutting-edge framework that combines the power of JavaScript with advanced layering techniques to enhance the development process.

It provides developers with a solid foundation to create robust and scalable web applications with ease.

By leveraging JavaScript LayerX, developers can take advantage of its extensive libraries, simplified syntax, and efficient rendering capabilities.

Moreover, LayerX is a browser security platform that focuses on keeping users safe while they browse the web.

It transforms any browser into a highly secure and manageable workspace by offering real-time monitoring and control over users’ online activities.

This helps protect a company’s applications, data, and devices from risks that come from the web.

Difference between layerX and offsetX in JavaScript?

Both layerX and offsetX are properties of the MouseEvent object in JavaScript that provide information about the mouse pointer’s position. However, they differ in important ways.

offsetX gives the X-coordinate offset of the mouse pointer in relation to the padding edge of the target node.

It is an extension introduced by Microsoft for mouse event objects and represents the position of the mouse pointer relative to the target element.

On the other hand, layerX is a property specific to Gecko-based browsers (such as Firefox) and gives the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest positioned ancestor element to the element that triggers the event.

Here’s the example of layerX:

 <script type="text/javascript">
        function UpdateInfo (event) {
            var message = "";
            if ('layerX' in event) {
                message += "layerX: " + event.layerX + ", layerY: " + event.layerY + "<br />";
            if ('x' in event) {
                message += "x: " + event.x + ", y: " + event.y;

            var info = document.getElementById ("info");
            info.innerHTML = message;

Here’s an example that demonstrates the difference between layerX and offsetX in JavaScript:

document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
  console.log('layerX:', event.layerX);
  console.log('offsetX:', event.offsetX);

In JavaScript, the term “layerX” refers to a property that was previously supported in certain web browsers. However, it has been deprecated and is no longer advised for usage.

This property represented the horizontal position of an event in relation to the current layer or element.

The “layerX” property was part of the older DOM (Document Object Model) event model and was commonly employed to determine the event’s position within an element.

Nonetheless, it exhibited limitations and inconsistencies across various browsers, leading to its deprecation.

Here’s an example of how to use event.clientX and event.offsetX:

element.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
  var clientX = event.clientX; // Horizontal coordinate relative to the viewport
  var offsetX = event.offsetX; // Horizontal coordinate relative to the target element
  console.log('clientX:', clientX);
  console.log('offsetX:', offsetX);

Instead of relying on “layerX,” it is recommended to adopt more modern approaches for event handling and position calculations.

The “event.clientX” property can be utilized to obtain the horizontal coordinate of an event relative to the viewport, while “event.offsetX” can be employed to acquire the horizontal coordinate relative to the target element.


In conclusion, this article discussed the layerX property in JavaScript.

Initially, it introduced layerX as a non-standard feature that provides the horizontal coordinate of an event relative to the current layer.

It highlighted the benefits of using JavaScript LayerX for web application development and emphasized its role in browser security.

The article then compared layerX with offsetX, another property of the MouseEvent object.

It explained that offsetX represents the X-coordinate offset of the mouse pointer relative to the padding edge of the target node, while layerX is specific to Gecko-based browsers and represents the X-coordinate relative to the top-left corner of the closest positioned ancestor element.

We are hoping that this article provides you with enough information that helps you understand the JavaScript layerX.

You can also check out the following article:

Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊.

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