importerror: no module named requests

Have you encountered an error that reads importerror: no module named requests?

Well, this error states that there is no module named “requests,” which means that the Python package “requests” is not installed on your system.

Thus, this article will provide solutions and discussion about this error, as well as its potential causes.

What is importerror: no module named requests?

ImportError: No module named requests is an error message that you might encounter when running a Python script. It means that the requests module is not installed on your system or is not in the Python path.

You can try installing it using pip install requests command.

Common Causes of ImportError

Let’s explore some common causes of the ImportError: No module named requests error:

Missing Requests Library

The most straightforward reason for this error is the absence of the requests library in your Python environment.

Python requires the library to be installed before it can be imported into your code.

Incorrect Installation or Configuration

Another possibility is that the requests library was not installed correctly, or there might be issues with your Python environment configuration.

It’s important to ensure that the library is installed properly and compatible with your Python version.

How to fix importerror: no module named requests

Since the Importerror means that the Python module “requests” is not installed on your system.

Therefore, the most straightforward way to fix the error is to install the module.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following solutions using commands:

  1. Install the “requests” module using pip:

    Double-check whether the requests library is installed in your Python environment.

    To do this use the following command to list all installed packages:

    pip list

    If requests are not present in the list, you need to install it. Then, run the following command to install or upgrade the requests library:

    pip install requests

  2. Upgrade the “requests” module:

    If you already have the requests library installed, but you still encounter the ImportError, try updating it to the latest version.

    Afterward, run the following command to upgrade the requests library:

    pip install –upgrade requests

    In some cases, reinstalling the library can also resolve the issue.

    To do this , use the following command to reinstall the requests library:

    pip uninstall requests
    pip install requests

  3. Create and activate a virtual environment:

    However, when you’re using virtual environments, ensure that you’ve activated the correct environment where the requests library is installed.

    Then, activate the virtual environment using the appropriate command for your operating system.

Anyway besides this error, we also have here fixed errors that might help you when you encounter them.


In this article, we explored the ImportError: No module named requests error that commonly occurs when the requests library is not found in your Python environment.

We discussed various causes for this error and provided troubleshooting solutions to resolve it.

Remember to check your Python version, verify package installation, and consider alternative libraries if needed.

By following these solutions, you should be able to overcome the ImportError and continue working with HTTP requests in Python smoothly.

I think that’s all for this error. I hope you have gained something to fix their issues.

Until next time! 😊

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