How to fix the “415 Unsupported Media Type” Error?

What is the “415 unsupported media type” Error?

The HTTP Status Code 415, also referred to as “415 Unsupported Media Type”, is a client-side error response code.

It signifies that the server is declining to process the request because the format of the payload (the data transmitted in the request’s body) is incompatible.

This situation may arise when the client dispatches a request to the server with a “Content-Type” header that the server cannot recognize, or if the payload data does not match the format declared by that ‘Content-Type’ header.

The “Content-Type” header defines the media type of the resource or the transmitted data.

For instance, consider a scenario where a client attempts to POST data to a server in JSON format, but the server is configured to accept only XML.

In this situation, the server would respond with a 415 Unsupported Media Type status code because it does not support the media type of the payload (JSON), and it is expecting XML instead.

Root Causes of “415 unsupported media type” Error

The “415 Unsupported Media Type” error usually occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Mismatched Content-Type:

If the Content-Type header in the request doesn’t align with what the server expects, it can trigger this error.

  • Unsupported Payload Format:

The payload format might be unsupported or incorrect, even if the Content-Type is correct.

  • Client-Server Mismatch:

This error can happen when the format the server expects and what the client sends don’t match.

  • Errors in JSON Fields:

If a JSON object is being sent in the request, errors or missing fields in the JSON can result in a 415 error.

  • Missing Headers:

The absence of valid Content-Type or Content-Encoding headers can cause this error.

How to fix the “415 unsupported media type” Error?

To resolve the “415 Unsupported Media Type” error, you should consider the following solutions:

Solution 1: Set the Content-Type request header

Make sure that the Content-Type request header is set to application/json.

This informs the server about the type of content being sent.

Solution 2: Set the Body type

Ensure that the Body type is set to raw JSON. This means that the data being sent to the server is in the JSON format.

Solution 3: Check for syntax errors

Verify that there are no syntax errors in the JSON being sent to your server. Syntax errors can prevent the server from correctly parsing and processing the request.

Solution 3: Server compatibility

Confirm that your server is capable of accepting and parsing requests with the specified Content-Type.

If the server cannot process the specified content type, it may return a “415 Unsupported Media Type” error.


The “HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type” error typically happens when the server is unable to process the request due to the format of the payload being unsupported.

This could be because the Content-Type or Content-Encoding specified in the request is not supported by the server, or the data itself is in an unsupported format upon inspection by the server.

By following the provided solutions above, you can rest assured that you will be able to resolve this issue.

For further learning, you can also check the following HTTP status code:

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