Project Report on Pharmacy Management System

Project Report on Pharmacy Management System

The Pharmacy Management System is a project developed to automate medical stores’ activities and improve their productivity.

This helps pharmacies organize, manage, and secure drug information efficiently. Its’ features aids in the resolution of challenges with manual pharmacy management.

A Pharmacy Management System can also help you keep track of your drug supplies. Prescriptions are proper and supplied in precise amounts using Pharmacy Management software.

It oversees and manages the pharmacy team to preserve strong working relationships and outcomes.

This can also improve quality and customer satisfaction ratings, as well as keep medicines from going bad.

Pharmacy Management System Project Report: Content

The table below reveals the full content of the Pharmacy Management System Project Report.

It reveals the overall description of the project which were needed in its development.

Project Name:Pharmacy Management System Project Report
Abstract:The pharmacy management system is intended to increase accuracy, safety, and efficiency in the pharmacy. It is a computer-based system that stores important information and makes medical stores run better.
Modules:Pharmacy Information Management, Medicine Management, Categorize Medicine Information, Monitor Medicine Orders, Manage Sales and Stocks, Drug Inventory Management, and Generate Processes Reports.
DocumentationIntroduction, RRL (Review of Related Literature), Methodology, Evaluation, and Recommendations
Diagrams (UML):ER Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, and Activity Diagram
Source Codes:PHP, Python Tkinter, Ruby on Rails, ASP.Net, C++, Java, C#, Django, C, Python, and Visual Basic with MySQL Database.
Pharmacy Management System Project Report: Content

Pharmacy Management System Project Abstract

The pharmacy management system project abstract must answer or address the needs of every issue that happens in the pharmacy.

The issues could include the poor security of their record, manual handling of drug information, and others.


Pharmacists can use the Pharmacy Management System program to help them methodically manage their pharmacies.

When a medicine’s name is input, the Pharmacy Management System can help by providing details about the medicine.

A computer displays information about the medicine, such as its dosage and expiration date. In large medical stores, manually handling the specifics of all the drugs becomes very tough.

We can keep track of all the medicines by using this pharmacy management system.

It is updated with new information as new medicines are introduced, and it includes an expiration date as well as a search option. When we complete the name of a medicine, it displays the medicine’s details.

To make this system, Visual Studio with C# and ASP.NET was used. The SQL database was created with MySQL.

Pharmacy Management System Project Proposal

The Pharmacy Management System Project Proposal has the complete description of the project to be proposed.

This contains the problem statement which discusses the difficulties that the pharmacy management faced and it is considered as the reason why the project is proposed.

This proposal also includes the project scope that explains the boundaries and possible features of the project.

Problem Statement:

Most pharmacies faced problems such as insufficient service promotions, lack of coherence of pharmacy services in hospitals, poor drug information systems, and the inconsistency of the pharmacy information management due to its manual processes.

Now, these are the problems that must be solved with this Pharmacy Management System Project Proposal.


Pharmacy Management System Project is a great system for storing data, maintaining, and organizing the use and process of medications in the pharmacy.

This computer software is programmed to perform the various tasks required in the operation of a pharmacy.

The system will improve the efficiency of the pharmacy and enable the storing of digital records. Managing a system for pharmacy is the process of creating and implementing evidence-based pharmaceutical usage strategies to improve member and population health while maximizing healthcare resources.

The purpose of this proposal is to answer the needs and problems that are seen in pharmacy management. To formulate the project proposal of this pharmacy management, you should address its problem first.

By determining its problem you can have ideas on what should be the modules or features of the Pharmacy Management System Project.


One of the most important responsibilities of pharmacy management is to supervise and manage the pharmacy employees to ensure healthy working relationships and outcomes.

Each of these functions is critical to the pharmacy’s operation and should be improved.

Modules for Pharmacy Management System Project

  • Pharmacy Information Management: is a multi-functional system that helps pharmacists to keep track of medicine supplies and organize them. The modules aids in the reduction of medication errors, the improvement of patient safety, the reporting of drug usage, and the tracking of expenses.
  • Medicine Management: To manage medicines modules will assess the need for and use of medication, the patient’s response to medication, and the patient’s level of understanding of the drug and how to take it with the patient.
  • Categorize Medicine Information: Categorizing the drugs available in the pharmacy will be much easier for the admin through the help of this module. This will do the monitoring and checking of the medicine information to identify its category.
  • Monitor Medicine Orders: is used to keep track of dates and events throughout the process chain, from placing an order with an external vendor to presenting goods in a store or receiving goods in a distribution center.
  • Manage Sales and Stocks: This module will help the Pharmacist with the sales and stocks management that includes ordering, storing, tracking, and monitoring stock levels as well as monitoring their revenue.
  • Drug Inventory Management: The drug inventory management module strives to reduce procurement and carrying expenses while maintaining a sufficient stock of products to meet the needs of customers and prescribers. This will also monitor the performance of the pharmacy and to know what are the most needed medicines.
  • Generate Processes Reports: In all organization or business, reports are very essential. To help the admin in these matters, this module generates the transaction reports to keep track of the pharmacy activities.

Pharmacy Management System Project Documentation – Diagrams

Here are the essential Diagrams and Modules for Pharmacist Management System Project Proposal and PDF Documentation.

  1. Pharmacy Management System ER Diagram

    This Pharmacy management system database design was made based on managing pharmacy requirements.

    The system can encode both customers’ and medicines’ information.

    Pharmacy admin can have access to the status and information of the medicine in terms of the number sold and remains to identify the inventories of sales and stocks.

    They can handle the data needed in managing pharmacy as well as the sales of medicines and customer records.

    The features included in the system ER diagram were the security and monitoring of the medicines’ information and status and customers’ order.

    These features were also listed and recorded in reports that served as the history of transactions done in the system.
    Pharmacy Management System ER Diagram

  2. Pharmacy Management System Use Case Diagram

    This discusses the meaning of the Pharmacy Management System project UML as well as its use case diagram using include and extend.

    By the end of the discussion, you will find the downloadable use case diagram PDF file for Pharmacy Management System that can be your basis.

    A use case diagram is a visual representation of how a user might interact with a program. A use case diagram depicts the system’s numerous use cases and different sorts of users.

    The circles or ellipses are used to depict the use cases.
    Pharmacy Management System General Use Case Diagram

  3. Pharmacy Management System DFD 

    Pharmacy Management System DFD – is created or should be created to determine the flow of data inside a system.

    This Pharmacy Management System will guide the programmer regarding what to do and handle in building the system.

    To give you more ideas about this Pharmacy Management System DFD Level 0, 1, and 2 Topic, there’s essential discussion provided here for you to study.
    Pharmacy Management System DFD Level 2

Source Code for Pharmacy Management System Project

Pharmacy Management System Project using VB.Net Source Code – The Pharmacy Management System Project using VB.Net is a desktop application that is developed in the VB platform.

Pharmacy Management System is an open-source you can Download zip and edit as your need. It is developed using VB and MySql Database. 

The pharmacy management system is a management system that is designed to improve accuracy and to enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store.

This software code is helpful in academic projects for college students. Pharmacy Management System Using VB.Net: Features

  1. Add Supplier
  2. Add Category
  3. Add Generic
  4. Add Shelves
  5. Add Item
  6. Add Quantity in Item
  7. Add Customer
  8. Point of Sale
  9. Manage User
  10. Login and Logout

Online Pharmacy System Free Source Code with ExampleThis online pharmacy system free source code is a system designed for the pharmacy that operates over the Internet and sends orders to customers through the delivery.

Pharmacy Online System helps to make an easier and faster way of finding where to buy medicine without thinking that if it is available or not.

With the use of this system, it will help the community to minimize time and effort for finding medicines. Features:   

CLIENT SIDE: Product Inquiry, Add to Cart, and Print out
ADMIN: Manage Customer (Add, Update), Manage Product (Add, Update, List), Login and Log out

Pharmacy Management System Project Documentation

[DOC] Pharmacy Management System Thesis Chapter 1 (Project Documentation)

  1. Project Context
  2. Purpose and Description
  3. General Objectives
  4. Specific Objectives
  5. Scope & Limitation
  6. Significance of the study

Project context – Dr. Ricardo T. De la Torre Jr. is a general practitioner and has been serving for almost 34 years.

He was a resident doctor at Gov. Valeriano M. Gatuslao Memorial Hospital but has decided to retire and just focus on his clinic which was located at Binalbagan, Negros Occidental.

Seeing the number of his patients increase day by day, he and his wife decided to put up a more spacious and comfortable clinic with its very own pharmacy.

It was in the year 2016 that the DLT pharmacy was established with only 2 employees.

With a passion to serve the poor and needy, Dr. De la Torre didn’t let any struggle hinder his advocacy and pursued helping his patients.

  1. Review of Related Literature and Prior Arts
  2. Local Related Literature
  3. Foreign Related Literature
  4. Local Related Literature
  5. Foreign Related System
  6. Features and Comparison of Foreign and Local System

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND PRIOR ARTS – This Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature in Pharmacy Management System includes the reviewing of local and foreign-related literature that can help the researchers to gather valuable data and ideas that can guide for the development of the proposed system.

It is easy for the readers or researchers to understand the concept of the study. It gives an overview of the different study that has been done before and the proponents collect some ideas from another study to formulate a new concept to be applied to the developed system.

Pharmacy Management System Project DocumentationChapter 3 – Methodology

In this chapter, I discuss the Pharmacy Management System Thesis | Chapter 3 – Methodology design, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Extreme Programming Methodology, Use Case Model, Activity Diagram, Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, and Entity Relationship Diagram.

  1. Methodology
  2. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  3. Extreme Programming Methodology
  4. Use Case Model
  5. Buy Product Use Case Description of DLT Pharmacy-Payroll Management System
  6. Process Transaction Use Case Description of DLT Pharmacy-Payroll Management System.
  7. Generate Report Use Case Description of DLT Pharmacy-Payroll Management System.
  8. Manage Payroll Use Case Description of DLT Pharmacy-Payroll Management System.
  9. Activity Diagram
  10. Context Diagram
  11. Data Flow Diagram
  12. Entity Relationship Diagram
  13. Data Dictionaries
  14. Architectural Diagram
  15. Screen Design
  16. System Requirements
  17. Hardware Requirements

METHODOLOGY – This Pharmacy Management System Thesis | Chapter 3 – Methodology presents the system design of the proponent’s system.


The role of pharmacy management is to supervise and manage the pharmacy employees to preserve excellent working relationships and outcomes.

To improve the services offered in every Pharmacy, the formulated proposal, abstract and modules of Pharmacy Management System Project management should be present in the PDF document.

And that ends our discussion about Pharmacy Management System Project Proposal, Modules, and Documentation.

You may check the complete illustration of Diagrams, Source Codes, and Documentation by clicking the titles of each explanation.

Now that you have known the parts and definition of creating a Payroll Management System Project Proposal, you can also start creating your Modules and PDF Documentation.


If you have inquiries or suggestions about the topic of Pharmacy Management System Project Documentation (PDF), do not hesitate to inform us in the comments. We’ll be glad to be part of your learning.

Thank you and have a good day!

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