NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1

This chapter 1 of Negros Occidental Carwash Locator (N.O.C.L.) Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1, present the introduction about Mapping of carwash to find the appropriate place to stay on are the main reason of automating the map for excursionist. It lessens the searching time needed by the users or customer and mainly to provide a direction for a customer whom new to the place.

Here’s the outline on how to make NOCL Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1.

1. Introduction

2. Purpose and Description

3. General Objectives

4. Specific Objectives

5. Scope and Limitations

6. Significance of the Study

7. Definition of Terms

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Introduction

The Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application was the new advance technology and information technology. Today in the age of information, user of gadgets is in high demand. In workplaces e.g. offices, school, park, gadgets are used to save time and effort in doing tasks. Gadgets must dominate the lives of every common people. It dominated a way it improved and eased the way and means of doing from day to day things.

In the information age it will be covering technology, how it affects individuals lives. Technology is a big area as it is use everyone’s daily life According to de Gonne,E.( 2011) dealing with complexity is in efficient unnecessary waste of time, attention and mental energy There was never any justification for things being complex when they could simple. Consequently, complex works make inconveniences, and these inconveniences occur when simple things or work is primitive and manual in character. Mapping, carwash look up finding the appropriate place to stay on are the main reason of automating the map for excursionist; it lessens the searching time needed by the users or customer and mainly to provide a direction for a customer whom new to the place.

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Purpose and Description

People find hard in locating a certain Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application especially if they are new or unfamiliar with the place and it would be a great challenge for them to roam around the place just to get themselves to the destination of the carwash. The purpose of the system is to location of a Carwash that are available around Negros Occidental faster, effectively, and easily.

Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application is a system developed by the proponents. It is a system designed to locate Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application in Negros occidental using GPS Global Positioning System (GPS A Tracking system that can identify location or make use of geographical position. This system will instantly tell the users where can be found the Nearest Carwash Locator in they wanted to locate from every municipality here in the province of Negros Occidental.

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : General Objectives

This study aimed to develop an application that can locate the nearest carwash locator around in the local area of Negros Occidental. The propose system called “Negros Occidental Carwash Locator.”

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Specific Objectives

The following are the specific objective of the study.

1.This study aimed to develop an application that can located Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application around Negros Occidental. The proposed system entitled “Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application”.

2.To provide users to search a nearest carwash shop location.

3. To evaluate the developed application in terms of the following characteristics:

a. Functionality

b. Reliability

c. Usability

d. Efficiency

e. Maintainability

f. Portability

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Scope and Limitation

The system is intended to reduce the time consumption by searching possible registered Carwash here in local area of Negros Occidental. Through this application users can access, locate the nearest carwash station easily by using his/her android phones, provided internet connection. The system required Android devices with Android Version of 8.1.0 and above to install and run the application such as smart phones and in tablets. Further, this application is intended only for locating and displaying all relevant details about carwash in Negros Occidental.

(NOCLMA) Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application System is an android-based application that aims to help the users or customer with the use of their android or smart phone they can find a certain location of the nearest Carwash Station for their vehicle to help them easy to use the system which contain of providing an information of every location that a client’s desire. The necessary information of this system is provided by the carwash station. Also, a Google map with GPS is embedded in this proposed system.

The application can be downloadable and used with internet connection. Once the user used the application, they can rate the application from the highest of 5 to the lower of 1. Carwash in local area of Negros Occidental application is intended only for locating and displaying all relevant details about Carwash and limited only to the province of Negros Occidental.

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Significance of the Study

     The Negros Occidental Carwash Locator is intended for finding accurate location of Carwash in local area of Negros Occidental. This study can be beneficial to the following:


Developed system can help the client to have information or to track the location of the nearest Carwash Station.

Carwash Station Company Owner

This developed system will be beneficial to the company or   the owner of the company because they can monitor the possible locations as part for transaction strategies.


This will help the current researcher to enhance his/her knowledge and skills in creating a useful application that beneficial to the users.

Future Researcher

the future researchers could also use this study as their sample guide for their future research that was also related to their system project and it would see the possibilities for upgrading the system.

NOCL Location Based Mobile Application Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Definition of terms

These terminologies were gathered by researcher for better and cleaner understanding of the study.


Is the activity process of organizing an institutions or organization in this study it is the person who update and manipulate the system “Negros Occidental Carwash Locator Mobile Application. In Negros Occidental.


Is an operating system for mobiles phones and tablets in this study it is used by the proponents to develop a mobile application for the users.

Carwash Station Company Owner

This developed system will be beneficial to the company or   the owner of the company because they can monitor the possible locations as part for transaction strategies.


Is a collection of data that is stored in a computer and that can easily be used and added to in this study it is used by the proponents to store data that is used to develop the system.


the capability of the software to provide the required performance, relative to the amount of resources used, under stated conditions.


the capability of the software to provide function which meet stated and implied needs when software is used under the specified conditions.

Google Map

Is the locator used to find a certain location of a place or position of establishment in this study it is the tool used by the system to locate Carwash Location.


the capability of the software product to modified.


the capability of the software to be transferred from one environment to another.


the capability of the software to maintain the level of performance of the software when used under the specified conditions.


the capability of the software to be understood, learned, used, and liked by the user, when used under the specified conditions.

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