This thesis chapter 4 documentation of Automated Basketball Scheduling and Result Monitoring System is created to explain its evaluation result and enlighten you the content of the system.

This article on thesis chapter 4 documentation of Automated Basketball Scheduling and Monitoring System presents the given by the responders.
These data were based on parameters of questionnaires used and to evaluate the result of the analysis. To evaluate the usability and function of the system the responders used PSSUQ format.
Since this chapter 4 documentation also explains the results of the evaluation and the system helps or meet their goal.
The gathered evaluated results will be the basis to measure the users’ satisfaction about the system.
Here is the important content of this Thesis Chapter 4 Documentation
- Experts’ Evaluation Report
In this thesis chapter 4 documentation, proponents have conducted a survey to five Experts in Basketball Scheduling like Referees, Coaches, Sport Coordinator to evaluate the System using the PSSUQ criteria.
This table shows the result of evaluation from the responders that is expert in the field of scheduling or in handling Basketball Tournament. - Experts’ Overall Evaluation Result
The conducted survey result for the experts has parameters and total summation to give the experts’ evaluation.
This table shows the overall result of evaluation from the responders that is expert in the field of scheduling or in handling Basketball Tournament.
The result of the conducted evaluation to the specific individuals which were experts in the field of basketball scheduling were based on the criteria used in the PSSUQ (Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire) standard, the SYSUSE (System Usefulness), the INFOQUAL (Information Quality) and the INTERQUAL (Interface Quality).
The SYSUSE means that the system allows the users to achieve or to complete a set of task and achieve the main work of managing or scheduling of basketball and it was rated as “Very Useful” for the experts.
The INFOQUAL means that the information inputs to the system were usefully corresponds to the work flow of the task that is needed. During the testing, the experts rates the system as “Very Useful” in terms of handling information.
While the INTERQUAL values the interaction between the system and the user if the interface is easy to handle and understandable specially to those that were new to using technologies and they were satisfied with the systems’ interface and they rated it “Very Useful” too.
Overall, the experts rated the developed system 1.4733 which is interpreted as “Very Useful” which means that they were satisfied with the operations used and work of the system. - End-users’ Evaluation Report
In this thesis chapter 4 documentation, proponents conducted a survey to 10 random users for the system evaluation using the PSSUQ criteria.
Shows the result of evaluation from the responders that is end-user for the field of scheduling or in handling Basketball Tournament. - End-users’ Overall Survey Result
The conducted survey result for the experts has parameters and total summation to give the experts’ evaluation.
This table shows the overall result of evaluation from the responders that is end-user for the field of scheduling or in handling Basketball Tournament.
The result of the conducted evaluation to the targeted end users of the developed system for the use of scheduling Basketball tournament were based on the criteria used in the PSSUQ (Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire) standard, the SYSUSE (System Usefulness), the INFOQUAL (Information Quality) and the INTERQUAL (Interface Quality).
The SYSUSE means that the system allows the users to achieve or to complete a set of task and achieve the main work of managing or scheduling of basketball and the end-users rated it as “Very Useful” in terms of doing the bracketing of schedules and assigning of venues and time ranges.
The INFOQUAL means that the information inputs to the system were usefully corresponds to the work flow of the task that is needed. During the testing the end-users were satisfied with the system because the system operates as what is needed and useful in their field that they rated the developed system as “Very Useful”.
While the INTERQUAL values the interaction between the system and the user if the interface is easy to handle and understandable specially to some of them that were new to using technologies but then they were satisfied with the systems’ interface and they rated it “Very Useful” too.
The overall performance of the system satisfies the end-user and the evaluation result was “Very Useful” for the end-users.
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