Library Borrowing System Documentation | Chapter II – Review of Related Literature

This documentation is about the review of related literature of the Library Borrowing System Chapter 2. It is about past systems that is critical to the development of your system.

Lets discuss the parts of Chapter 2.

Parts of Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature

  1. Background of the Study

    You will discuss the problem of your target client. Also, you need to write about the history of the client. In this part, you can state the difficulties of using a manual system and the benefits of using your proposed system.

  2. Related System

    You will cite different SYSTEMS that is similar to your study and state significant parts of it that can be applied to your thesis.

Here is the example of the review of related literature of the Library Borrowing System.

Background of the Study

St. Columban’s Academy (SCA) was among the first parochial school in the Southern part province of Negros Occidental. The establishment of the school almost marked the coming of the Irish priest of the Columban Missionaries.

The first Columban priest arrives here in Cauayan in the year 1950 in the person of Rev Fr. Patrick Hurley to take over the retiring priest Rev Fr. Antonio Mamigo which is one of the rare local priests during that time.

Fr. Hurley was successively followed by Rev Frs. Augustine Rowe, John Hynes, Colum O’ Halpin and Colum Rafferty. The priests were all products of the unique Catholic Irish education greatly from the religious forms. Now named as the St.Columban’s Academy which became the brand new, government recognized parish.

SCA’s administration deals most of the school transactions and records manually during enrolments, recording of student forms, payments and etc., which causes a time consuming process.

In the library, students are also manually filling up a sheet of paper for their information when they want to borrow books. Students are not instructed and guided properly during rush hours in the library which causes a lot of misleading and error transaction, records and a not well balanced distribution of book for students every day.

By developing a computerized library borrowing system for St. Columban’s Academy this will provide an easy way of encoding, recording and searching of past transactions in the library.

This will benefit the students, they will have a high chance of borrowing limited number of books that are available in the library and keep in track of their transaction records, also the school librarian will greatly benefit with the system because it will be easier for the librarian to manipulate the past and current transactions and to search and track the records of book and students in each transaction.

Within this chapter the researches presented the reviews of literature and systems that are greatly related to our proposed system, with this we will understand the past studies for us to develop a lot more effective and efficient system for the school.

Electronic library management Systems

In accordance to the study of Robertson (2004), Library management system (LMS) known as an automated Library System is software that is developed to deal with the basic functions of a Library, and provides a complete solution for the administration of a library’s technical, economic and social functions and services to the users.

These functions range from; tracking the assets held by the library, managing book and user records, through to supporting the daily work over. These systems are used in almost all libraries large and a small once.

Digital Library Services Systems

According to the study of Stephen, Maeve & Philips (2007), in a traditional sense, a Library is a large collection of books such as research proposals, dictionaries, encyclopaedia, and many more; it also can refer to the place in which the collection is housed.

Today, this kind of terms can refer to any of the selection, including digital sources, resources, and aids. The collections can be of print, audio, and visual materials in various layouts, containing maps, prints, and documents, microform, compact disk, cassettes, videotapes, digital video disk, e-books, audio books and many other electronic assets.

The places where this material is stored can range from community libraries, consent libraries, intimate libraries, and can also be in digital arrangement, stocked on computers or approachable over the internet. The term has acquired a subordinate meaning: “a group of beneficial tangible for common use.”

This sense is used in fields such as mathematics, computer science, statistics, analysis and electronics.

They cast that, a library is systematized for use and cared by a public body, an institution, association, or an intimate individual. Public and institutional collections and services may be designed for use by people who choose not to or cannot sustain to obtain an extensive collection themselves, who need material.

Library reservation system

Library is a substantial part of the academic sector as well as some professional sectors too like, Advocacy etc. The effectiveness of a library relies on how the book and other materials are organized and how easily one can get the books that they preferred.

Mainly, what we see nowadays is manual library management system whose method of operation is very much unsettled. What we are doing is that we are proposing a computerized library management system, which provides better and efficient service to the library members.

This software is meant to transform the unsettled manual system to a more adequate computerize system. This application can be used conveniently in educational institute and certain professional districts also.

This application presumes that the user doesn’t possess the right to alter information about books. In accordance to Yao ‘s (2013), background of the study.

LAN (Local Area Network) Based Library System

As it name convey; the system is affiliated to a LAN or also known as Local Area Network. This kind of system provides users exceptional service with regards to the system’s activity.

The transactions that will take place in the LAN-Based Library System are branched into two types: the server-based and client based. Server-based transactions are the transactions which can only supervise and oversee by the librarian due to some factors such as security.

These transactions are being done in the server only, as its name convey. Customer-based transactions are the transactions which can be done in the client computer in the library or through internet.


This Library Borrowing System Review of Related Literature is free to use as basis for student thesis. Surely, this guide will help you finish your own Library Borrowing System documentation.

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