Account Ledger Calculator Using and MySQL Database
This Account Ledger Calculator Using is Created using Visual basic 2008 and it is capable to compute using the Rule of 78 and get the Maturity Value of Loan, Maturity Value of Interest, Maturity Date, Monthly Amortization, Outstanding Capital, Unearned Interest, and Total Balance based on the inputted data such as: Duration in Months, Effective Date, Interest rate, Discount Rate, and Principal Loan.
What is Visual Basic’s purpose?
The third-generation programming language was created to aid developers in the creation of Windows applications. It has a programming environment that allows programmers to write code in.exe or executable files.
They can also utilize it to create in-house front-end solutions for interacting with huge databases. Because the language allows for continuing changes, you can keep coding and revising your work as needed.
However, there are some limits to the Microsoft Visual Basic download. If you want to make applications that take a long time to process, this software isn’t for you.
That implies you won’t be able to use VB to create games or large apps because the system’s graphic interface requires a lot of memory and space. Furthermore, the language is limited to Microsoft and does not support other operating systems.
What are the most important characteristics of Visual Basic?
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Download, unlike other programming languages, allows for speedier app creation. It has string processing capabilities and is compatible with C++, MFC, and F#.
Multi-targeting and the Windows Presentation Framework are also supported by the system, allowing developers to create a variety of Windows apps, desktop tools, metro-style programs, and hardware drivers.

This is best for those who are trying to make a Lending System that has the following feature stated above.
If you have any question or suggestion please feel free to contact me.
Facebook Name: Joken Villanueva
Email: [email protected]
I want to learning C#
Please where is the source code?
sir please reply me
for my ledger example only and code thanks for your kind anng consideration
Yes, What is the Problem?
Hello is the source code available for this ?
thank you in advance
Hello is the source code available on this ?