What is Hospital Management System Project In Python?
A Hospital Management System Project In Python is a computer system that helps keep track of health care information and helps health care providers do their jobs better.
Hospital Management System In Python : Project Information
Project Name: | Hospital Management System Project in Python with Source Code |
Abstract | Hospital Management System is a user-friendly and easy-to-learn Tkinter-based GUI-based desktop application. |
Language/s Used: | Python Console Based |
Python version (Recommended): | 2.x or 3.x |
Database: | None |
Type: | Python App |
Developer: | IT SOURCECODE |
Updates: | 0 |
Features of Hospital Management System Project
1. Manage Appointments
- Appointment widgets will be built into the sites of hospitals that have their own. When people go to the hospital’s website, they can easily appointment Bookings online.
2. Manage Doctors
- In this features manage all the information’s of the Doctors / Nurses and each Doctor Patients inside the hospital
3. Manage Patients
- HMS makes it possible to get all of a patient’s information through a system with just a few clicks.
- The user can see information like the patient’s medical history, current illness, doctors involved, test results, billing information, and much more.
- These pieces of information will help put together what we know about the patient, such as their specific diagnosis, treatment, and medications.
About Hospital Management System Project Python
The Hospital Management System Project is a system project console based system which is easy to use, In This Article I will teach you the step by step process on how to create a Hospital Management System Mini Project.
A Project for Hospital Management System is a education purposes only, This articles also includes a downloadable Source Code for free.
Importance of Hospital Management System
Hospital management is important because it allows healthcare to run in a structured way and makes it easier to offer many different services.
It lets large hospitals that offer a wide range of services keep better track of their finances by better planning the flow of money, making better investments, and controlling costs.
So before we proceed, watch the video here how the system works.
Hospital Management System Project
To start creating the Hospital Management System Project in Python, make sure that you have PyCharm IDE and installed Python in your computer.
Steps on How To Create a Hospital Management System Project in Python
Simple Hospital Management System Project In Python with Source Code
- Step 1: Create Project Name.
First step, open the PyCharm IDE and click “file” to create a project name and click the “create” button.
- Step 2: Create File Name.
Second step “right click” your project folder name and click “new” and then click “python file“.
- Step 3: Python File Name.
Third step name your python file, and start creating a Hospital Management System Project In Python.
- Step 4: Actual Code.
Now you can start coding and you are free to copy the codes given below.
Code Explanations
1. Main Module
This module is the main module of the system.
import Read_Hospital_Excel_Sheet
import Write_Hospital_Excel_Sheet
def AppointmentIndexInDoctorsDataBase(patient_ID):
for i in Doctors_DataBase:
for j in Doctors_DataBase[i]:
if str(patient_ID) == str(j[0]):
Appointment_index = Doctors_DataBase[i].index(j)
return Appointment_index, i
print("* *")
print("* Welcome Himamaylan Hospital Management System *")
print("* *")
tries = 0
tries_flag = ""
while tries_flag != "Close the program":
Pateints_DataBase = Read_Hospital_Excel_Sheet.Read_Patients_DataBase()
Doctors_DataBase = Read_Hospital_Excel_Sheet.Read_Doctors_DataBase()
print("|Enter 1 for Admin mode |\n|Enter 2 for user mode|")
Admin_user_mode = input("Enter your mode : ")
if Admin_user_mode == "1": # Admin mode
"*****\n| Welcome to admin mode |\n*****")
Password = input("Please enter your password : ")
while True:
if Password == "1234":
print("|To manage patients Enter 1|\n|"
"To manage docotrs Enter 2|\n|"
"To manage appointments Enter 3|\n|"
"To be back Enter E |")
AdminOptions = input("Enter your choice : ")
AdminOptions = AdminOptions.upper()
if AdminOptions == "1": # Admin mode --> Pateints Management
print("|To add new patient Enter 1 |")
print("|To display patient Enter 2 |")
print("|To delete patient data Enter 3 |")
print("|To edit patient data Enter 4 |")
print("|To Back enter B |")
Admin_choice = input("Enter your choice : ")
Admin_choice = Admin_choice.upper()
if Admin_choice == "1": # Admin mode --> Pateints Management --> Enter new patient data
try: # To avoid non integer input
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient ID : "))
while patient_ID in Pateints_DataBase: # if Admin entered used ID
patient_ID = int(input("This ID is unavailable, please try another ID : "))
Department = input("Enter patient department : ")
DoctorName = input("Enter name of doctor following the case : ")
Name = input("Enter patient name : ")
Age = input("Enter patient age : ")
Gender = input("Enter patient gender : ")
Address = input("Enter patient address : ")
RoomNumber = input("Enter patient room number : ")
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID] = [Department, DoctorName, Name, Age, Gender, Address,
print("----------------------Patient added successfully----------------------")
print("Patient ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "2": # Admin mode --> Pateints Management --> Display patient data
try: # To avoid non integer input
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient ID : "))
while patient_ID not in Pateints_DataBase:
patient_ID = int(input("Incorrect ID, Please Enter patient ID : "))
print("\npatient name : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][2])
print("patient age : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][3])
print("patient gender : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][4])
print("patient address : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][5])
print("patient room number : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][6])
print("patient is in " + Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][0] + " department")
print("patient is followed by doctor : " + Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][1])
print("Patient ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "3": # Admin mode --> Pateints Management --> Delete patient data
try: # To avoid non integer input
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient ID : "))
while patient_ID not in Pateints_DataBase:
patient_ID = int(input("Incorrect ID, Please Enter patient ID : "))
print("----------------------Patient data deleted successfully----------------------")
print("Patient ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "4": # Admin mode --> Pateints Management --> Edit patient data
try: # To avoid non integer input
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient ID : "))
while patient_ID not in Pateints_DataBase:
patient_ID = int(input("Incorrect ID, Please Enter patient ID : "))
while True:
print("|To Edit pateint Department Enter 1 : |")
print("|To Edit Doctor following case Enter 2 : |")
print("|To Edit pateint Name Enter 3 : |")
print("|To Edit pateint Age Enter 4 : |")
print("|To Edit pateint Gender Enter 5 : |")
print("|To Edit pateint Address Enter 6 : |")
print("|To Edit pateint RoomNumber Enter 7 : |")
print("|To be Back Enter B |")
Admin_choice = input("Enter your choice : ")
Admin_choice = Admin_choice.upper()
if Admin_choice == "1":
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][0] = input("\nEnter patient department : ")
"----------------------Patient Department edited successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "2":
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][1] = input("\nEnter Doctor follouing case : ")
"----------------------Doctor follouing case edited successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "3":
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][2] = input("\nEnter patient name : ")
"----------------------Patient name edited successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "4":
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][3] = input("\nEnter patient Age : ")
print("----------------------Patient age edited successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "5":
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][4] = input("\nEnter patient gender : ")
"----------------------Patient address gender successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "6":
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][5] = input("\nEnter patient address : ")
"----------------------Patient address edited successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "7":
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][6] = input("\nEnter patient RoomNumber : ")
"----------------------Patient RoomNumber edited successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "B":
print("Please Enter a correct choice")
print("Patient ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "B": # Admin mode --> Pateints Management --> Back
print("Please enter a correct choice\n")
elif AdminOptions == "2": # Admin mode --> Doctors Management
print("|To add new doctor Enter 1 |")
print("|To display doctor Enter 2 |")
print("|To delete doctor data Enter 3 |")
print("|To edit doctor data Enter 4 |")
print("|To be back enter B |")
Admin_choice = input("Enter your choice : ")
Admin_choice = Admin_choice.upper()
if Admin_choice == "1": # Admin mode --> Doctors Management --> Enter new doctor data
try: # To avoid non integer input
Doctor_ID = int(input("Enter doctor ID : "))
while Doctor_ID in Doctors_DataBase: # if Admin entered used ID
Doctor_ID = int(input("This ID is unavailable, please try another ID : "))
Department = input("Enter Doctor department : ")
Name = input("Enter Doctor name : ")
Address = input("Enter Doctor address : ")
Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID] = [[Department, Name, Address]]
print("----------------------Doctor added successfully----------------------")
print("Doctor ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "2": # Admin mode --> Doctors Management --> Display doctor data
try: # To avoid non integer input
Doctor_ID = int(input("Enter doctor ID : "))
while Doctor_ID not in Doctors_DataBase:
Doctor_ID = int(input("Incorrect ID, Please Enter doctor ID : "))
print("Doctor name : ", Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][1])
print("Doctor address : ", Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][2])
print("Doctor is in " + Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][0] + " department")
print("Doctor ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "3": # Admin mode --> Doctors Management --> Delete doctor data
try: # To avoid non integer input
Doctor_ID = int(input("Enter doctor ID : "))
while Doctor_ID not in Doctors_DataBase:
Doctor_ID = int(input("Incorrect ID, Please Enter doctor ID : "))
print("/----------------------Doctor data deleted successfully----------------------/")
print("Doctor ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "4": # Admin mode --> Doctors Management --> Edit Doctor data
try: # To avoid non integer input
Doctor_ID = input("Enter doctor ID : ")
while Doctor_ID not in Doctors_DataBase:
Doctor_ID = int(input("Incorrect ID, Please Enter doctor ID : "))
print("|To Edit doctor's department Enter 1 |")
print("|To Edit doctor's name Enter 2 |")
print("|To Edit doctor's address Enter 3 |")
print("To be Back Enter B |")
Admin_choice = input("Enter your choice : ")
Admin_choice = Admin_choice.upper()
if Admin_choice == "1":
Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][0] = input("Enter Doctor's Department : ")
"/----------------------Doctor's department edited successfully----------------------/")
elif Admin_choice == "2":
Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][1] = input("Enter Doctor's Name : ")
print("----------------------Doctor's name edited successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "3":
Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][2] = input("Enter Doctor's Address : ")
"----------------------Doctor's address edited successfully----------------------")
elif Admin_choice == "B":
print("\nPlease enter a correct choice\n")
print("Doctor ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "B": # Back
print("\nPlease enter a correct choice\n")
elif AdminOptions == "3": # Admin mode --> Appointment Management
print("|To book an appointment Enter 1 |")
print("|To edit an appointment Enter 2 |")
print("|To cancel an appointment Enter 3 |")
print("|To be back enter B |")
Admin_choice = input("Enter your choice : ")
Admin_choice = Admin_choice.upper()
if Admin_choice == "1": # Admin mode --> Appointment Management --> Book an appointment
try: # To avoid non integer input
Doctor_ID = int(input("Enter the ID of doctor : "))
while Doctor_ID not in Doctors_DataBase:
Doctor_ID = int(input("Doctor ID incorrect, Please enter a correct doctor ID : "))
print("|For book an appointment for an exist patient Enter 1|\n|"
"For book an appointment for a new patient Enter 2|\n|"
"To be Back Enter B|")
Admin_choice = input("Enter your choice : ")
Admin_choice = Admin_choice.upper()
if Admin_choice == "1":
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient ID : "))
while patient_ID not in Pateints_DataBase: # if Admin entered incorrect ID
patient_ID = int(input("Incorrect ID, please Enter a correct patient ID : "))
elif Admin_choice == "2":
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient ID : "))
while patient_ID in Pateints_DataBase: # if Admin entered used ID
patient_ID = int(input("This ID is unavailable, please try another ID : "))
Department = Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][0]
DoctorName = Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][1]
Name = input("Enter patient name : ")
Age = input("Enter patient age : ")
Gender = input("Enter patient gender : ")
Address = input("Enter patient address : ")
RoomNumber = ""
Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID] = [Department, DoctorName, Name, Age, Gender, Address,
elif Admin_choice == "B":
Session_Start = input("Session starts at : ")
while Session_Start[:2] == "11" or Session_Start[:2] == "12":
Session_Start = input("Appointments should be between 01:00PM to 10:00PM,"
"Please enter a time between working hours : ")
for i in Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID]:
if type(i[0]) != str:
while Session_Start >= i[1] and Session_Start < i[2]:
Session_Start = input("This appointment is already booked,"
"Please Enter an other time for start of session : ")
Session_End = input("Session ends at : ")
New_Appointment = list()
print("/----------------------Appointment booked successfully----------------------/")
print("Doctor ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "2": # Admin mode --> Appointment Management --> Edit an appointment
try: # To avoid non integer input
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient ID : "))
while patient_ID not in Pateints_DataBase:
patient_ID = int(input("Incorrect Id, Please Enter correct patient ID : "))
try: # To avoid no return function
AppointmentIndex, PairKey = AppointmentIndexInDoctorsDataBase(patient_ID)
Session_Start = input("Please enter the new start time : ")
while Session_Start[:2] == "11" or Session_Start[:2] == "12":
Session_Start = input("Appointments should be between 01:00PM to 10:00PM,"
"Please enter a time between working hours : ")
for i in Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID]:
if type(i[0]) != str:
while Session_Start >= i[1] and Session_Start < i[2]:
Session_Start = input("This appointment is already booked, "
"Please Enter an other time for start of session : ")
Session_End = input("Please enter the new end time : ")
Doctors_DataBase[PairKey][AppointmentIndex] = [patient_ID, Session_Start, Session_End]
print("/----------------------appointment edited successfully----------------------/")
print("No Appointment for this patient")
print("Doctor ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "3": # Admin mode --> Appointment Management --> Cancel an appointment
try: # To avoid non integer input
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient ID : "))
while patient_ID not in Pateints_DataBase:
patient_ID = int(input("Invorrect ID, Enter patient ID : "))
AppointmentIndex, PairKey = AppointmentIndexInDoctorsDataBase(patient_ID)
print("/----------------------appointment canceled successfully----------------------/")
print("No Appointment for this patient")
except: # To avoid no return function
print("Patient ID should be an integer number")
elif Admin_choice == "B": # Back
print("please enter a correct choice")
elif AdminOptions == "B": # Back
print("Please enter a correct option")
elif Password != "1234":
if tries < 2:
Password = input("Password incorrect, please try again : ")
tries += 1
print("Incorrect password, no more tries")
tries_flag = "Close the program"
elif Admin_user_mode == "2": # User mode
print("*****\n| Welcome to user mode |\n*****")
while True:
print("|To view hospital's departments Enter 1 |")
print("|To view hospital's docotrs Enter 2 |")
print("|To view patients' residents Enter 3 |")
print("|To view patient's details Enter 4 |")
print("|To view doctor's appointments Enter 5 |")
print("|To be Back Enter B |")
UserOptions = input("Enter your choice : ")
UserOptions = UserOptions.upper()
if UserOptions == "1": # User mode --> view hospital's departments
print("Hospital's departments :")
for i in Doctors_DataBase:
print(" " + Doctors_DataBase[i][0][0])
elif UserOptions == "2": # User mode --> view hospital's Doctors
print("Hospital's doctors :")
for i in Doctors_DataBase:
" " + Doctors_DataBase[i][0][1] + " in " + Doctors_DataBase[i][0][0] + " department, from " +
elif UserOptions == "3": # User mode --> view patients' residents
for i in Pateints_DataBase:
print(" Patient : " + Pateints_DataBase[i][2] + " in " + Pateints_DataBase[i][
0] + " department and followed by " + Pateints_DataBase[i][1] + ", age : " +
Pateints_DataBase[i][3] + ", from : " + Pateints_DataBase[i][5] + ", RoomNumber : " +
elif UserOptions == "4": # User mode --> view patient's details
try: # To avoid non integer input
patient_ID = int(input("Enter patient's ID : "))
while patient_ID not in Pateints_DataBase:
patient_ID = int(input("Incorrect Id, Please enter patient ID : "))
print(" patient name : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][2])
print(" patient age : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][3])
print(" patient gender : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][4])
print(" patient address : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][5])
print(" patient room number : ", Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][6])
print(" patient is in " + Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][0] + " department")
print(" patient is followed by doctor : " + Pateints_DataBase[patient_ID][1])
print("Patient ID should be an integer number")
elif UserOptions == "5": # User mode --> view doctor's appointments
try: # To avoid non integer input
Doctor_ID = int(input("Enter doctor's ID : "))
while Doctor_ID not in Doctors_DataBase:
Doctor_ID = int(input("Incorrect Id, Please enter doctor ID : "))
print(Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID][0][1] + " has appointments :")
for i in Doctors_DataBase[Doctor_ID]:
if type(i[0]) == str:
print(" from : " + i[1] + " to : " + i[2])
print("Doctor ID should be an integer number")
elif UserOptions == "B": # Back
print("Please Enter a correct choice")
print("Please choice just 1 or 2")
Main Module Output:

Downloadable Source Code Below
Anyway, if you want to level up your programming knowledge, especially python, try this new article I’ve made for you Best Python Projects with source code for Beginners.
But If you’re going to focus on web development using Django, you can download here from our list of Best Django Projects with source code based on real-world projects.
This Python Programming Project with source code has the venture document includes a python script (main.Py) and other important task files.
The project contains an admin and staff sides. The admin side manages all the management like dealing with doctors’ facts, patient records, and manage the appointment time.
hey its Aaron again lol
i figured out the error here from when I commented earlier.
somebody seems to have replaced ‘[‘ with ‘[’, and ‘<=' with '<'
Please fix this, thank you
there are some errors on line 362 of main.py code please check