E-Commerce Website In PHP With Source Code

What is an E-Commerce Website in PHP?

E-Commerce Website in PHP is an online platform developed for online transactions of goods and services. the transaction will completed trough online using mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc. that are connected to the internet.

This website platform is a big help for people who do not have time to shop at the mall or other stores to buy goods, instead, they can purchase online transactions to buy goods with no hassle and easy to order online.

E-Commerce Project Information

Project Name:E Commerce Project in PHP Free Download
Abstract:A e commerce in PHP website allows people to buy products through online.
Language Used:PHP, JavaScript, CSS and MySQL
Developer:Angel Jude Suarez
E-Commerce in PHP Project Free Download

About the E-Commerce Project in PHP

The E-Commerce Website In PHP is developed using PHP Programming LanguageCSSBootstrap, and JavaScript.

This E-Commerce PHP Project has a user side where he/she can view product details, category and add products to a shopping cart, and proceed for checkout whereas from the administration side, he/she can view sales, number of products, users, daily sales report, add product and categories.

An  E-Commerce In PHP contains all the required essential features. In this E Commerce With PHP, The user can also leave comments on each product if he/she wants.

In this E Commerce PHP Framework project, all the main functions are performed from the Admin side.

In this ECommerce site PHP also includes a downloadable E Commerce Website PHP Source Code Free Download, just find the downloadable E Commerce Project In PHP Free Download Source Code below and click to start downloading.

E-Commerce Website in PHP Features

Features of E-Commerce in PHP:

  1. Admin Panel
  2. Login/Sign Up
  3. Magnify product image
  4. Product Cart
  5. Google ReCaptcha
  6. Checkout using Paypal
  7. Add, Edit, Remove and View Products
  8. User Management
  9. View daily/monthly sales

To start running an E-Commerce Project In PHP make sure that you have sublime or any platform of PHP and MySQL installed in your computer.

Steps on how to run the E-Commerce Website In PHP With Source Code

Time needed: 5 minutes

E-Commerce Website In PHP With Source Code

  • Step 1: Download the source code.

    First, download the source code given below.
    download source code

  • Step 2: Extract file.

    Second, after you finished download the source code, extract the zip file.
    e commerce extract

  • Step 3: Copy the project folder.

    Third, copy the project folder and paste it into the xampp/htdocs folder.
    e commerce copy folder

  • Step 4: Open the xampp.

    Fourth, open the xampp and start the apache and MySQL.

  • Step 5: Open the browser.

    Fifth, Open a browser and go to theURL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
    e commerce phpmyadmin

  • Step 6: Create the database.

    Sixth, click on the databases tab and Create a database naming “ecomm”.
    e commerce database

  • Step 7: Import “ecomm.sql”.

    Seventh, Click on browse file and select “ecomm.sql” file which is inside “database” folder and after import click “go“.e-commerce-import

  • Step 8: Open the browser and type the folder name.

    Eight, Open a browser and go to the URL “http://localhost/ecommerce/”.
    e commerce dashboard

  • Step 9: Explore manipulating.

    Final step, Login from the User’s login side. Just provide the Admin’s login details, and it will redirect you to the Admin panel.

Project Output of E-Commerce Website in PHP

Admin Side

Admin Side For E Commerce Website
Admin Side For E Commerce Website


e commerce dashboard
e-commerce dashboard

Customer Side

E Commerce Website List of Products
E-Commerce Website List of Products
E Commerce Order Details
E-Commerce Order Details

Downloadable Source Code

  • Customer Side

Username: [email protected]

Password: 123

  • Admin Side

Username: [email protected]

Password: password

Advantages of E-Commerce Website in PHP

The advantages of e-commerce website in PHP is separated into two types:

  1. Advantage for the Customers
  2. Advantage for the business

E-Commerce in PHP Advantages for The Customers

E-Commerce in PHP allows customers to choose and buy a product and services they want from any supplier around the world through online transactions.

Advantages for The Customers:

  • Enjoy Simplicity and Comport – Customers can buy anything from any online store in the world without having to leave their homes or workplaces. Many people can’t go shopping because of the weather, money, health, or any other reason.
  • Save Money – Most products sold on the Internet are cheaper than those sold in stores. So, you can save your money.

    The customer pays for the costs that a provider of goods or services has to pay when they work with an intermediary. When there are no middlemen, the customer may not have to pay as much.
  • Save Time – One of the best things about e-commerce is that it saves time. Online, customers can order anything they need, including food to cook.

    E-shops are open all the time, so you can shop whenever you want. You can order in the evening or even in the middle of the night.
  • Get Detailed Information and Feedback from the products – For most e-commerce transactions, the Internet is the main tool.

    It lets customers look for information about a product, compare prices and benefits, and decide if it’s really worth the money.

E-Commerce in PHP Advantages for the Business

E-commerce website in php is a big deal in the business world for a lot of reasons, including the fact that it requires less money and allows people to sell their goods all over the world.

Advantages for the business:

  • Lower your cost – One of the best things about e-commerce for any business is that it saves money.
  • Use affordable marketing – Businesses can save a lot of money and time on advertising with e-commerce. There’s no need to print catalogs.

    Because online shopping has so many benefits, you can really show off your product in an easy, quick, creative, and cheap way.

    For example, through email marketing, website videos, pictures, infographics, Google AdWords, or social media, either through free organic posts or paid advertising.
  • Collect customer data insights – If a business wants to give its customers a great experience, all it needs is information about its customers.

    It shows what they like, what they don’t like, and what they need so that you can give them the best products, services, campaigns, or even the best e-commerce customer service.
  • Reach new customers – About 87% of people start their shopping journey online, even if they don’t always buy. They’re looking around, looking at prices, comparing services, and so on. All of these people could be your customers.
  • Make it easy to scale up – One of the best things about e-commerce in php is that an online store is always open. Because of this, the profit keeps going up. It’s also a chance to reach people who are too busy to shop during regular store hours.


Admin has full control of the system, he/she can view daily/monthly sales reports for each year, manage all existing users, and add, view, edit, and delete products and categories.

The monthly sales report is represented in the form of Bar Graphs. While adding products, the admin has to provide the Product’s name, select the category, and price, upload the product’s photo, and write a description.

Adding a product category is simple, the admin just has to provide the Category name. Just like the other popular e-commerce in php, here while looking at a product’s image the image magnifies whenever the mouse cursor is dragged onto it.

The system redirects to PayPal for checkout. A responsive dashboard is provided in the admin panel for the easy management of the site.

In short, this E-commerce website in PHP project is a bit similar to a WordPress e-commerce in php site. Mostly, the adding description has the same feature as that of WordPress.

All the important features that are required for E-Commerce in php are set for this project. The design of this project is pretty simple and responsive so that users won’t find it difficult to understand, use, and navigate.


If you have any questions or suggestions about E-Commerce Website In PHP, please feel free to leave a comment below.

44 thoughts on “E-Commerce Website In PHP With Source Code”

  1. not comming up plz assist:
    Warning: require_once(C:/wamp/www/\midterm\include\config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\rex ecommerce\include\initialize.php on line 14

  2. Which IDE or framework you used for this project because i want some changes and want to install new plugins also.

    How you installed plugins here.

    Thank you very much sir

  3. Hi, am really happy with this code, it looks so beautiful, although I am too late to publish, but really these good.
    With itsourcecode everything is perfect
    Thank you.

  4. Kindly let’s engage and tell me how much it would cost for you to assist in developing ab e-commerce application to be fully owned by me. I need to register all suppliers complete with their business details etc.

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