Internet Laboratory Management System In PHP

Today, I will be sharing the source code version 1 of Internet Laboratory Management System In PHP.

This system is purposely created to monitor the internet usage of every student within the semester.

With this system, before the student to access the internet in the laboratory, the student should go to the administrator to register and enroll their account.

During the enrollment in the Internet Laboratory Management System Using PHP, every student is entitled to avail 10 hours consumable of Internet Connections.

Internet Laboratory Management System
Internet Laboratory Management System

The Internet Laboratory Management system is created using Visual Basic 2008 and MySQL Database. Here are the following features available in this version.

  • Masterfile’s
    • Student (Add, Update, delete)
    • Facilitator(Add, Update, delete)
  • Enrollment
  • Simple Inventory of Computer Laboratory Equipment’s
  • Setting of defaults like Academic year

Here’s the Database. ilmsdb (3)

Full Source code of the system: ILMS

Login details:

Username: admin

Password: j

If you have any questions or suggestions with regards to this system, Please feel free to contact me at our contact page. Or you can drop a message on my Facebook account.

3 thoughts on “Internet Laboratory Management System In PHP”

  1. It is nice to know that there’s someone who is willing to share his learning for free to improve and enhance the ability of others in making this very challenging course (IT) in programming. A BIG THANK YOU SIR for your willingness to help us as new and willing to learn in this environment. THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH.

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