Hello, Great day! This article is all about Car Rental System in MySQL using PHP with source code and we made it for you for free to download.
The Purpose of this Car Rental System in MySQL using PHP is to be used by Car Rental Companies specializing in renting cars to customers.
To provide a Car Rental vehicle that can be used temporarily for a fee during a specified period of time.
Car Rental System using PHP and MySQL with Source Code Free to Download
Here are the features of a Car Rental system in PHP using MySQL that you need to know.
Features of User Side:
Users – Can create an account and register to rent cars.
Users can:
- Car Booking
- View Car booking history
- Update His/Her profile
- Update his/her password
- Post Testimonials
- View Testimonials
- Logout
Features for Admin Side
Admin is the superuser of the website who can manage everything on the website. Admin can log in through the login page.
Admin can:
- Admin can create vehicle brands
- Manage Vehicle Brands
- Post Vehicle
- Manage vehicle
- Manage Booking
- Manage Testimonials
- Manage to Contact us Query
- Admin Can the details of registered users
- admin can also update the page content
- Admin can update the contact us details
- Manage Subscribers
- Admin Dashboard
- Change Password
- Logout
Run the program:
User credentials:
Username: clive@gmail.com
Password: clive12345
If you have any comments or suggestions about the Car Rental System in MySQL using PHP with source code and free to download Please Message us directly:
Download the Sourcecode Here:
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A good work. Please i need the username and password for the admin login page. Thanks
Login Details for admin :
Username: admin
Password: Test@12345
Didn’t fit: C
Tell me where and how it can be changed? Thanks in advance!
thank you for sharing your awesome project . Please i need the username and password for the admin login page.
Does anyone have the password and user name for the admin
How can i login as admin? i can’t find the page
Please, i can’t login as admin. How to do it yeah??
please sir
i need admin username and password …….
Sir please help me.
I’m not able to open my project in localhost , it is showing unknown database ‘carrental’ .
but i have already made this database in phpmyadmin
paste the carrental folder in htdocs and import the sql file from localhost/phpmyadmin/ and then run the project
My English is not very good !!!!
Admin Panel
username : admin
password : admin
the right one
username : admin
password : 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
You need to re-edit the password from the data data with md5 encoding.
what is the login password
Has anyone succeeded in getting the admin login username and password
It is inside the database for the encrypted password in the database you can copy it and paste it in the google.
In the database, it says both the username and password are admin but on the site, it says invalid details. Can you please reply with the username and password here?
In the database it says both the username and password is admin but on the site it says invalid details. Can you please reply with the username and password here.