In this article, we will discuss how to run the Car Driving School Management System in PHP. Also, we will discuss the important project features, such as those on the admin side and the client side.
The Car Driving School Management System is created in PHP/OOP and uses MySQL Database. This system is a web-based application that is to be implemented in online platform to manage the Driving Schools Enrollees’ Records.
Furthermore, the management will be able to easily retrieve and update the records of its enrollees. Besides, this system is easy to understand, thus the functionalities and the user interface are pleasing.
Here are the following tools for creating the Car Driving School Management System:
XAMPP VERSION | XAMPP v3.3.0 AND PHP Version is 7.4.33 |
Language | PHP Language |
Database | MySQL Database |
Interface and Function | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, |
Template | AdminLTE Template |
About the Project
The Car Driving School Management System Project using PHP will show dynamic details on the public website. In every data, it will manage and update only by the admin management.
All the student visitors can read the welcome message on the website.
In addition, it will show all the list of all training packages that the school provided and all the enrollees. For the Admin Side, there are two types of users which are the admin and staff management.
Furthermore, the admin will be able to manage all the features and functions of the system and for the staff it is only limited to the system which required permission to access it.
This system can also generate print of the enrollee’s details and date payment reports.
Admin Features
- Login/Logout Security – This system has secure login and logout session.
- Dashboard – For the dashboard, it will show the application summary.
- Training Packages Management – For Training Packages, it will add, update, search, view and delete training package information.
- Enrollees Management – For enrollees, List All Enrollees, View Enrollee’s Details, Update Status, Add Payment, Delete Payment, Print Details and Delete Enrollee’s Details.
- Generate Printable Date Payment Report – the admin can Generate Printable Date Payment Report.
- User Management – For the user, it will add, update, search, view and delete user information.
- System Information Management – For the system information, it will compose of Website Details, School’s Details, Welcome Page Content, and About Us Page Content.
- Modify Account Credentials – The admin can also modify account credentials.
Public Side Features
- The enrollees will be able to view the Home Page
- The enrollees will be able to Display Welcome Content
- The enrollees will be able to Display About Content
- The enrollees will be able to Display Driving School’s Contact Information
- The enrollees will be able to see List Training Packages
- The enrollees will be able to Search Packages
- The enrollees will be able to Enroll to Driving School
Sample Image of the System
Home Page

List of Packages Page

Enrollment Registration Page

About Us Page

Login page

Admin Dashboard

List of Enrollees

Payments Report

List of User

System information

How to Run the Car Driving School Management System in PHP?
Time needed: 5 minutes
Here are the steps on how to run the car driving school management system using PHP
- Download and Install XAMPP
First, You need to install XAMPP 7.4.33 version
- Start Apache and MySQL.
Second, after installing XAMPP open your XAMPP control panel then click the start in apache and MySQL
- Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
Third, Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
- Copy the extracted source code folder
Lastly, Go to the XAMPP folder, then copy the extracted source code folder and you will paste it into the XAMPP’s “htdocs” directory.
- Click the Admin in XAMPP Control Panel
Finally, click the admin in XAMPP control panel to open the localhost/phpmyadmin.
- Create Database
At this time, if you already in the localhost/phpmyadmin. We will create the database name “cardriving“.
- Import the SQL Database
Subsequently, You will Import the provided SQL file into your newly created database name “cardriving“. The file is located inside the database folder and the name is “cardriving.sql“.
- Browse it in Browser/Chrome
Lastly, copy this URL in your browser or in a chrome “http://localhost/cardriving“.
Download the Source Code
To conclude, you can now explore the features and capabilities of this PHP and MySQL-based Car Driving School Management System project.
I sincerely hope that you will find what you need here and that it will be helpful for your upcoming PHP projects.
The “Clik Here to Download the Source Code” button doesn’t work.
I must commend your effort. With your wealth of knowledge, you have impacted the world at large. thank you!
I tried to download car driving management system source codes, but unfortunately, the download button has not included any PHP source codes. Can you provide that codes or just email me that codes within a zip file?
Thank you so much.
can’t download source codes?
cant download the zip file