Attendance Management System In PHP keep track of how often each student is in class. It makes a record of each student’s attendance based on their presence in class.
It keeps track of attendance every day, and each member of the staff will have their own username and password to make student attendance.
About the Project
The Attendance Management System In PHP was developed using PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and Bootstrap, This Project In PHP makes the management of student attendance easier as it is not difficult to understand, use, and navigate by the users.
An Attendance Management System In PHP and MySQL, the user has to log in as a Lecturer or Admin. From the Lecturer’s login.
In addition, in this Project In PHP Documentation, the user can view and add Students, units, and courses, and maintain daily Attendance records easily.
From Admin’s login, the user has access to each and everything in the system.
Moreover, in this Attendance Management System In PHP Documentation, the Admin can also View and add Students, units, and courses and maintain Attendance records.
Besides this Project, the Admin can view and add a new group, of members. Database backups can also be created from the utility tab and Memberships can also be managed by the admin.
Project Information
Project Name: | Attendance Management System Project In PHP and MySQL With Source Code |
Language/s Used: | PHP |
PHP version (Recommended): | 5.6.3, 7.4.12 |
Database: | MySQL |
Type: | Website, Web Application |
Developer: | IT SOURCECODE |
Updates: | 0 |
This System also includes an Attendance Management System In PHP MySQL Free Download, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.
- Sign-in/Sign-up systems
- Add students, units, courses
- Maintain Attendance Records
- Add Member, Group (admin panel)
- Database Backups
- Membership management
- Print Preview, Filter systems
List of Modules
- Students
- Units
- Courses
- Attendance Record

To start executing this Attendance Management System In PHP, make sure that you have sublime or any platform of PHP and MySQL installed on your computer.
Steps on How to Run the Attendance Management System in PHP with Source Code
Time needed: 5 minutes
These are the steps on how to run an Attendance Management System In PHP With Source Code.
- Step 1: Download the source code.
First, download the source code given below.
- Step 2: Extract file.
Second, after you finish downloading the source code, extract the zip file.
- Step 3: Copy the project folder.
Third, copy the project folder and paste it into the xampp/htdocs folder.
- Step 4: Open the xampp.
Fourth, open xampp and start the apache and MySQL.
- Step 5: Open the browser.
Fifth, Open a browser and go to the URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
- Step 6: Create a database.
Sixth, click on the databases tab and create a database named “attendance_management”.
- Step 7: Import “attendance_management.sql”.
Seventh, Click on browse file and select the “attendance_management.sql” file which is inside the “database” folder, and after import click “go“.
- Step 8: Open the browser and type the folder name.
Eight, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/attendance/”.
- Step 9: Explore manipulating.
Final step, Login from the User’s login side. Just provide the Admin’s login details, and it will redirect you to the Admin panel.
Download the Source Code below
Anyway, if you want to level up your programming knowledge, especially PHP, try this new article I’ve made for you Best PHP Projects With Source Code Free Download.
This project has been developed in PHP and MySQL. We will expand a simple PHP MySQL free project for colleges and universities who want to use the project to research and learn.
The School’s aim of this project is to manipulate all the details about the Student Attendance.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the Attendance Management System In PHP With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Hello Angel, trying to use this project for learning purposes, i’m new at programming.
Looked for the password to the admin section but couldn’t find it anywhere in this documentation. If you don’t mind can i have it?
good day! thankyou for being interested in our article.
Hello po I am a new learner at programming and I follow all the steps and still URL cannot be found what do you think is the problem sir.? thank youuu
I did everything as you say still I can’t get proper web page
the index.php page doesn’t come out to sign in. although all the step done with no errors
U am also facing same problem
Hello Sir,
http://localhost/attendance/ doesn’t work !!
What is the problem?
This link is not working. Can’t login in the system.
It seems like you already delete it from the server.
You already put The attedance folder in the htdocs.?
sir this link http://localhost/attendance is not open.
I check all queries and all step perform multi time but is not working so please provide help to me
hello i have done everyting on amazon linux 2 the index.php file is running but its showing me this error
×Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: NO)
and also nothing is happing when i hit signout what could be the error ?
You need to install an xampp to run the system.
check your xamp