Enrollment System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3
This article of Enrollment System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 or Computerized Enrollment System Documentation Chapter 3, the enrollment system that the researchers proposed is perfect for the school. Researchers ensured that the design of the said system is suitable and easy to recognize.
Here’s the outline on how to make the Enrollment System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3
Enrollment System Chapter 3
- Design and Methodology
- Constraints
- Architectural Diagram
- System Testing and Implementation
- System Features
- Recommended Hardware Specification (Registrar’s Workstation)
Chapter III
Enrollment System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Design and Methodology
Waterfall Model Project Design Planning shows the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a mental model used in project management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project from an embryonic feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application.

Waterfall Model: This model involves finishing the first phase completely before continuing to the next one. When each phase is complete successfully, it is reviewed to see if the project is on track and whether it is feasible to continue.
To have an effective and efficient enrollment system is a plus factor to school. In the case of Ilog Catholic High School, the school uses a manual system for the enrollment. Researchers decided to propose a computerized enrollment system.
The researchers see ICHS as a perfect school for this proposed system considering the bigger population of the school and its location. By the help of the computerized enrollment system to improve the enrollment process of the school as well as the faculty and staff.
As researchers visited the said school, they check the system ICHS is using and think for the alternative solution for their enrollment problem.
Ilog Catholic High School, as a private school, needs to improve their enrollment by having a computerized enrollment system preferably than using the old-fashioned way or the manual system.
Since they are using pen and paper for the enrollment, it is very difficult for them to keep the pile of papers for the record of their students. The enrollees might also encounter errors with their records.
So, computer is very much important for this suggested system in order for the school to have a better enrollment system.
The enrollment system that the researchers proposed is perfect for the school. Researchers ensured that the design of the said system is suitable and easy to recognize.
By putting a simple but detailed way of design, not anyone in the school will consume much time in using the computerized system.
It will also be useful to the staff to manage every detail in the design of the system. The researchers used Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 in making the interface of the program.
Before the researchers implement a system, they would like to ensure that it is surely tested and done well.
The system should be constructed in a very simple way that is good enough to have and to reach the betterment of the system. It would be better for the users not to delay in using the system.
Every system is like human; it gets tired, and gives up when it is over-used, that is why a good maintenance of the system is needed the proposed system has a weekly back up and support.
It should also be a man friendly system so that the user will not have a problem in using it.
Enrollment System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Constraints
- Electricity
This problem might be encountered when there are electrical issues to happen in the area. This can affect in saving student’s record if there is electricity shut down.
- Money
This problem may consider as constraint because this will affect the gathering of information in the institution if the researchers do not have enough budget in going to the institution.
- Operating System
This is a difficult problem that may occur because if the operating system of the computer used by the institution is not applicable for the program, it will not function properly and may cause the flow of the system to slow down.
- Storage
This problem is also critical because if there are no back up file of the databases in the storage and it was accidentally deleted, it is very difficult to bring back the deleted database again.
- Weather This might consider also as constraint because it will affect the time of the researchers in conducting interviews and gathering of data in the target area.
Enrollment System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Architectural Diagram
Figure 2: Proposed ICHS Computerized Enrollment System Architectural Diagram shows that Computer Laboratory (Student’s Workstation) is where all the processes start.
The students will register their information and will be stored in the Database Storage. Then, the staff from the Registrar’s Workstation will get the record of the student in the Database Storage for the process of enrollment but the information of the student will be transmitted to another Database Storage (for backup).
After the process of enrollment, the staff will generate a report, student’s information review, accounting reports and will provide the print outs of the generated reports.

Enrollment System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : System Testing and Implementation
In order to make this project successful to researchers let their fellow BSIT-3 students test and evaluate the ICHS Computerized Enrollment System for us to receive feedbacks in order for us to produce a reliable and effective system of the said institution.
ICHS Computerized Enrollment System was tested in the school laboratory by the four (4) BSIT – III students of Kabankalan Catholic College.
The three selected students asked to register their information in the registration form (Computerized Enrollment System Documentation Chapter 3).
The first acted as the Registrar to check all the records of the students who registered and allowed the students to go in the process of enrollment.
ICHS Computerized Enrollment System is a well-organized and well-customized system which is designed to make it more user friendly to the target users. Below are the following features of the proposed system.
Enrollment System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : System Features
This ICHS Computerized Enrollment System will feature the main thing to happen in the said institution.(Computerized Enrollment System Documentation Chapter 3)
- Computerized Staff Login/ Staff Accounts Management/ Staff, Faculty & Student Information Management
- More secured storage for accounts and records
- Easy and smooth tools provided to have it more understandable
- Generating and printing well-organized reports from enrollment and student’s information review.
Recommended Hardware Specification (Registrar’s Workstation)
- Processor Type (64-bit)
- 8GB 1333MHz DDr3
- 40 Gigabytes Hard Drive (for backup)
- 40 Gigabyte Hard Drive
- Printer (for printing reports)
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Monitor