DHEN’Z Motorcycle Spare Parts Inventory Management System Database Design Project

DHEN’Z Motorcycle Spare Parts Inventory Management System Database Design Project

This inventory management system is made to help the owner of the Dhen’z motorcycle spare parts to make their everyday transactions easily.

This inventory management system can also use to monitor the product quantity, the price entity, and the item to be ordered to the supplier of the motorcycle spare parts to have efficient stocks.

It can also monitor what part of items is fast-moving, and to know which part of the items is still available. Most of all it can help monitor and retrieves information especially in the terms of income.

This system will keep the operations running smoothly to the user up to the transaction to the customer.   This system was built to prevent some problems in transaction to the customer and to monitor those products its availability, quantities, and amount.

Spare Parts Business Background

Since spare parts business is one of the most well-known businesses nowadays Mr. Jesus Naga Delagon plan to start a business since he like to customize motors thus their location is perfect for the planned business so he build spare parts business which is the Dhen’z Motorcycle Spare Parts.

On December 2017 at Crossing  Tuguis , Pontevedra Negros Occidental he officially opens and starts operating manually.

Features of Inventory Management System Database Design Project

  • Manage user to Add, Update and Delete the transactions.

  • It helps to monitor the product quantity and product to be ordered to the supplier to have an efficient stock operation.

  • It can help to keep the security and information to the database.

  • To enhance sale productivity and easy to add, list, edit and organize the product.

  • It helps to monitor the product quantity and product to be ordered to the supplier to have an efficient stock operation.

Data Dictionaries of DHEN’Z Motorcycle Spare Parts Inventory Management System Database Design Project

            These tables below provide the entire database tables detail such as Field Name, Descriptions, data type, character lengths.

Table1. tblcostumer

Field Name  DescriptionTypeLength
Costumer_no(pk)  Costumer numberInt11
Costumer_idCostumer id  int11
Firstname  First namevarchar50
Lastname  Last namevarchar50
Phone_number  Phone numbervarchar50
Email  Email addressvarchar50
Address  Addressvarchar50

Table2. tblorder

Field Name  DescriptionTypeLength
Oder_id(pk)  Order idint11
Product_id  Product idint11
Quantity  Quantityint11
Price  Priceint11
Subtotal  Subtotalint11
Costumer_id  Costumer idint11

Table3. tblproduct

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength  
Product_id(pk)  Product idint11
Product_name  Product namevarchar50
Brand  Product Brandvarchar50
Quantity  Quantityvarchar11
Price     Price             int11
           SubtotalSubtotal  int11

Table4. tbltransaction

Field Name  DescriptionTypeLength
Transaction_no(pk)  Transaction numberint11
User_id  User idint11
Costumer_id  Costumer idint11
Date  DateDate20
Quantity  Quantityvarchar50
Total amount  Total amountint11

Table5. tbluseraccount

Field Name  DescriptionTypeLength
User_id(pk)  User idint11
Username  User namevarchar50
Password  User passwordvarchar50

Table6. tbluserdetail

Field Name  DescriptionType Length  
User_id(pk)  User idint11
First_name  First name  varchar50
Last_name  Last name  varchar50
Position  Position  varchar50
Age  Age  int11
Gender  Gender  varchar20
      Contact_number  Contact numbervarchar11
Email  emailvarchar50
Add_idAddress id  int11

Entity Relationship Diagram

 Dhen’z Motorcycle Spare parts Inventory System Entity Relationship Diagram shows the system relationship in each entity and their supposed function in each relationship.

Figure1. Dhen’z Motorcycle Spare parts Inventory System Entity Relationship Diagram

DHEN’Z Motorcycle Spare Parts Inventory Management System Database Design Project Entity Relationship Diagram(ERD) are the entity of the Dhen’z Motorcycle Spare parts Inventory System database which is presented by tables, the tables are made be need the required specification of the system and provide any specific details of the entities within the system.

If you have any questions about DHEN’Z Motorcycle Spare Parts Inventory Management System Database Design Project, please feel free to contact us at our contact page or simply leave a comment below.

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