Database Management System In C++ With Source Code

Student Database Management in C++ was the sole aspect of the Database Management System Project in C++ that was examined in this project is designed.

It was based on the idea that all of the records of the user can save data, especially those number of students, should be saved and generated.

A Student Data Management Project In C++, a list of college students is seen as a simple database of students. You can sort it by name or ID, and there are some functions help you to create variables and strings that can help you make a database.

Project Name :Database Management System
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C++ Programming Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Dev-C++/Codeblocks
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:Stores data in .DAT file

After finishing their work be attention, users of this Student Database Management System Mini Project in C++ can save their data to a file. However, the program must contain save.text.

What is DBMS C++?

Database Management System, or DBMS for short, is the name of the program used to operate on or administer databases. The primary function of a DBMS is to offer a user interface through which data from the database may be manipulated.

What is DBMS project?

The amount of data to be maintained and the administration program designed in c language, known as the database management system (DBMS), make up a database.

Internally, the structured data storage is organized by the administration software, which also manages all read and write access to the database.

What is DBMS with example?

Database management systems (DBMS), according to Connolly and Begg, are “software systems that enable users to define, construct, maintain, and govern access to the database.” DBMSs include, for instance, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft Access.

Can I use MySQL with C++?

A MySQL database connector for C++ computer programs that communicate with MySQL servers is called MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0. You can connect to MySQL servers that employ a document store using Connector/C++, or you may use standard SQL commands.

What is purpose of DBMS?

Data is stored, retrieved, and analyzed using software called database management systems (DBMS). Users may create, read, update, and remove data in databases using a DBMS, which acts as an interface between them and the databases.

Steps on how to create a Database Management System In C++ With Source Code

Database Management System In C++ With Source Code

  • Step 1: Create a new project.

    First open the code blocks IDE and click “create a new project“.
    create project

  • Step 2: Choose console application.

    Second click the “console application” and after that click “next“.
    database management system console application

  • Step 3: Choose C++ language.

    Third choose “C++ language” and click “next“.
    database management system console c++

  • Step 4: Name Your Project.

    Fourth name the project you’ve created and click “next” after that click “finish“.
    Database Management System project title

  • Step 5: The actual code.

    You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.

The Code Given Below Is The Main Module

int main()
     SDB obj ;
     long int type , test  , num_cases  ;
     long  int num_insert , num_del ,num_search ,check_insert , check_del ,check_search ;
     long double gpa;
     string name , id ;

     test = 1;

     cout << "  Enter your choice: \n";
     num_cases = check_num(3);

     while(  test == 1 )
       switch ( num_cases )
        case 1 :
                cout << "You chose 1 to create a database, Please enter the Name, ID and GPA of the student\n";

                getline(cin ,name);
                while ( name[0] < 65 or name[0] > 122)
                  cout << "  Wrong input !\n";
                  getline(cin ,name);

                 getline(cin ,id);

                 while ( !(cin >> gpa) or gpa > 4)
                  while ( cin.get() != '\n') continue;
                  cout << " Wrong input !\n";
                 while ( cin.get() != '\n') continue;

                cout << "  What type of database arrangement you want ? \n "
                     <<   " 1-Name     2-ID \n";
                type = check_num(2);

                obj.Construct(type , name , id , gpa);

                num_cases = menu();

                break ;

        case 2 :
               cout << "  You chose 2 to insert data , Please enter number of students you want to save . \n" ;

               check_insert = 1 ;
               num_insert = check_num(0) ;

               for ( int j = 1 ; j <= num_insert ; j++)
                   if ( check_insert == 1)
                   cout << " Please enter name of student , Please enter the Name, ID and GPA of the student\n";
                   getline(cin ,name);

                   while ( name[0] < 65 or name[0] > 122)
                   cout << "  Wrong Name ! \n";
                   getline(cin ,name);

                   getline(cin ,id);

                   while ( !(cin >> gpa) or gpa > 4)
                    while ( cin.get() != '\n') continue;
                    cout << " Wrong input !\n";
                   while ( cin.get() != '\n') continue;

                  check_insert = obj.insertelement(name , id , gpa);
                    num_cases = menu();


        case 3 :
              cout << "You chose 3 to delete data, Please enter number of students you want to delete  \n";

              check_del = 1 ;
              num_del = check_num(0);

               for ( int k = 1 ; k <= num_del ; k++)
                   if ( check_del != 0)

                   cout << "Please enter ID of student \n";
                   getline(cin , id);
                   check_del = obj.deleteelement(id);
                   if ( check_del == 3) k-- ;

                num_cases = menu();


           case 4 :
               cout << "You chose 4 to search on data,Please enter number of students you want to search on \n";
               check_search = 1 ;
               num_search = check_num();

               for ( int l = 1 ; l <= num_search ; l++)
                   if ( check_search != 0 )
                   cout << " Please enter ID of student \n";
                   getline(cin , id);
                   check_search = obj.searchelement(id);
                   if ( check_search == 3) l--;

            num_cases = menu();

           case 5 :
               obj.print() ;
               num_cases = menu();
                break ;

           case 6 :
                int save_cheak ;
                save_cheak =obj.savefile();
                num_cases = menu();

                break ;

           case 7 :

                num_cases = menu();
                break ;

           case 8 :

                    break ;

           default :

            cout << "Wrong input ! \n";
            cout << "Enter your choice: \n";
            num_cases = check_num(3);
            break ;

    return 0;

In this module which is the main module of the system.

Downloadable Source Code


This project only looked at the Student Database Management System Project in C++. All of the user’s records, including the number of pupils, should be preserved and created. Data Management Student In C++, a college student list is a database.

Sort by name or ID, and certain functions assist construct variables and text for a database. Users may store their work in this Student Database Management System Mini Project in C++. Program must have save.text.

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